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1. Long Memory Cointegration in the Analysis of Maximum, Minimum and Range Temperatures in Africa: Implications for Climate Change.

2. Climate-Smart Agriculture Amidst Climate Change to Enhance Agricultural Production: A Bibliometric Analysis.

3. Widespread Geographical Disparities in Phytoplankton Ecology Research in the Face of Climate Change: A Review.

4. Hydrological Modelling and Climate Adaptation under Changing Climate: A Review with a Focus in Sub-Saharan Africa.

5. How Many Trees Are Planted in African Cities? Expectations of and Challenges to Planning Considering Current Tree Planting Projects.

6. Large-Scale Climatic Patterns Have Stronger Carry-Over Effects than Local Temperatures on Spring Phenology of Long-Distance Passerine Migrants between Europe and Africa.

7. Regional Climate Change Adaptation Based on the PSR Model—Multi-Case Comparative Analysis on a Global Scale.

8. The Impacts of Urbanisation and Climate Change on the Urban Thermal Environment in Africa.

9. Improving Future Estimation of Cheliff-Mactaa-Tafna Streamflow via an Ensemble of Bias Correction Approaches.

10. Vegetation Greenness Trend in Dry Seasons and Its Responses to Temperature and Precipitation in Mara River Basin, Africa.

11. Research on Moringa (Moringa oleifera Lam.) in Africa.

12. Weather Extremes Shock Maize Production: Current Approaches and Future Research Directions in Africa.

13. The Effectiveness of Climate Adaptation Finance and Readiness on Vulnerability in African Economies.

14. Adoption and Dissemination Pathways for Climate-Smart Agriculture Technologies and Practices for Climate-Resilient Livelihoods in Lushoto, Northeast Tanzania.

15. Morphophysiological Responses of the Goat Mammary Gland to Water Scarcity in Arid and Semi-Arid Environments: Are They Enough to Generate Adaptation to New Climatic Challenges?

16. A Conceptual Flash Flood Early Warning System for Africa, Based on Terrestrial Microwave Links and Flash Flood Guidance.

17. Parasitology and One Health—Perspectives on Africa and Beyond.

18. Ancient Plant Lineages Endemic to Africa and Its Islands: An Analysis on the Distribution and Diversity.

19. Grid Integration as a Strategy of Med-TSO in the Mediterranean Area in the Framework of Climate Change and Energy Transition.

20. Climate Change Impacts on Water and Agriculture Sectors in Southern Africa: Threats and Opportunities for Sustainable Development.

21. REDD+ in West Africa: Politics of Design and Implementation in Ghana and Nigeria.

22. Determinants of Renewable Energy Consumption in Africa: Evidence from System GMM.

23. Do Farmers Adapt to Climate Change? A Macro Perspective.

24. The Role of Climate and Topography in Shaping the Diversity of Plant Communities in Cabo Verde Islands.

25. Temperature-Dependent Development Models Describing the Effects of Temperature on the Development of the Fall Armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae).

26. Water and Hydropower—Challenges for the Economy and Enterprises in Times of Climate Change in Africa and Europe.

27. Streamflow Analysis in Data-Scarce Kabompo River Basin, Southern Africa, for the Potential of Small Hydropower Projects under Changing Climate.

28. Aflatoxins in Maize: Can Their Occurrence Be Effectively Managed in Africa in the Face of Climate Change and Food Insecurity?

29. Towards Resolving Challenges Associated with Climate Change Modelling in Africa.

30. Six Main Contributing Factors to High Levels of Mycotoxin Contamination in African Foods.

31. Projections of Drought Characteristics Based on the CNRM-CM6 Model over Africa.

32. Evaluating the Effectiveness and Efficiency of Climate Information Communication in the African Agricultural Sector: A Systematic Analysis of Climate Services.

33. The Readiness Index for Climate Change Adaptation in Africa: The Role of Climate and Adaptive Capacity Proxies.

34. Impact of Climate Change on Hydrometeorology and Droughts in the Bilate Watershed, Ethiopia.

35. Uncovering the Burden of Dengue in Africa: Considerations on Magnitude, Misdiagnosis, and Ancestry.

36. Evaluation of Streamflow under Climate Change in the Zambezi River Basin of Southern Africa.

37. Drought Early Warning in Agri-Food Systems.

38. Mediterranean-Scale Drought: Regional Datasets for Exceptional Meteorological Drought Events during 1975–2019.

39. Multi-Decadal Variability and Future Changes in Precipitation over Southern Africa.

40. A Review of Climate-Smart Agriculture Research and Applications in Africa.

41. Exceedance and Return Period of High Temperature in the African Region.

42. Anthropization and Climate Change: Impact on the Discharges of Forest Watersheds in Central Africa.

43. Managed Aquifer Recharge in Africa: Taking Stock and Looking Forward.

44. Emerging Advanced Technologies to Mitigate the Impact of Climate Change in Africa.

45. "Are They Aware, and Why?" Bayesian Analysis of Predictors of Smallholder Farmers' Awareness of Climate Change and Its Risks to Agriculture.

46. Sustainable Utilization of Indigenous Goats in Southern Africa.

47. A Climatological Satellite Assessment of Absorbing Carbonaceous Aerosols on a Global Scale.

48. Cereal Production Trends under Climate Change: Impacts and Adaptation Strategies in Southern Africa.