10 results on '"depresivnost"'
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YOUNG women ,COACHES (Athletics) ,SEXUAL harassment ,ANXIETY ,YOUNG men ,MINORS - Abstract
Copyright of Društvena Istraživanja is the property of Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2022
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PAIN management ,PSYCHOLOGICAL distress ,CHRONIC pain ,PAIN catastrophizing ,PAIN measurement ,ANXIETY - Abstract
Copyright of Društvena Istraživanja is the property of Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2021
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COVID-19 pandemic ,OVERPRESSURE (Education) ,GENDER ,MENTAL depression - Abstract
Copyright of Društvena Istraživanja is the property of Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2021
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5. Sexual Harassment of Young Athletes by Their Coaches and Depression, Anxiety, and Stress in Later Life
- Author
Greblo Jurakić, Zrinka, Ljubičić, Višnja, and Bojić- Ćaćić, Lidija
- Subjects
seksualno uznemiravanje ,sport ,depresivnost ,anksioznost ,stres ,sexual harassment ,depression ,anxiety ,stress - Abstract
Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati učestalost seksualnog uznemiravanja od strane trenera u sportskim aktivnostima u kojima sudjeluju djeca i adolescenti te povezanost tog iskustva s depresivnosti, anksioznosti i stresom u kasnijoj životnoj dobi. U istraživanju su sudjelovali mladići i djevojke (n = 501; Mdob = 20,86, SD = 1,81) koji su se prije 18. godine bavili sportom. Prema dobivenim rezultatima, 25 % sudionika je u vrijeme dok su bili maloljetni doživjelo neki oblik seksualnog uznemiravanja od strane trenera. Sudionici koji posjeduju takvo iskustvo postigli su više rezultate na ljestvicama depresivnosti, anksioznosti i stresa. Rezultati upućuju na potrebu za poduzimanjem mjera prevencije i suzbijanja seksualnog uznemiravanja u sportu mladih., The aim of the study was to determine the frequency of sexual harassment perpetrated by coaches in youth sports activities and to examine the association of those experiences with depression, anxiety, and stress in later life. Study participants were young men and women (n = 501; Mage = 20,86, SD = 1,81) who participated in sports before they turned 18 years old. The results showed that 25 % of participants experienced some form of sexual harassment by coaches while they were minors. Participants who had this kind of experience obtained higher results on depression, anxiety, and stress scales. The results indicate the need to undertake measures aimed at preventing and stopping sexual harassment in youth sport.
- Published
- 2022
6. Mindfulness and Mental Health: The Mediating Role of Cognitive Emotion Regulation
- Author
Lordanić, Lucija and Tucak Junaković, Ivana
- Subjects
usredotočena svjesnost ,kognitivna emocionalna regulacija ,depresivnost ,anksioznost ,stres ,mindfulness ,cognitive emotion regulation ,depression ,anxiety ,stress - Abstract
Povoljan utjecaj usredotočene svjesnosti (US) ili svjesnosti i prihvaćanja trenutačnog iskustva, bez prosuđivanja, na mentalno zdravlje i dobrobit dobro je potvrđen ranijim istraživanjima. Međutim, mehanizmi kojima US ostvaruje ovaj povoljni utjecaj nisu dovoljno istraženi. Cilj je provedenog istraživanja bio ispitati međuodnose US-a, strategija kognitivne emocionalne regulacije (KER) i negativnih emocionalnih stanja (depresivnosti, anksioznosti i stresa). Uz to, provjerili smo moguću medijacijsku ulogu strategija KER-a u odnosu između US-a i negativnih emocionalnih stanja. U istraživanju koje je provedeno online sudjelovalo je 365 osoba širega dobnog raspona (od 19 do 68 godina). Primijenjeni su Upitnik usredotočene svjesnosti, Upitnik kognitivne emocionalne regulacije i Skala depresivnosti, anksioznosti i stresa. Rezultati uglavnom podržavaju model djelomične medijacije, prema kojem više razine US-a, osim što izravno pridonose smanjenju simptoma depresivnosti, anksioznosti i stresa, i neizravno utječu na smanjenje simptoma ovih negativnih emocionalnih stanja češćom upotrebom adaptivnih i manjom maladaptivnih strategija KER-a., The beneficial effect of mindfulness (M) or non-judgemental awareness and the acceptance of present-moment experience on mental health and well-being has been well confirmed by previous research. However, the mechanisms by which M exerts this beneficial influence have not been sufficiently explored. The aim of the present study was to examine the interrelationships between M, cognitive emotion regulation (CER) strategies and negative affective states (depression, anxiety, and stress). In addition, we examined the potential mediating role of CER strategies in the relationship between M and negative affective states. The study, which was conducted online, included 365 subjects of a wider age range (between 19 and 68 years). The Mindful Attention Awareness Scale, the Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire, and the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale were applied. The results mainly support the partial mediation model, according to which higher levels of M, in addition to directly reducing depression, anxiety and stress symptoms, also indirectly decrease the symptoms of these negative affective states, through usage of CER strategies. The results of the study indicate the possible important role of interventions focused on developing US and adaptive strategies of emotion regulation with the aim of improving mental health.
