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1. COVID-19 Infection Percentage Estimation from Computed Tomography Scans: Results and Insights from the International Per-COVID-19 Challenge.

2. CoSev: Data-Driven Optimizations for COVID-19 Severity Assessment in Low-Sample Regimes.

3. Deep Learning Methods for Interpretation of Pulmonary CT and X-ray Images in Patients with COVID-19-Related Lung Involvement: A Systematic Review.

4. DB-COVIDNet: A Defense Method against Backdoor Attacks.

5. COVID-19 Detection from Chest X-ray Images Based on Deep Learning Techniques.

6. Deep Learning and Federated Learning for Screening COVID-19: A Review.

7. A Deep Learning Model Based on Capsule Networks for COVID Diagnostics through X-ray Images.

8. Interpretable and Predictive Deep Neural Network Modeling of the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Sequence to Predict COVID-19 Disease Severity.

9. COVID-ConvNet: A Convolutional Neural Network Classifier for Diagnosing COVID-19 Infection.

10. A Hybrid Deep Neural Network Architecture for Day-Ahead Electricity Forecasting: Post-COVID Paradigm.

11. Deep-Learning-Based COVID-19 Diagnosis and Implementation in Embedded Edge-Computing Device.

12. COVID-19 Spatio-Temporal Evolution Using Deep Learning at a European Level.

13. Intelligent Health Care and Diseases Management System: Multi-Day-Ahead Predictions of COVID-19.

14. Analysis of Chest X-ray for COVID-19 Diagnosis as a Use Case for an HPC-Enabled Data Analysis and Machine Learning Platform for Medical Diagnosis Support.

15. The Threat of Adversarial Attack on a COVID-19 CT Image-Based Deep Learning System.

16. LDDNet: A Deep Learning Framework for the Diagnosis of Infectious Lung Diseases.

17. Deep Learning in the Detection of Disinformation about COVID-19 in Online Space.

18. COVID-19 Genome Sequence Analysis for New Variant Prediction and Generation.

19. Deep Learning-Based Methods for Forecasting Brent Crude Oil Return Considering COVID-19 Pandemic Effect.

20. Interpretable Deep Learning for Discriminating Pneumonia from Lung Ultrasounds.

21. Contrasting EfficientNet, ViT, and gMLP for COVID-19 Detection in Ultrasound Imagery.

22. Challenges and Opportunities of Deep Learning for Cough-Based COVID-19 Diagnosis: A Scoping Review.

23. Inter-User Distance Estimation Based on a New Type of Fingerprint in Massive MIMO System for COVID-19 Contact Detection.

24. Novel Coronavirus and Common Pneumonia Detection from CT Scans Using Deep Learning-Based Extracted Features.

25. COVID-19 Diagnosis on Chest Radiographs with Enhanced Deep Neural Networks.

26. Bag of Tricks for Improving Deep Learning Performance on Multimodal Image Classification.

27. Forecasting COVID-19 Epidemic Trends by Combining a Neural Network with R t Estimation.

28. A Review of the Potential of Artificial Intelligence Approaches to Forecasting COVID-19 Spreading.

29. Urban Sprawl and COVID-19 Impact Analysis by Integrating Deep Learning with Google Earth Engine.

30. New Optimized Deep Learning Application for COVID-19 Detection in Chest X-ray Images.

31. A Deep Learning Approach for the Morphological Recognition of Reactive Lymphocytes in Patients with COVID-19 Infection.

32. QUCoughScope: An Intelligent Application to Detect COVID-19 Patients Using Cough and Breath Sounds.

33. COVID-19 Diagnosis: A Review of Rapid Antigen, RT-PCR and Artificial Intelligence Methods.

34. Deep Machine Learning Model Trade-Offs for Malaria Elimination in Resource-Constrained Locations.

35. Body Temperature Monitoring for Regular COVID-19 Prevention Based on Human Daily Activity Recognition.

36. Efficient Self-Supervised Metric Information Retrieval: A Bibliography Based Method Applied to COVID Literature.

37. Artificial Intelligence and COVID-19 Using Chest CT Scan and Chest X-ray Images: Machine Learning and Deep Learning Approaches for Diagnosis and Treatment.

38. A Few-Shot U-Net Deep Learning Model for COVID-19 Infected Area Segmentation in CT Images.

39. COVID-19 Outbreak Prediction with Machine Learning.

40. Are You Wearing a Mask? Detecting If a Person Wears a Mask Using a Wristband.

41. Multi-Channel Based Image Processing Scheme for Pneumonia Identification.

42. COVID-19 Detection in CT/X-ray Imagery Using Vision Transformers.

43. Gulf Countries' Citizens' Acceptance of COVID-19 Vaccines—A Machine Learning Approach.

44. Deep Learning-Based Four-Region Lung Segmentation in Chest Radiography for COVID-19 Diagnosis.

45. Within the Lack of Chest COVID-19 X-ray Dataset: A Novel Detection Model Based on GAN and Deep Transfer Learning.

46. An Interaction-Based Convolutional Neural Network (ICNN) Toward a Better Understanding of COVID-19 X-ray Images.

47. Unmasking People's Opinions behind Mask-Wearing during COVID-19 Pandemic—A Twitter Stance Analysis.

48. Boosting COVID-19 Image Classification Using MobileNetV3 and Aquila Optimizer Algorithm.

49. COVID-19 and Artificial Intelligence: An Approach to Forecast the Severity of Diagnosis.

50. Deep Learning Based Early Detection Framework for Preliminary Diagnosis of COVID-19 via Onboard Smartphone Sensors.