Currently, the use of microcontrollers is very diverse in helping make work easier. A microcontroller is also a microprocessor circuit system that consists of CPU, Internal Memory, Internal Beat Circuit, and I/O Terminal. All parts of the system are integrated into one single chip to get the maximum benefit from the microcontroller.In the industrial world, humans are greatly helped by the machines that have been created. One very useful machine is a CNC machine. This project utilizes a microcontroller as an automatic control on a CNC machine which aims to help simplify the programming of input files or data needed to move a CNC machine. The ball screw is used to convert the rotational motion generated from the stepper motor into a translational motion to move the working axis of the CNC machine. Designs that have been drawn on a personal computer will be converted into a G-Code form and then converted into microcontroller programing language using Inkscape application. The microcontroller uses a Pronterface application to read the data that has been transferred by the personal computer. Then this data is used to drive the two stepper motors, and a pattern is formed on the plane according to the design.The result of this CNC machine is to use a pen as an assumption of the drill bit, the precision of the distance traveled according to the input, and the milling experiment in the form of a certain image or writing.