- Published
- 2022
7. Catastrophizing, Anxiety, and Depression in Patients with Chronic Non-Malignant Pain
- Author
Dimitrijević, Iva and Knez, Martina
- Subjects
kronična bol ,anksioznost ,depresivnost ,katastrofizacija ,chronic pain ,anxiety ,depression ,catastrophization - Abstract
Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi razinu anksioznosti i depresivnosti te intenziteta boli kod pacijenata s kroničnom nemalignom boli, povezanost katastrofizacije s navedenim faktorima te djelovanje multidisciplinarnoga programa za liječenje kronične boli na razinu katastrofizacije, anksioznosti, depresivnosti i intenzitet boli. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 44 sudionika od 32 do 80 godina koji su sudjelovali u multidisciplinarnom programu za liječenje kronične boli Zavoda za liječenje boli KBC-a Osijek. Intenzitet boli mjeren je vizualno-analognom skalom VAS (eng. Visual- -Analog Scale), za mjerenje anksioznosti i depresivnosti uzeta je Skala depresivnosti, anksioznosti i stresa DASS-21 (eng. The Depression Anxiety Scale), dok je katastrofizacija mjerena Skalom katastrofizacije boli PCS (eng. The Pain Catastrophizing Scale). Utvrđeno je postojanje umjerene pozitivne povezanosti između anksioznosti, depresivnosti i intenziteta boli kod pacijenata s kroničnom nemalignom boli, pozitivne povezanosti između anksioznosti, depresivnosti, intenziteta boli i faktora katastrofizacije te smanjenje anksioznosti, depresivnosti, intenziteta boli i katastrofizacije na kraju multidisciplinarnoga programa za liječenje kronične boli., The aim of this study was to determine the level of anxiety and depression and the intensity of pain in patients with chronic non-malignant pain, the correlation of catastrophizing with these factors, and the interaction of a multidisciplinary program for the treatment of chronic pain and the level of catastrophizing, anxiety, depression and pain intensity. The study was conducted on a sample of 44 participants aged 32 to 80 years who participated in the multidisciplinary program for chronic pain management at the Institute for Pain Management of the Clinical Medical Center Osijek. Pain intensity was measured using the Visual Analog Scale (VAS); the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21) was used to measure anxiety and depression; while catastrophizing was measured using the Pain Catastrophizing Scale (PCS). There was a moderate positive correlation between anxiety, depression, and pain intensity in patients with chronic non-malignant pain; a positive correlation between anxiety, depression, pain intensity, and catastrophic factors; and a reduction of anxiety, depression, pain intensity and catastrophization at the end of a multidisciplinary chronic pain treatment program. The findings contribute to a better understanding of the relation between emotional distress, cognitions and pain intensity in patients with chronic non-malignant pain.
