1. Vloga vohunov pri razvoju sovjetske atomske bombe : diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija Varnost in policijsko delo
- Author
Križan, Petra and Koren, Božidar
- Subjects
udc:351.746.1(47+57)(043.2) ,atomska bomba ,Sovjetska zveza ,diplomske naloge ,vohuni ,vohunstvo - Abstract
Človek se je že od nekdaj zavedal, da je potrebno biti v koraku pred ostalimi, če želi biti uspešen in inovativen. Toda kako vedeti, da ni nasprotnik v razmišljanju, če ne celo v dejanjih že pred tabo? Za razblinjanje teh dvomov so tukaj nastopile osebe − vohuni, o katerih govori to diplomsko delo. Poskušala sem predstaviti pomembnost delovanja vohunov, še posebej pa sem se seveda osredotočila na njihov prispevek k razvoju sovjetske atomske bombe. Na samem začetku sem opisala pojme, ki so se mi zdeli ključni v diplomski nalogi. Tako sem opredelila pojem vohunstvo, podrobneje opisala razlike med agentom in vohunom, pojasnila pojem vohunske mreže ter opisala obe atomski bombi − plutonijevo in uranovo. V nadaljevanju sledi kratek pregled razvoja vohunstva skozi zgodovino, kjer sem prikazala začetke vohunjenja v različnih državah po svetu. Podrobneje sem tudi opisala, na kakšen način delujejo vohuni, s kakšnimi pripomočki si pri tem pomagajo in če za to potrebujejo ustrezna urjenja. Zanimiv je bil podatek, da jih pri vsem tem vodijo različni motivi − od denarja, maščevanja, idejnih in političnih nazorov … V samem jedru naloge sem se posvetila sovjetskemu jedrskemu projektu, se pravi podrobnejšemu opisu zbiranja podatkov o atomski bombi, o sami izdelavi ter njeni prvi eksploziji. V zadnjem delu sledi obsežen opis vohunov, ki so najbolj pripomogli k temu, da so Sovjeti v tako kratkem času razvili svojo prvo plutonijsko atomsko bombo in postali »enakopravni« Američanom, ki so do takrat edini na svetu imeli atomsko bombo. Man has always been aware of the need to be up against the other in order to be successful and innovative. But how do you know that the there is no opponent in thinking, if not in action ahead of you? For dispelling such doubts here are people - spies, about which is this study. I tried to present the importance of spies, focusing on their contribution to the development of the Soviet atomic bomb. At the beginning I defined the concept of espionage, clarify the difference between agents and spies, explained the concept of spy networks, and describe the two atomic bomb - plutonium and uranium. In the following chapters is a brief review of the history of espionage, where I described the beginnings of spying in different countries around the world. I also describe in detail how spies work, what tools they use and if they need the appropriate training for their work. Interesting was the fact that do spying because of different motives - money, revenge, ideological and political views ... In the main of the study, I focused on Soviet nuclear project, that is a more detailed description of data collection of the atomic bomb, the making of it and its first explosion. In the last part of the study I described spies, which were most important for the development of the atomic bomb. Because of them the Soviets developed their first atomic bomb in such a short and become "equal" Americans who had until then the only one atomic bomb.
- Published
- 2013