1. Annual Report / Institut für Kernphysik / COSY: 2017
- Author
Gebel, Ralf, Goldenbaum, Frank, Schadmand, Susan, Sefzick, Thomas, Ströher, Hans, Tölle, Raimund, Grzonka, Dieter, Hanhart, Christoph, Hejny, Volker, Kacharava, Andro, Lehrach, Andreas, Ludhova, Livia, Meißner, Ulf-G., and Ritman, James
- Abstract
This year‘s annual report deviates from the usual IKP annual report because we want to exploit the effort entered into the preparation of the report for the POF evaluation. The report for the evaluation of the IKP activities within the project oriented funding of the Helmholtz association was one of the most important activities in 2017. The report covers nearly all achievements of 2017 and and thus it is highlighted in this annual report, and has been enhanced by including additional information. The highlights of 2017 include further achievements towards electric dipole measurements (JEDI), progress in the preparation of the PANDA detector and in the HESR component construction, results from COSY hadron physics experiments, strong increase of IKP contributions to neutrino physics experiments, a strong incresae in the CLAS analysis and preparation of phase-0 FAIR experiments at HADES. From the finished COSY experiments various scientific results have been produced, such as investigations of the properties of $\eta$ mesons at WASA, and continued analysis of data related to the d*(2380) resonance and the charge symmetry breaking reaction dd->$^{4}$He$\pi^{0}$. During the time before PANDA begins to produce data, the participation in the CLAS data taking and analysis at JLAB is ongoing and for the phase-0 experiments at FAIR a straw tube detector system for the HADES detector at GSI is being built. The preparations for FAIR are ongoing on the accelerator as well as on the experiment side. All dipoles for HESR were now tested and shipped to Darmstadt. The implementation of the HESR project is on time and in budget and also the developments for PANDA are progressing well. The activities towards electric dipole measurements achieved further steps in the aim of ultimate precision in polarization measurement and manipulation by controlling the spin precession rate and phase with a polarization feedback. The neutrino physics activities were extended with contributions to running (Borexino) and future (SOX, JUNO) experiments. Our activities within the different POF programs were very positively evaluated. The committee was impressed by the scientific program and realized that we deliver essential contributions for the various program topics. Our activities were considered as forefront, crucial and outstanding. This very good evaluation result is due to the work of all IKP colleagues during the last years. In spite of the unclear future of IKP the colleagues stayed highly motivated which was impressively demonstrated in the presentations for the POF review committee.
- Published
- 2018