Introduction: interesterified fats, rich in saturated fatty acid, have been used by food industry to replace trans. Palmitic acid is the most common dietary fat with known deleterious effects. On the hand stearic acid which is consumed in a low amount, has neutral effect on plasma lipids. Unlike vegetable oils, interesterified fats contain palmitic or stearic acid in the sn-2 position and the positional compositon of triglicerides may regulate its metabolic fate. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect on the liver metabolism of the interesterified fats rich in stearic or palmitic fatty acids. Methods: Weaning LDLr-KO male mice were randomly distributed into five groups fed a high fat diet (40% of energy as fat) containing polyunsaturated (PUFA), palmitic (PALM), palmitic interesterified (PALM INTER), stearic (STEAR) or stearic interesterified (STEAR INTER) during 16 weeks. Total plasma cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations, liver total cholesterol, triglycerides and weight, neutrophil (neutr/area) and classically activated/inflammatory M1(CD11b) infiltrated macrophage were determined. Histological markers of NAFLD activity were assessed. Results: There were no differences in dietary intakes among all groups. The interesterification process did not alter plasma lipids concentrations (mg/dL±SD): PALM vs PALM INTER (499.2 ± 81.7 vs 526.8 ± 92.6) and STEAR vs STEAR INTER (342.6 ± 89.9 vs 363.9 ± 90.0). However, PALM and PALM INTER presented higher total plasma cholesterol, and STEAR and STEAR INTER showed total cholesterol concentrations similar to POLI (320.7±47.4). Liver weight, cholesterol and TG contents did not differ among the groups. POLI and STEARIC groups do not elicit NASH (score Conclusion: STEAR INTER brings on NASH lesion, increased neutrophil and M1 macrophage classically activated/inflammatory infiltration in the liver.