- Published
- 2021
8. Izvori stresa, depresivnost i akademsko funkcioniranje studenata za vrijeme pandemije COVID-19
- Author
Ivanka Živčić-Bećirević, Gorana Birovljević, Sanja Smojver-Ažić, and Tamara Martinac Dorčić
- Subjects
2019-20 coronavirus outbreak ,Sociology and Political Science ,Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) ,COVID-19 pandemic ,university students ,academic functioning ,depression ,sources of stress ,pandemija COVID-19 ,studenti ,akademsko funkcioniranje ,depresivnost ,izvori stresa ,Stress (linguistics) ,Pandemic ,medicine ,Anxiety ,Residence ,medicine.symptom ,Psychology ,Social Sciences (miscellaneous) ,Depressive symptoms ,Depression (differential diagnoses) ,Clinical psychology - Abstract
Cilj rada bio je ispitati izvore stresa koje su studenti doživljavali tijekom pandemije COVID-19, s obzirom na spol studenata i promjenu mjesta boravka zbog studija, te povezanost pojedinih izvora stresa s depresivnim simptomima i samoprocijenjenim akademskim funkcioniranjem studenata. Ispitivanjem su obuhvaćena 923 studenta (19 do 28 godina, 73 % djevojaka). Primijenjen je Upitnik izvora stresa i Upitnik akademskog funkcioniranja, koji su konstruirani za potrebe ovog istraživanja, te Ljestvica depresivnosti, anksioznosti i stresa (DASS-21). Utvrđene su četiri skupine izvora stresa, od kojih su posljedice izolacije najsnažniji izvor, zatim akademski izvori stresa, mogućnost zaraze te obiteljski izvori stresa. Djevojke doživljavaju sve izvore stresa intenzivnije nego mladići, a studenti koji su se zbog studija preselili intenzivnije doživljavaju obiteljske probleme i posljedice izolacije kao izvor stresa od studenata koji stalno žive u svojoj obitelji. Svi izvori stresa, osim moguće zaraze, značajni su prediktori depresivnosti, dok je depresivnost značajan dodatni prediktor samoprocijenjenoga akademskog funkcioniranja studenata nakon kontrole spola, preseljenja i izvora stresa. Posljedice izolacije kao izvor stresa imaju najjači efekt i na depresivnost i na samoprocijenjeno akademsko funkcioniranje., The aim of the study was to examine the sources of stress that students experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic with respect to gender and change of residence, as well as the relation between specific sources of stress, depressive symptoms and self-rated academic functioning. The study included 923 students aged 19 to 28 (73 % females). The students completed the Stress Source Questionnaire, the Academic Functioning Questionnaire, and the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21). Four groups of stress sources have been identified. The consequences of isolation represent the strongest stress source, followed by academic stress, the possibility of infection, and family sources of stress. Females experience all sources of stress more intensely than males, and students who changed their residence experience family problems and the consequences of isolation more stressfully than students who live continuously in their families. All sources of stress, except possible infection, are significant predictors of depression, while depression is a significant additional predictor of students' self-rated academic functioning after controlling for gender, change of residence, and sources of stress. The consequences of isolation, as a source of stress, have the strongest effect on depression and self-rated academic functioning.
- Published
- 2021
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- Subjects
ADOLESCENT psychology ,NEGATIVITY (Philosophy) ,MENTAL depression ,EMOTIONS ,THOUGHT & thinking ,PSYCHOLOGICAL adaptation ,SELF-efficacy - Abstract
Copyright of Društvena Istraživanja is the property of Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2012
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- Author
Ana Kurtović and Ivanka Živčić Bećirević
- Subjects
svakodnevni negativni događaji ,depresivnost ,adolescenti ,Sociology and Political Science ,business.industry ,Medicine ,Theology ,business ,Social Sciences (miscellaneous) - Abstract
Osnovni cilj ovoga rada bio je provjeriti odnos svakodnevnih negativnih događaja s depresivnosti kod adolescenata. Nastojalo se u prvom redu provjeriti predviđaju li svakodnevni negativni događaji depresivne simptome kod adolescenata. Provjereno je i to moderiraju li negativne automatske misli, osjecaj opce samoefikasnosti, strategije suocavanja i percipirana podrska obitelji, vrsnjaka i profesora odnos svakodnevnih negativnih događaja i depresivnosti ili posreduju u tom odnosu. Ispitivanje je provedeno na uzorku od 827 ucenika srednje skole (535 ucenica i 292 ucenika). Rezultati analiza nisu utvrdili da negativne automatske misli, osjecaj opce samoefikasnosti, strategije suocavanja i percipirana podrska obitelji, vrsnjaka i profesora moderiraju odnos svakodnevnih negativnih događaja i depresivnosti. S druge strane, rezultati upucuju na zakljucak da je odnos svakodnevnih negativnih događaja i depresivnosti adolescenata posredovan negativnim automatskim mislima, suocavanjem usmjerenim na emocije i podrskom obitelji, prijatelja i profesora.
- Published
- 2012
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