
Showing total 31 results
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1. Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Watershed Warming and Wetting: The Response to Atmospheric Circulation in Arid Areas of Northwest China.

2. Estimation and Climate Impact Analysis of Terrestrial Vegetation Net Primary Productivity in China from 2001 to 2020.

3. Spatiotemporal Variation of Snow Cover and Its Response to Climate Change in the Source Region of the Yangtze River, China.

4. Analysis of the Characteristics and Driving Forces of Changes in Lake Water Volume in Inland Arid Basins in China.

5. Why the Effect of CO 2 on Potential Evapotranspiration Estimation Should Be Considered in Future Climate.

6. Evolution of Wetland Patterns and Key Driving Forces in China's Drylands.

7. Investigating the Effect of Climate Change on Drought Propagation in the Tarim River Basin Using Multi-Model Ensemble Projections.

8. Impacts of Climate and Land Use/Cover Change on Streamflow Using SWAT and a Separation Method for the Xiying River Basin in Northwestern China.

9. Phenology of Vegetation in Arid Northwest China Based on Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence.

10. Climatic and Anthropogenic Contributions to Vegetation Changes in Guangdong Province of South China.

11. Detection and Attribution of Changes in Terrestrial Water Storage across China: Climate Change versus Vegetation Greening.

12. Accelerated Restoration of Vegetation in Wuwei in the Arid Region of Northwestern China since 2000 Driven by the Interaction between Climate and Human Beings.

13. Identifying the Responses of Vegetation Gross Primary Productivity and Water Use Efficiency to Climate Change under Different Aridity Gradients across China.

14. Trends and Variability in Flood Magnitude: A Case Study of the Floods in the Qilian Mountains, Northwest China.

15. Impacts of Climate Change on Natural Runoff in the Yellow River Basin of China during 1961–2020.

16. Microbial Properties Depending on Fertilization Regime in Agricultural Soils with Different Texture and Climate Conditions: A Meta-Analysis.

17. Spatiotemporal Trends and Variation of Precipitation over China's Loess Plateau across 1957–2018.

18. Ecological Policies Dominated the Ecological Restoration over the Core Regions of Kubuqi Desert in Recent Decades.

19. Impacts of Climate Change and Anthropogenic Activities on the Ecological Restoration of Wetlands in the Arid Regions of China.

20. Ecological Responses to Climate Change and Human Activities in the Arid and Semi-Arid Regions of Xinjiang in China.

21. The Runoff in the Upper Taohe River Basin and Its Responses to Climate Change.

22. Precipitation-Use Efficiency and Its Conversion with Climate Types in Mainland China.

23. High Mountains Becoming Wetter While Deserts Getting Drier in Xinjiang, China since the 1980s.

24. Lake Evaporation in a Hyper-Arid Environment, Northwest of China--Measurement and Estimation.

25. Attributions of Evapotranspiration and Gross Primary Production Changes in Semi-Arid Region: A Case Study in the Water Source Area of the Xiong'an New Area in North China.

26. The Radial Growth of Picea wilsonii Was More Restricted by Precipitation Due to Climate Warming on Mt. Guandi, China.

27. Cryosphere Water Resources Simulation and Service Function Evaluation in the Shiyang River Basin of Northwest China.

28. The Response of Groundwater Level to Climate Change and Human Activities in Baotou City, China.

29. Spatial and Temporal Characterization of Drought Events in China Using the Severity-Area-Duration Method.

30. Historical Trends in Air Temperature, Precipitation, and Runoff of a Plateau Inland River Watershed in North China.

31. The Capacity of the Hydrological Modeling for Water Resource Assessment under the Changing Environment in Semi-Arid River Basins in China.