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1. The intertemporal governance challenges of Brazil's Amazon: managing soybean expansion, deforestation rates, and urban floods.

2. Property Size and Land Cover Change in the Brazilian Amazon.

3. Factors Associated with Age at Breastfeeding Cessation in Amazonian Infants: Applying a Proximal-Distal Framework.

4. Human activities changing the nitrogen cycle in Brazil.

5. Land Use Patterns in the Brazilian Amazon: Comparative Farm-Level Evidence From Rondônia.

6. Large-Scale Agriculture and Environmental Pollution of Ground and Surface Water and Sediment by Pesticides in the Brazilian Amazon: the Case of the Santarém Region.

7. Key Points about North and Northern Brazilian Restinga: a Review of Geomorphological Characterization, Phytophysiognomies Classification, and Studies' Tendencies.

8. Effect of Vitamin A status during pregnancy on maternal anemia and newborn birth weight: results from a cohort study in the Western Brazilian Amazon.

9. Ecosystem-based adaptation to climate change: defining hotspot municipalities for policy design and implementation in Brazil.

10. Carbon stocks and losses to deforestation in protected areas in Brazilian Amazonia.

11. Impacts of Cash Transfer Programs on Rural Livelihoods: a Case Study in the Brazilian Amazon Estuary.

12. Forest reserves and riparian corridors help maintain orchid bee (Hymenoptera: Euglossini) communities in oil palm plantations in Brazil.

13. Historical Archaeology in the Amazon: the Murutucu Sugar Cane Mill Field School Project.

14. At that Edge: Archaeology, Heritage Education, and Human Rights in the Brazilian Amazon.

15. Prevalence and diversity of avian malaria parasites in migratory Black Skimmers ( Rynchops niger, Laridae, Charadriiformes) from the Brazilian Amazon Basin.

16. Phenotypic differences are not explained by pre-zygotic reproductive barriers in sympatric varieties of the Humiria balsamifera complex (Humiriaceae).

17. Comparative study of mercury speciation in commercial fishes of the Brazilian Amazon.

18. Use of rainwater for non-potable purposes in the Amazon.

19. Using spectral analysis of Landsat-5 TM images to map coastal wetlands in the Amazon River mouth, Brazil.

20. Assessing the impacts of sustainable development projects in the Amazon: the DURAMAZ experiment.

21. Economic Causes of Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon: A Panel Data Analysis for the 2000s.

22. Impacts of Land Uses on Mercury Retention in Long-Time Cultivated Soils, Brazilian Amazon.

23. Scientometric analysis of freshwater fisheries in Brazil: repeating past errors?

24. Using remote sensing and census tract data to improve representation of population spatial distribution: case studies in the Brazilian Amazon.

25. Level-dependent deforestation trajectories in the Brazilian Amazon from 1970 to 2001.

26. Carbon dioxide and methane emissions from interfluvial wetlands in the upper Negro River basin, Brazil.

27. Villains, Victims, and Conservationists? Representational Frameworks and Sustainable Development on the Transamazon Highway.

28. Combining remote sensing and household level data for regional scale analysis of land cover change in the Brazilian Amazon.

29. Ceramic Technology of the Asurini do Xingu, Brazil: An Ethnoarchaeological Study of Artifact Variability.

30. Modeling Amazon deforestation for policy purposes: reconciling conservation priorities and human development.

31. Household demographic change and land use/land cover change in the Brazilian Amazon.

32. The Influence of Bauxite Tailings on the Growth and Development of Oryza glumaepatula in an Amazonian Lake.

33. Area and Age of Secondary Forests in Brazilian Amazonia 1978–2002: An Empirical Estimate.

34. The stable carbon and nitrogen isotopic composition of vegetation in tropical forests of the Amazon Basin, Brazil.

35. Soil Solution Nitrogen Losses During Clearing of Lowland Amazon Forest for Pasture.

36. Two new species of Neosartorya from Amazonian soil, Brazil.

37. Orbital forcing signal in sediments of two Amazonianlakes.

38. Greenhouse Gas Emissions from a Hydroelectric Reservoir (Brazil's Tucuruí Dam) and the Energy Policy Implications.

39. Evaluating spatial coverage of data on the aboveground biomass in undisturbed forests in the Brazilian Amazon.