Prior to assessing the temporal characteristics of the rainfall-induced landslides in Chinese Loess Plateau (CLP), it is fundamental to establish a detailed landslide inventory map. This study documented rainfall data from 2000 to 2015 period and mapped rainfall distribution in the CLP on the basis of yearly, monthly, and the daily precipitation data from 57 rain gauging stations. Geo-statistical analysis and Geographic Information System (GIS) techniques combined with information on geological disaster within the region were used to study the temporal characteristics and trend variations of rainfall and geological disasters distribution in the region. The results indicated that a positive relationship existed between geological disaster and the average annual rainfall, with zonality in the loess gullies, hills (Mao), and ridges (Liang); Based on the field investigations, the main factors affecting loess landslide distribution and development, such as geomorphic conditions, vegetation cover, soil erosion modulus, rainfall, and climate were considered. The lag effect of landside disasters after raining is particularly obvious over the time. These results provide a useful reference for the study of the mechanism of water-induced loess landslides.