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1. Hydrogeochemistry and isotope techniques to determine water interactions in groundwater-dependent shallow lakes, Wet Pampa Plain, Argentina.

2. Preface: Shallow lakes from the Central Plains of Argentina.

3. Dissolved silica dynamics, transfer and retention in a temperate groundwater flow-through shallow lake of the Pampean Plain, Argentina.

4. Shallow lakes from the Central Plains of Argentina: an overview and worldwide comparative analysis of their basic limnological features.

5. Fish assemblage of a Pampean shallow lake, a story of instability.

6. Which environmental factors trigger the dominance of phytoplankton species across a moisture gradient of shallow lakes?

7. Light limitation helps stabilize the phytoplankton assemblage steady-state in a temperate and highly turbid, hypertrophic shallow lake (Laguna Chascomús, Argentina).

8. Changes in the phytoplankton structure in a Pampean shallow lake in the transition from a clear to a turbid regime.

9. Niche segregation facilitates coexistence between native and introduced fishes in a deep Patagonian lake.

10. Spatial decision support system for assessing lake pollution hazard: southeastern pampean shallow lakes (Argentina) as a case study.

11. The relationship between carbonate facies, volcanic rocks and plant remains in a late Palaeozoic lacustrine system (San Ignacio Fm, Frontal Cordillera, San Juan province, Argentina).

12. Stability analysis and morphometric characterization of palaeo-lakes of the Benjamin Matienzo basin, Las Cuevas River, Argentina.

13. Precipitation patterns, dissolved organic matter and changes in the plankton assemblage in Lake Escondido (Patagonia, Argentina).

14. Diversity and geographic distribution of Chlorococcales ( Chlorophyceae) in contrasting lakes along a latitudinal transect in Argentinean Patagonia.

15. Nutrient limitation of phytoplankton in a naturally acidic lake (Lake Caviahue, Argentina).

16. Hydrochemistry of Lakes of the Patagonian Province of Tierra del Fuego (Argentina).

17. Modern diatom assemblages in surface sediments from shallow lakes and streams in southern Pampas (Argentina).

18. Phytoplankton and primary production in clear-vegetated, inorganic-turbid, and algal-turbid shallow lakes from the pampa plain (Argentina).

19. Implications of rapid changes in chlorophyll- a of plankton, epipelon, and epiphyton in a Pampean shallow lake: an interpretation in terms of a conceptual model.

20. Cadmium and Zinc in Mar Chiquita Coastal Lagoon (Argentina): Salinity Effects on Lethal Toxicity in Juveniles of the Burrowing Crab Chasmagnathus granulatus.

21. Geochemical characterization of volcanic ashes from recent events in Northern Patagonia Andean Range by INAA.

22. Development and validation of a Biotic Index for evaluation of environmental quality in the central region of Argentina.

23. A new giant cypridid ostracod (Crustacea) from southern Buenos Aires Province, Argentina.