Tibau, Joan, Torrentó, Neus, Aguado, Raquel Quintanilla, González, Joel, Oliver, Maria Angels, Gil, Marta, Jaume, Jaume, Batorek-Lukač, Nina, Tibau, Joan, Torrentó, Neus, Aguado, Raquel Quintanilla, González, Joel, Oliver, Maria Angels, Gil, Marta, Jaume, Jaume, and Batorek-Lukač, Nina more...
Negre Mallorquí pig is a native breed from Mallorca, characterized by its high rusticity and adaptation to the Mediterranean climatic conditions. The present chapter presents the history and current status of this breed, its phenotypic characteristics, the particularities of its production system and main products from this Mediterranean native pig breed. Data come from the scarce literature about Porc Negre Mallorquí breed, adding non-published data obtained during the TREASURE project. Reproductive performance was estimated by means of sow age at first parturition, litters per sow per year, piglets alive per litter, piglets birth and weaning weights, percentage of stillborn per litter, death rate percentage from birth to weaning, duration of lactation and farrowing interval. Growth performance was estimated by means of average daily gain and daily feed intake in several production periods. Carcass traits were evaluated by means of age and weight at slaughter, hot carcass weight, carcass yield and back fat thickness in several points. Meat quality traits were evaluated by means of pH at 45 min and 24 h after slaughter, objective colour, intramuscular fat content and fatty acid composition of intramuscular fat and back fat. The current chapter defines a first review about this local pig breed. more...