- Author
Horvat, Marija and Fijan, Sabina
- Subjects
otrok ,infectious diseases ,children ,udc:614.47-053.4(043.2) ,nalezljive bolezni ,vaccine ,starši ,cepivo ,parents ,cepljenje ,immunization - Abstract
Cepljenje je medicinski postopek s katerim aktiviramo imunski odgovor osebe z vnosom oslabljenih mikroorganizmov ali posameznih mikrobnih molekul z namenom ustvarjanja odpornosti. Je najuspešnejši ukrep za obvladovanje nekaterih nalezljivih bolezni. Po cepljenju se vzpostavi individualna zaščita pred boleznijo, proti kateri smo cepili otroka. Zaradi nepravočasnega cepljenja obstaja nevarnost za ponoven pojav in širjenja nalezljivih bolezni. Nekateri starši odklanjajo cepitev svojega otroka zaradi slabe informiranosti o cepljenju in cepivu, življenjskega sloga ter prehranjevanja. Starše je treba informirati, seznaniti o potrebnosti cepljenja zaradi možne nevarnosti razširitve nalezljivih bolezni. Metodologija raziskovanja: Pri magistrskem delu smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo in analitičen pristop. Pri teoretičnem delu smo uporabili kvalitativno metodo dela in s pomočjo tuje in domače literature opisali dejstva in ugotovitve o cepljenju in seznanjenosti staršev o povzročiteljih bolezni. V raziskovalnem delu smo podatke zbrali s pomočjo anonimnega anketnega vprašalnika. Ugotovitve na podlagi teoretičnega in empiričnega spoznanja smo predstavili v programu Microsoft Word 2013 in Microsoft Excel 2013. Rezultate smo prikazali v grafični in opisni obliki. Rezultati: Večina staršev se strinja z obveznim cepljenjem otroka in tudi večina staršev bi vseeno cepila svojega otroka četudi cepljenje ne bi bilo obvezno. Največ informacij so starši pridobili s strani zdravnikov in preko interneta. Ugotovili smo, da so, starši z visoko izobrazbo bolj poznali povzročitelje nalezljivih bolezni proti katerim cepimo otroka, kot starši, ki nimajo končane visoke izobrazbe. Sklep: Za otroka je cepljenje varen in učinkovit način preprečevanja nalezljivih bolezni, ki bi lahko imele negativne posledice za otroka. Zaupanje staršev v varnost in učinkovitost cepiv, je eden ključnih dejavnikov imunizacije. Zdravniki in zdravstveni delavci, moramo skrbeti za informiranje staršev o cepljenju in zavedanju o možni nevarnosti ponovne razširitve nalezljivih bolezni, če bi ukinili cepljenje. Vaccination is a medical procedure by which we activate the immune system of a person by infusing weakened microorganisms or separate microbial molecules in order to create resistance. It is the most successful way to eliminate certain diseases. With vaccination, individual protection from diseases is established in children. Because of the untimely vaccination of a child, there is a threat of reoccurrence or spreading of the infectious diseases. Some parents refuse to vaccinate their child because of the poor awareness about the vaccination, lifestyle and diet. Parents need to be informed, and thus explain the importance of vaccinating their child – because of the possible threat of spreading infectious diseases. Method: We used the descriptive method and analytical approach in our thesis. We used a qualitative method in theory and with the help of foreign and domestic bibliography we examined the facts and how have parents been informed about the causes of infectious diseases. We gathered the research data by using an anonymous questionnaire. We based our results on the theoretical and empirical findings that we presented in the Microsoft Word 2013 and Microsoft Excel 2013. The results are shown in a graphic and narrative form. Discussion: The majority of parents agree with the mandatory vaccination of their child and most parents would vaccinate their child even if it would not be mandatory. Parents mostly obtained the necessary information through a physician or on the internet. We have learned that the parents who have higher education were more aware of the causes of the infectious diseases and the appropriate vaccinations against them, then the parents who do not have higher education. Conclusion: Vaccination is a safe and effective way of preventing infectious diseases which could have negative consequences on the child. The key factor of immunization is the confidence of parents in the safety and efficacy of the vaccines. Doctors and health workers need to inform the parents about immunization and raise awareness of the possible consequences of reoccurring infectious diseases if vaccination would be stopped.
- Published
- 2015