Luchun Zhou, Changchun Jiang, Deng Keran, Xiaojun Zhang, Yudong Zhang, Ling Wei, Jijiang Deng, Ruoxi Dong, Qi Bian, Yu Shen, Jiang Huang, Changhui Rao, Donghong Chen, Feng Cheng, Jun-Wei Zuo, Min Li, Qinjun Peng, Pengyuan Wang, Xiaoyu Ma, Li Wenru, Zuyan Xu, Yang Gao, Yong Bo, Zheng Wenjia, Kai Wei, Kai Jin, and Ji Yao
During 2014-2016, the Laser guide star (LGS) adaptive optics (AO) system observation campaign has been carried out on Lijiang 1.8 meter telescope. During the campaign, two generation LGS AO systems have been developed and installed. In 2014, a long-pulsed solid Sodium prototype laser with 20W@400Hz, a beam transfer optical (BTO) system, and a laser launch telescope (LLT) with 300mm diameter were mounted onto the telescope and moved with telescope azimuth journal. At the same time, a 37-elements compact LGS AO system had been mounted on the Bent-Cassegrain focus and got its first light on observing HIP43963 (mV= 8.18mv) and reached Sr=0.27 in J Band after LGS AO compensation. In 2016, the solid Sodium laser has been upgrade to stable 32W@800Hz while D2a plus D2b repumping is used to increase the photon return, and a totally new LGS AO system with 164-elements Deformable Mirror, Linux Real Time Controller, inner closed loop Tip/tilt mirror, Multiple-PMT tracking detector is established and installed on the telescope. And the throughput for the BTO/LLT is improved nearly 20%. The campaign process, the performance of the two LGS AO systems especially the latter one, the characteristics of the BTO/LLT system and the result are present in this paper.