An abstract of 50 words or less must accompany the manuscript; therefore, a summary is not required. Footnotes: Footnotes should be kept to a minimum. Unpublished documents and personal communications should be cited in the text by footnotes and should not be included in the "References." Footnotes should be indicated by consecutive, superscript numerals rather than by asterisks or other symbols. References: In the text, citations to literature should be designated by the author's name and year of publication in parentheses. If there are more than two authors, only the senior author's name should be used in the text with the abbreviation "et al.," for example: (Smith et al. 1965). All authors should be listed in the References, however. Only published references should be given in the References section. The proper form for journal and book references in the bibliography is as follows: Scholander, F. F., V. Waiters, R. Hock, and L. Irving. 1)50. Heat regulation in some arctic and tropical animals and birds. Biol. Bull., 99: 236-258. Porter, W. P. and D. M. Gates. 1969. Thermodynamic equilibria between animals and their environments. Ecol. Monogr., 39: 245-270. Dethier, V. C. 1947. Chemical Insect Attractants and RepeUllants. McGraw-Hill, New York. (Number of pages or specific page reference.) Link, G. K. K. 1928. Bacteria in relation to plant diseases. Pages 590-606 in E. O. Jordan and I. S. Falk, eds. The Newer Knowledge of Bacteriology and Immunology. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Ill. Reprints: Orders for reprints may be placed cither before or after the issue is printed but must be prepaid or accompanied by an institutional purchase order. Allow 4 weeks for delivery after publication. Milner, M. 1969. Protein-enriched Cereal Foods for World Needs. Am. Assoc. Cereal Chem., St. Paul, Minn. PAG. 1970a. Single cell protein. Statement No. 4. 1970b. Amino acid fortification of foods. Statement No. 9 1972a. Preparation of milk sub- stitutes. Guideline No. 13. Protein Advisory Group, United Nations, New York. 1972b. Milk intolerance-nutritional implications. PAG. Bull. 11:2. Protein Ad- visory Group, United Nations, New York. Reid, J. T. 1970. The future role of ruminants in animal production. In Phillipson, A. T. ed. Physiology of Digestion and Metabolism in the Ruminant. Oriel Press, Newcastle. Rockefeller Foundation. 1971. President's ten-year review and annual report. The Rockefeller Foundation, New York. Sidwell, V. D. 1972. Utilization of FPC and Acceptability. International Conf. on FPC, Mass. Inst. Tech., June. Stillings, B. R. and G. M. Knobl, Jr. 1971. Fish protein concentrate: a new source of dietary protein. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 48:412-414.