1. Vegetacijsko-strukturna obilježja sastojina obične smreke (Picea abies Karst.) u prašumi Smrčeve doline na sjevernom Velebitu
- Author
Joso Vukelić, Stjepan Mikac, Dario Baričević, Irena Šapić, Darko Bakšić, Joso Vukelić, Stjepan Mikac, Dario Baričević, Irena Šapić, and Darko Bakšić
- Abstract
U vegetacijskom razdoblju 2010. godine proveli smo detaljna istraživanja prašume Smrčeve doline na sjevernom Velebitu. Prašumski kompleks obuhvaća oko 488 ha, dio je Nacionalnoga parka »Sjeverni Velebit« i do sada nije znanstveno istraživan. Velik dio prašume zauzimaju sastojine obične smreke rasprostranjene u dvjema šumskim zajednicama: smrekova šuma s obrubljenim gladcem (Laserpitio krapfii-Piceetum abietis Vukelić i dr. 2010) i smrekova šuma s alpskom pljuskavicom (Hyperico grisebachii-Piceetum abietis /Bertović 1975/ Vukelić i dr. 2010).Na gornjim i srednjim padinama rasprostranjena je pretplaninska bukova šuma sa žabljakom (Ranunculo platanifoliae-Fagetum Marinček i dr. 1993). Sva tri vegetacijska tipa fitocenološki su istražena metodom ciriško-monpelješke fitocenološke škole, a snimci smrekovih sastojina prikazani su u analitičkoj tablici 1 s potrebnim općim podacima. Za kvantificiranje strukturnih parametara sastojina na pokusnim plohama svim su stablima iznad 1 cmprsnoga promjera izmjereni opseg (cm), visina (m) te je određen životni status prema metodologiji Masera i dr. (1979). Ustanovljena je količina i stupanj raspadanja mrtvoga dubećega i ležećega drveta i na temelju utvrđenih parametara i odgovarajućih kriterija zaključujemo da smrekove sastojine istraživanoga područja pripadaju kategoriji primarne prašume., Detailed research into the virgin forest of Smrčeve Doline, situated in Northern VelebitNational Park, was undertaken in the vegetation period of 2010 (Fig. 1). The virgin forest covers an area of 488 ha, of which spruce forests account for 300 ha, beech forests for 125 ha, while the rest is without any forest vegetation. The altitude ranges between 1,279 m and 1,607 m. The virgin forest mainly extends in the north-south direction. Over half of the spruce stands are distributed in sinkholes, as well as on northern and northwestern slopes ascending towards the tops. In the geomorphological sense, this is an exceptionally richly developed Dinaric karst relief, where the parent material is made of limestone breccias and limestone-dolomite blocks, which often resurface. The soil is organogenic and organomineral calcomelanosol in a mosaic with calcocambisol. The average annual temperature is 3.5 °C and the amount of the average annual precipitation is 1,898mm(meteorological stationVučjak, 1954mabove sea level, period 1961–1990, data of the DHMZ). Phytocoenological research based on the standard Central European method of the Zürich-Montpellier School has shown that stands of Norway spruce are distributed in two forest communities (Table 1): spruce forest with Laserpitium krapfii (Laserpitio krapfii-Piceetum abietisVukelić, Alegro et Šegota 2010) and spruce forest with Hypericum richerii grisebachii (Hyperico grisebachii-Piceetum abietis /Bertović 1975/ Vukelić, Alegro, Šegota et Šapić 2010). The floral composition with their differences justifies their classification into independent associations in relation to other sub-alpine phytocoenoses of the Dinaric region. Compared with them, spruce forests of the sub-alpine belt of northern Velebit are differentiated by the presence and the higher cover of species Campanula velebitica, Melampyrum velebiticum, Hypericum richeri grisebachii, Laserpitium krapfii, Valerianamontana, Euphorbia carniolica, Geranium sylvaticum,Adenostyl
- Published
- 2011