The use of mobile applications that use global mapping and geolocation technology is varied and is used in both cars and cell phones, the latter being the ones with the greatest demand by the population. Among the most used applications we have Waze and Google Maps, which help the user to determine the level of traffic in a specific region or locate a destination, offering the shortest route or viable. This type of applications presents the limitation that only the routes and destinations provided by the satellites that orbit the planet show. In the case of smaller areas, there is no complete detail of the roads or paths that comprise it and they are only shown as a general area within the satellite map. It is for this reason that the School of Computer Engineering and the School of Civil Engineering and Architecture join efforts with the aim of developing an innovative mobile application that helps the ITCA-FEPADE visitors in the orientation and location of specific places within the facilities, using mapping, georeferencing and augmented reality. To achieve this goal, a customized map of campus facilities was designed using AutoCAD and then processed with Unity 3D, implementing libraries that it has for navigation. As an added part to the innovation of the mapping, augmented reality was used to show some structures in 3D format with detailed information of each level to improve the user experience with the application.