The diagnosis of bladder pain syndrome/interstitial cystitis (BPS/IC) is substantially clinical, according to the ESSIC definition. After clinical suspicion, it is mandatory to exclude confusable diseases and identify phenotypical aspects of the disease. There are different severity grades, involved organs, possible allergies, and impact on quality of life. Some of these aspects can vary in the natural history of disease as well as after treatment. To facilitate a diagnostic pathway and follow-up, we suggest a standardized system. We elaborated a chart with 12 items, each considering a peculiar aspect/domain of the disease: micturition diary, Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), presence of pelvic/systemic pain, symptom prevalence (pain/LUTS), validated questionnaires, associated pathologies, allergies and intolerances, ESSIC classification, bladder anatomical capacity, and pelvic floor involvement. The grid is proposed to be a simple and immediate instrument to characterize the clinical picture and follow the variations over time.