Introduction Elise A. Friedland and Melanie Grunow Sobocinski I. Collecting, Conservation, and Display 1.1 Collecting in pre-modern Europe, Elizabeth Bartman 1.2 Conservation and restoration, Jerry Podany 1.3 Collecting in early America, Hima Mallampati 1.4 Current trends in museum display, Jessica Powers 1.5 Three-dimensional scanning and modeling, Bernard Frischer II. Production and Distribution 2.1 Marble quarries: ancient imperial administration and modern scientific analyses, Patrizio Pensabene and Eleonora Gasparini 2.2 Marble carving techniques, workshops, and artisans, Amanda Claridge, 2.3 Reuse and recarving: technical evidence, Eric Varner 2.4 Bronzes, Carol Mattusch 2.5 Terracottas, Adi Erlich 2.6 Polychromy, Mark Abbe 2.7 Transport and distribution, Benjamin Russell III. Styles and Genres 3.1 Style: applications and limitations, Mark Fullerton 3.2 Etruscan connections, Nancy de Grummond 3.3 " and the Relationship between Greek and Roman sculpture, Anna Anguissola 3.4 Portraiture, Susan Wood 3.5 Monumental reliefs, Melanie Grunow Sobocinski and Elizabeth Wolfram Thill 3.6 Archaism and eclecticism, Lori-Ann Touchette 3.7 Egyptian-style monuments, Molly Swetnam-Burland 3.8 Late antique sculpture, Christian Witschel IV. Spatial and Social Contexts 4.1 Architectural settings, Brenda Longfellow 4.2 Religious dedications, Matthew McCarty 4.3 Domestic displays, Elaine Gazda 4.4 Funerary monuments, Bjoern Ewald 4.5 Epigraphy and patronage, Steven L. Tuck 4.6 Imperial messages, Barbara Kellum 4.7 Non-elite patronage, Lauren Petersen 4.8 Gender, Eve D'Ambra and Francesca Tronchin V. Regions and Provinces 5.1 Northern Gaul, Germany, and Britain, Kimberly Cassibry 5.2 Hispaniae and Narbonensis, Alicia Jimenez and Isabel Roda 5.3 North Africa, Francois Baratte and Nathalie de Chaisemartin 5.4 Greece, Mary Sturgeon 5.5 Asia Minor, Diana Ng 5.6 Egypt, Christina Riggs 5.7 Near East, Thomas Weber VI. Viewing and Reception 6.1 Aesthetics and Latin Literary Reception, Michael Squire 6.2 Reception theory, Jennifer Trimble 6.3 Ancient analogs of museums, Josephine Shaya 6.4 Images of statues in other media, Eric Moormann 6.5 Human interactions with statues, Ellen Perry 6.6 Iconoclasm, Troels Myrup Kristensen Art Credits Index more...