1. Assessment of the nutritional potential and content of specialized metabolites of citrus fruits
- Author
VOĆA, Sandra, ŠIC ŽLABUR, Jana, JURKOVIĆ, Tomislav, DRUŽIĆ, Jasmina, SKENDROVIĆ BABOJELIĆ, Martina, and ROJE, Marin
- Subjects
slatka naranča ,grejpfrut ,klementina ,kumkvat ,bioaktivni spojevi ,antiokidacijski kapacitet ,sweet orange ,grapefruit ,clementine ,kumquat ,bioactive compounds, antioxidant capacity ,food and beverages ,Animal Science and Zoology ,bioactive compounds ,antioxidant capacity ,Agronomy and Crop Science - Abstract
The aim of this study was to assess the nutritional composition of fruits of some citrus species (sweet orange, grapefruit, clementine and kumquat) and to determine their basic physicochemical parameters, bioactive compounds content, and antioxidant capacity. According to the analyzed data, kumquat fruits had the highest dry matter content (18.71%) and total acid content (3.08%), while the highest values of total soluble solids (13.41%), pH value (3.92), vitamin C (53.69 mg/100 g FW), total phenols (162 mg GAE/100 g FW), β-carotene (1053.17 µg/100 g FW), and antioxidant capacity (1.70 mmol TE/kg) were determined in clementine fruits. Considering the nutritional composition of citrus fruits, it can be concluded that they are a rich source of various bioactive compounds, especially vitamin C, carotenoids, and polyphenols, and are characterized by their high antioxidant capacity, which is important for health. Moreover, the cultivation of citrus fruits is an important factor in the Croatian economy, which should be promoted in the future, and the potential of the southern part of Croatia for the cultivation of these citrus fruits should be exploited to the maximum., Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je valorizirati nutritivni sastav plodova određenih vrsta citrusa: slatke naranče, grejpa, klementine i kumkvata, analizirajući njihova osnovna fizikalno-kemijska svojstva, sadržaj bioaktivnih spojeva i antioksidacijski kapacitet. Prema analiziranim podacima, plodovi kumkvata imali su najviše vrijednosti ukupne suhe tvari (18,71%), ukupnih kiselina (3,08%), dok su istodobno u plodovima klementine utvrđene najviše vrijednosti topljive suhe tvari (13,41%), pH vrijednosti (3,92), vitamina C (53,69 mg/100 g FW), ukupnih fenola (162 mg GAE/100 g FW), β-karotena (1053,17 µg/100 g FW) i antioksidacijskog kapaciteta (1,70 mmol TE/L.) Temeljem analiziranih parametara nutritivnog sastava plodova različitih vrsta citrusa može se zaključiti kako su agrumi bogat izvor različitih bioaktivnih spojeva, posebice vitamina C, karotenoida i polifenola, pa ih stoga karakterizira i visok antioksidacijski kapacitet, a što je od iznimne važnosti i za zdravlje ljudi. Štoviše, uzgoj agruma važan je čimbenik u hrvatskom gospodarstvu, koji bi trebalo dodatno promovirati, dok potencijal južnog dijela Hrvatske za uzgojem ovih agruma treba maksimalno iskoristiti.
- Published
- 2022
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