Purpose: The objective of this study was to develop and validate aquestionnaire for analyzing Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices (KAP) about riskfactors in otitis media (OM) in children among their caretakers.The questionnaire was developed following a standardized protocolthat consisted of a literature search, peer review, item generation, and expertvalidation, for construct, content and face validity of items in thequestionnaire followed by a cross-sectional survey on 100 caretakers, this wasfollowed by the reliability test of the items in Questionnaire.A KAP questionnaire with 24 items categorized under three domainsknowledge, attitude, and practices was developed. The KAP sections have 12, 5,and 7 items, respectively. The Content validity ratio (CVR) of our questionnairewas 0.>0.49, Item -Content Validity Index (I-CVI) was 0.78, Scale contentValidity Index average (SCVI a) was 0.9. indicating that all items of thequestionnaire could be retained. The Independent Cronbach’s α forKAP domains were 0.658, 0.731, and 0.522, respectively, and for the totalquestionnaire was 0 0.730, indicating good internal consistency.The developed questionnaire will help achieve a better understandingof the caretakers’ KAP about risk factors in otitis media in children.This RFOMQ-24 has satisfactory validity and good internal consistency.Methods: The objective of this study was to develop and validate aquestionnaire for analyzing Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices (KAP) about riskfactors in otitis media (OM) in children among their caretakers.The questionnaire was developed following a standardized protocolthat consisted of a literature search, peer review, item generation, and expertvalidation, for construct, content and face validity of items in thequestionnaire followed by a cross-sectional survey on 100 caretakers, this wasfollowed by the reliability test of the items in Questionnaire.A KAP questionnaire with 24 items categorized under three domainsknowledge, attitude, and practices was developed. The KAP sections have 12, 5,and 7 items, respectively. The Content validity ratio (CVR) of our questionnairewas 0.>0.49, Item -Content Validity Index (I-CVI) was 0.78, Scale contentValidity Index average (SCVI a) was 0.9. indicating that all items of thequestionnaire could be retained. The Independent Cronbach’s α forKAP domains were 0.658, 0.731, and 0.522, respectively, and for the totalquestionnaire was 0 0.730, indicating good internal consistency.The developed questionnaire will help achieve a better understandingof the caretakers’ KAP about risk factors in otitis media in children.This RFOMQ-24 has satisfactory validity and good internal consistency.Results: The objective of this study was to develop and validate aquestionnaire for analyzing Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices (KAP) about riskfactors in otitis media (OM) in children among their caretakers.The questionnaire was developed following a standardized protocolthat consisted of a literature search, peer review, item generation, and expertvalidation, for construct, content and face validity of items in thequestionnaire followed by a cross-sectional survey on 100 caretakers, this wasfollowed by the reliability test of the items in Questionnaire.A KAP questionnaire with 24 items categorized under three domainsknowledge, attitude, and practices was developed. The KAP sections have 12, 5,and 7 items, respectively. The Content validity ratio (CVR) of our questionnairewas 0.>0.49, Item -Content Validity Index (I-CVI) was 0.78, Scale contentValidity Index average (SCVI a) was 0.9. indicating that all items of thequestionnaire could be retained. The Independent Cronbach’s α forKAP domains were 0.658, 0.731, and 0.522, respectively, and for the totalquestionnaire was 0 0.730, indicating good internal consistency.The developed questionnaire will help achieve a better understandingof the caretakers’ KAP about risk factors in otitis media in children.This RFOMQ-24 has satisfactory validity and good internal consistency.Conclusion: The objective of this study was to develop and validate aquestionnaire for analyzing Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices (KAP) about riskfactors in otitis media (OM) in children among their caretakers.The questionnaire was developed following a standardized protocolthat consisted of a literature search, peer review, item generation, and expertvalidation, for construct, content and face validity of items in thequestionnaire followed by a cross-sectional survey on 100 caretakers, this wasfollowed by the reliability test of the items in Questionnaire.A KAP questionnaire with 24 items categorized under three domainsknowledge, attitude, and practices was developed. The KAP sections have 12, 5,and 7 items, respectively. The Content validity ratio (CVR) of our questionnairewas 0.>0.49, Item -Content Validity Index (I-CVI) was 0.78, Scale contentValidity Index average (SCVI a) was 0.9. indicating that all items of thequestionnaire could be retained. The Independent Cronbach’s α forKAP domains were 0.658, 0.731, and 0.522, respectively, and for the totalquestionnaire was 0 0.730, indicating good internal consistency.The developed questionnaire will help achieve a better understandingof the caretakers’ KAP about risk factors in otitis media in children.This RFOMQ-24 has satisfactory validity and good internal consistency. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]