Entangled states of light are essential for quantum technologies and fundamental tests of physics. Current systems rely on entanglement in 2D degrees of freedom, e.g., polarization states. Increasing the dimensionality provides exponential speed-up of quantum computation, enhances the channel capacity and security of quantum communication protocols, and enables quantum imaging; unfortunately, characterizing high-dimensional entanglement of even bipartite quantum states remains prohibitively time-consuming. Here, we develop and experimentally demonstrate a new theory of camera detection that leverages the massive parallelization inherent in an array of pixels. We show that a megapixel array, for example, can measure a joint Hilbert space of 10 12 dimensions, with a speed-up of nearly four orders-of-magnitude over traditional methods. The technique uses standard geometry with existing technology, thus removing barriers of entry to quantum imaging experiments, generalizes readily to arbitrary numbers of entangled photons, and opens previously inaccessible regimes of high-dimensional quantum optics.