Objective To assess the usefulness of post contrast Fluid attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR), 3D T1-SPACE, and T1W magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sequences with fat suppression in diagnosis of infectious meningitis. Methods 75 patients with clinical suspicion of meningitis were evaluated with post contrast FLAIR (PC-FLAIR), post contrast T1-SPACE (PC-T1-SPACE), and post contrast T1WI (PC-T1WI). Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value of individual sequences were assessed. Results The sensitivity of PC-FLAIR (88.4%) was greater than PC-T1-SPACE (85.5%) and PC-T1WI (82.6%), considering cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis as gold standard ( p < 0.05). Kappa inter-rater agreement between two radiologists was 0.921 for PC-T1-SPACE, 0.921 for PC-T1WI, and 1.0 for PC-FLAIR with a p value Conclusion Meningeal enhancement could be better appreciated in PC-FLAIR image than PC-T1WI and PC-T1-SPACE. Enhancement in PC-T1-SPACE was comparable to that of PC-T1WI. Being a T1 based spin echo sequence, PC-T1-SPACE has all the advantages of PC-T1WI in addition to its ability to differentiate meningeal enhancement from leptomeningeal vessels. Hence, PC-T1WI can be replaced by PC-T1-SPACE and PC-FLAIR can be added to routine MRI protocol in suspected case of meningitis.