Since there is a demand to achieve improved precision ofestimations of the service life of a building and itsmaintenance intervals, in international organisations tasks arerunning to establish methods, models and standards for servicelife estimations. However, exact estimations are not feasibleat a reasonable cost. Accordingly, the estimations have to besimplified. The extent of simplifications being acceptabledepends on the use of the result. A service life estimation maybe intended for research, engineering or needs within thesocial science area. An important issue in service lifeestimations is the degradation of the materials. Thedegradation rate depends on the intensity of the degradationagents. Hence, there is a need of assessing degradation agentson the micro level, i.e. a characterisation of the degradationenvironment at buildings. Data on several degradation agentsare available in databases emanating from measurements on macroand meso levels at climate, meteorological and environmentalstations. Due to lack of data on the micro level, at presentdata from such databases are utilised in spite of the fact thatthese relate to larger surface areas than what is of relevancein service life estimations. This results in a poorer accuracyand, in the worst case, a completely misleading numericalvalue. The concept suggested in this thesis is based on theusage of data in databases that are available for otherpurposes in the society, data being transformed to refer to theimmediate surroundings of the building. In the thesis, examplesof climate and environmental databases obtainable in Europe andabove all in Sweden are given. Furthermore, it is pointed outthat there exist models to be employed for the transformationof data. This implies that the concept should be useful for thepurposes described above. Assessments of local sources of, forinstance, traffic, built-up areas, industries and water courseshave to be included, as well as degradation agents beingproduced in the bui, NR 20140805