1. Investigation of the relationship between playfulness, digital game addiction and aggression levels of secondary school students in terms of various variablesOrtaokul öğrencilerinin oyunsallık, dijital oyun bağımlılığı ve saldırganlık düzeyleri arasındaki ilişkinin çeşitli değişkenler açısından incelenmesi
- Author
Kürşat Hazar, Muhsin Hazar, Sinan Çelikbilek, Zekihan Hazar, and Belgin Gokyurek
- Subjects
School type ,National education ,Sport Sciences ,Spor Bilimleri ,Playfulness ,digital game addiction ,aggression ,child ,game ,Oyunsallık ,dijital oyun bağımlılığı ,saldırganlık ,çocuk ,oyun ,Milli ,Research findings ,Psychology ,Humanities - Abstract
Introduction and Aim : The most basic problems that the developing technology brings to the life of children are the increasingly decreased physical games, the rapid increase of the digital game addiction and the violent games are pushing the aggressive behavior of the individuals. This research is important for the solution of the problem. Purpose of the research; The relationship between playfulness, digital game addiction and aggressiveness of middle school students in terms of various variables. Method : In this research, which adopts the relational screening model, similar sampling method is used as the objective sampling method. In this direction, the study group is composed of the students from the 2016-2017 education period, the Turdu 100. Year Middle School students affiliated to the Mugla Provincial Directorate of National Education and Maltepe Secondary School students affiliated to the Ankara Provincial Directorate of National Education. 55.6% of the participants were female (n = 213) and 44.4% were male (n = 170). 49.6% (n = 190) of participants attending Turdu 100.Yil Secondary School, 50.4% of students attending Maltepe Secondary School (n = 193). Of the participants, 42% were 12 years (n = 161), 27.7% were 13 years (n = 106) and 30.3% were 14 years old (n = 116). In order to collect data in the study, Playfulness Scale, Digital Game Addiction Scale for Children, and Aggression Scale were used. The obtained data were subjected to various analyzes using the SPSS 24.0 packet program. Findings : According to research findings, participants' total scores on the scales were statistically significantly different between school type, sex and age variables. At the same time, it was found that the participants had a statistically significant relationship between the total scores of these three scales. Conclusion and Discussion : As a result; Playability, digital game dependency and aggressiveness of middle school students are related to each other. Therefore, it can be said that it is important to investigate the problems to be solved by considering these three situations to solve the present problem. Extended English abstract is in the end of Full Text PDF (TURKISH) file . Ozet Giris ve Amac: Gelisen teknolojinin cocuklarin yasamina getirdigi en temel olumsuzluklar arasinda fiziksel aktivite icerikli oyunlarin giderek azalmasi, dijital oyun bagimliliginin hizli bir bicimde artmasi ve bununla baglantili olarak ozellikle siddet icerikli oyunlarin bireyleri saldirganlik davranisina itmesi gibi onemli sorunlar olarak karsimiza cikmaktadir. Bu arastirma, yasanan problemin cozumune isik tutmasi acisindan onem tasimaktadir. Arastirmanin amaci; ortaokul ogrencilerinin oyunsallik, dijital oyun bagimliligi ve saldirganlik duzeyleri arasindaki iliskinin cesitli degiskenler acisindan incelenmesidir. Yontem: Iliskisel tarama modelinin benimsendigi bu arastirmada, amacsal ornekleme yontemlerinden benzesik ornekleme yontemi kullanilmistir. Bu kapsamda calismanin orneklemini, 2016-2017 egitim ogretim doneminde ogrenim gormekte olan Mugla Il Milli Egitim mudurlugune bagli Turdu 100. Yil Ortaokulu ogrencileri ile Ankara Il Milli Egitim Mudurlugune bagli Maltepe Ortaokulu ogrencileri olusturmaktadir. Katilimcilarin % 55,6’si kadin (n=213), % 44,4’u erkektir (n=170). Turdu 100.Yil Ortaokulunda ogrenim gormekte olan katilimcilarin orani % 49,6 iken (n=190), Maltepe Ortaokulunda ogrenim gormekte olan katilimci orani % 50,4’tur (n=193). Katilimcilarin % 42’si 12 yas (n=161), % 27,7’si 13 yas (n=106), %30,3’ u 14 yas (n=116) grubundadir. Arastirmada veri toplamak amaciyla Oyunsallik olcegi, Cocuklar Icin Dijital Oyun Bagimliligi olcegi ve Saldirganlik olcegi kullanilmistir. Toplanan veriler SPSS 24.0 paket program kullanilarak cesitli analizlere tabi tutulmustur. Bulgular: Arastirma bulgularina gore katilimcilarin olceklerden almis olduklari toplam puanlarinin okul turu, cinsiyet ve yas degiskenleri arasinda istatistiksel olarak anlamli duzeyde farklilik gosterdigi bulunmustur. Ayni zamanda katilimcilarin bu uc olcekten almis olduklari toplam puanlar arasinda istatistiksel olarak anlamli duzeyde iliski oldugu gorulmustur. Sonuc ve Tartisma: Sonuc olarak; ortaokul ogrencilerinin oyunsallik, dijital oyun bagimliligi ve saldirganlik duzeylerinin birbirleri ile iliskili oldugu dolayisiyla bu problemin tespit ve cozumune yonelik yapilacak olan arastirmalarin bu uc durumu goz onunde bulundurarak ele alinmasinin mevcut problemin cozumunde onemli oldugu soylenebilir.
- Published
- 2017