In the cell model, a thermodynamic model of slag, the fractions of heterogeneous cation pairs are calculated which compose cells with an oxygen atom in between by the minimization of free energy of slag with energy parameters. On the other hand, by using NMR the fractions can be measured. Therefore, a new method can be proposed to evaluate the energy parameter values used in the cell model so that the calculated fractions in the slag with its minimum of free energy coincide with the measurement. The possibility of this evaluation method of energy parameter values was examined by the comparison of bridging oxygen/non-bridging oxygen (BO/NBO) ratio calculated by the cell model with energy parameter assessed elsewhere with measured BO/NBO ratio by NMR. The BO/NBO ratios of three SiO2–Al2O3–CaO slags with different basicities calculated by the use of cell model with energy parameter values assessed elsewhere were 42.5/57.5, 45/55 and 70/30, respectively. On the other hand, from 17OMAS spectrum and 27Al→17O CP/MAS spectrum of the same slags fully labeled and calcinated at 1600 centigrade degree, the ratios of BO/NBO in the slags were determined as 48.5/51.5, 42/58 and 76/24, respectively. This agreement supports the energy parameter values assessed elsewhere and gives a good expectation to the proposed method.