A total of 47 cases of malignant schwannoma of the stomach appeared in the Japanese literature including seven operated cases in our clinic were clinically surveyed. Limited to our seven cases, gastric malignant schwannomas represented 0.3% of all gastric cancers and 8.5% of all gastric sarcomas in our clinic. In the cumulative series, the male-to-female ratio was equal and the age at hospitalization was 56.1 in an average. In over half of these cases, the tumor occurred at upper 1/3 region of the stomach and the endogastric type was most common, reached 44% in a frequency. Deep ulceration with central necrosis in the tumor was seen in 56.4%. Both submucosal tumor without any further description and Leiomyosarcoma were main preoperative diagnosis, each occupied 36%. Acurate preoperative diagnosis as malignant shcwannoma was made in only 11.6%. Immunohistochemical staining for S-100 protein in biopsied or removed materials revealed positive in 87.1%, suggesting the usefulness of this examination. Metastasis on laparotomy was found in 23.8% in the liver, 9.5% in lymph nodes and 4.8% in the peritoneum. Of the own seven patients, curative resection was feasible in four patients and the remaining three patients died of progression of the residual tumor within postoperative 2 years. Therefore, an effort for curative resection should be made at present and otherwise intra- or postoperative chemotherapy would be necessary in advanced cases.