Eduardo Graterol, Ana Maria Loboguerrero, Miguel Arango, Deissy Martinez-Baron, Sandra Loaiza, Manabu Isthitani, Ivan Avila, Myriam Guzmán, Gonzalo Zorrilla, Aldo Noguera, Ngonidzashe Chirinda, Sara Hube, Carlos Felipe Torres, Ditmar Bernardo Kurtz, Silvana Tarlera, Walkyria Bueno Scivittaro, Laura Arenas, José Terra, Santiago Jaramillo, Cimélio Bayer, Pilar Irisarri, María Cristina Katto, Gabriel LaHue, Fernando Correa, Ngonidzashe Chirinda, Laura Arenas, Maria Katto, Sandra Loaiza, Fernando Correa, Manabu Isthitani, Ana Maria Loboguerrero, Deissy Martínez-Barón, Eduardo Graterol, Santiago Jaramillo, Carlos Felipe Torres, Miguel Arango, Myriam Guzmán, Ivan Avila, Sara Hube, Ditmar Bernardo Kurtz, Gonzalo Zorrilla, Jose Terra, Pilar Irisarri, Silvana Tarlera, Gabriel LaHue, WALKYRIA BUENO SCIVITTARO, CPACT, Aldo Noguera, and Cimelio Bayer.
The burgeoning demand for rice in Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) exceeds supply, resulting in a rice deficit. To overcome this challenge, rice production should be increased, albeit sustainably. However, since rice production is associated with increases in the atmospheric concentration of two greenhouse gases (GHGs), namely methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), the challenge is on ensuring that production increases are not associated with an increase in GHG emissions and thus do not cause an increase in GHG emission intensities. Based on current understanding of drivers of CH4 and N2O production, we provide here insights on the potential climate change mitigation benefits of management and technological options (i.e., seeding, tillage, irrigation, residue management) pursued in the LAC region. Studies conducted in the LAC region show intermittent irrigation or alternate wetting and drying of rice fields to reduce CH4 emissions by 25–70% without increasing N2O emissions. Results on yield changes associated with intermittent irrigation remain inconclusive. Compared to conventional tillage, no-tillage and anticipated tillage (i.e., fall tillage) cause a 21% and 25% reduction in CH4 emissions, respectively. From existing literature, it was unambiguous that the mitigation potential of most management strategies pursued in the LAC region need to be quantified while acknowledging country-specific conditions. While breeding high yielding and low emitting rice varieties may represent the most promising and possibly sustainable approach for achieving GHG emission reductions without demanding major changes in on-farm management practices, this is rather idealistic. We contend that a more realistic approach for realizing low GHG emitting rice production systems is to focus on increasing rice yields, for obvious food security reasons, which, while not reducing absolute emissions, should translate to a reduction in GHG emission intensities. Moreover, there is need to explore creative ways of incentivizing the adoption of promising combinations of management and technological options EEA Corrientes Fil: Chirinda, Ngonidzashe. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT); Colombia Fil: Arenas, Laura. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT); Colombia Fil: Katto, María. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT); Colombia Fil: Loaiza, Sandra. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT); Colombia Fil: Correa, Fernando. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT); Colombia Fil: Isthitani, Manabu. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT); Colombia Fil: Loboguerrero, Ana María. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT); Colombia. Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS); Colombia Fil: Martínez-Barón, Deissy. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT); Colombia. Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS); Colombia Fil: Graterol, Eduardo. Fondo Latinoamericano para Arroz de Riego (FLAR); Colombia Fil: Jaramillo, Santiago. Fondo Latinoamericano para Arroz de Riego (FLAR); Colombia Fil: Torres, Carlos Felipe. Instituto de Hidrología, Meteorología y Estudios Ambientales (IDEAM); Colombia Fil: Arango, Miguel. Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (CORPOICA); Colombia Fil: Guzmán, Myriam. Federación Nacional de Arroceros (FEDEARROZ); Colombia Fil: Avila, Ivan. Federación Nacional de Arroceros (FEDEARROZ); Colombia Fil: Hube, Sara. Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIA); Chile Fil: Kurtz, Ditmar Bernardo. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Corrientes; Argentina Fil: Zorrilla, Gonzalo. National Agricultural Research Institute (INIA); Uruguay Fil: Terra, Jose. National Agricultural Research Institute (INIA); Uruguay Fil: Irisarri, Pilar. Universidad de la República. Facultad de Agricultura. Department of Plant Biology; Uruguay Fil: Tarlera, Silvana. Universidad de la República. Facultad de Química y Ciencia. Department of Biosciences; Uruguay Fil: LaHue, Gabriel. University of California, Davis. Land, Air and Water Resources. Department Plant Sciences; Estados Unidos Fil: Scivittaro, Walkyria Bueno. Embrapa Clima Temperado (CPACT); Brasil Fil: Noguera, Aldo. Paraguay. Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería (MAG); Paraguay Fil: Bayer, Cimelio. Universidad Federal de Río Grande del Sur. Department of Soil Science; Brasil