1. [Characteristics of the microbial contamination of the wastes from waste-paper processing enterprises]. Author Iurovskaia EM and Mel'nik-Saevich TB Subjects Ukraine, Water Supply analysis, Industrial Waste analysis, Paper, Water Microbiology Published 1986
2. [Rationalization of the sanitary and bacteriological analysis of drinking and river water using stable paper indicator systems]. Author Lavrovskaia VM, Al'tman RSh, Voronova RP, and Gnedina LA Subjects Enterobacteriaceae isolation & purification, Indicators and Reagents, Methods, Fresh Water analysis, Paper, Water analysis, Water Microbiology, Water Supply analysis Published 1979
3. [DETECTION OF ESCHERICHIA COLI IN THE WATER WITH NUTRIENT PAPER STRIPS]. Author RAZUMOV AS and KORSH LE Subjects USSR, Bacteriological Techniques, Escherichia coli, Food, Paper, Research, Water, Water Microbiology Published 1963
4. [Survey of papers by M. G. Kichenko on sanitary bacteriology]. Author KICHENKO MG Subjects Humans, Bacteriology, Paper, Water, Water Microbiology Published 1946