1. Modelling of cross-country transport in raster format
- Author
Marian Rybanský, Martin Hubacek, Alois Hofmann, Vladimir Kovarik, and Václav Talhofer
- Subjects
Global and Planetary Change ,Cross country ,Soil Science ,Environmental Chemistry ,terén, geografický faktor, geografické prostředí, vojenské vozidlo, doprava, průchodnost terénu, vojenská mapa, navigace vozidla ,Geology ,Terrain ,Geographic factor ,Geographic environment ,Military vehicle ,Transport ,Cross-country movement ,Military map ,Vehicle navigation ,Biogeosciences ,Pollution ,Humanities ,Cartography ,Earth-Surface Processes ,Water Science and Technology - Abstract
The content of this paper refers to the modelling of the geographic environment impact on the off-road vehicles movement in raster format. The common influences of relief slope, micro-relief forms, soils, vegetation, hydrology, built-up areas, meteorological factors, etc. on the vehicle speed deceleration are calculated. To determine the impact of various geographic environment types on the vehicle movement, many field tests and laboratory analysis were provided using military and rescue vehicles. Modelling principle of cross-country vehicle mobility in raster format is based on the idea that each geographic factor "F" located at given elementary terrain area and affecting vehicle speed has its own value of deceleration coefficient Ci. The value of this coefficient expresses the fact of how many times (or percent) a certain geographic factor will decelerate the vehicle speed. The final vehicle deceleration is calculated using synthesis of corresponding raster cells in elementary terrain area in which the influences of geographic factors on vehicle speed are constant. The ArcGIS software suite was used for building the cross-country movement (CCM) database and constructing the CCM map. The database, which has been developed for selected vehicles by the Military Geographical Service of the Czech Armed Forces, should serve as a military geographical support tool during the military and civil operations to improve vehicle navigation. Obsah tohoto příspěvku se týká modelování vlivu geografického prostředí na pohyb terénních vozidel v rastrovém formátu. Jsou vypočítány společné vlivy reliéfního svahu, mikroreliéfních forem, půd, vegetace, hydrologie, zastavěných ploch, meteorologických faktorû apod. na zpomalení rychlosti vozidla. K určení dopadu různých geografických typů prostředí na pohyb vozidel bylo provedeno mnoho terénních zkoušek a laboratorní analýzy pomocí vojenských a záchranných vozidel. Princip modelování mobility mobilních vozidel v rastru je založen na myšlence, že každý geografický faktor "F", který se nachází v dané oblasti a ovlivňuje rychlost vozidla, má svou vlastní hodnotu zpomalovacího koeficientu Ci. Hodnota tohoto koeficientu vyjadřuje, kolikrát (nebo procentuálně) určitý geografický faktor zpomaluje rychlost vozidla. Konečné zpomalení vozidla se vypočte pomocí syntézy odpovídajících rastrových buněk v základní ploše terénu, ve které jsou vlivy geografických faktorů na rychlost vozidla konstantní. Softwarová sada ArcGIS byla použita pro vytváření databáze průchodnosti - cross-country movement (CCM) a pro sestavení mapy CCM. Databáze, která byla vyvinutá pro vybraná vozidla Vojenskou geografickou službou Armády ČR, by měla sloužit jako nástroj vojenské geografické podpory během vojenských a civilních operací s cílem zlepšit navigaci vozidel. The content of this paper refers to the modelling of the geographic environment impact on the off-road vehicles movement in raster format. The common influences of relief slope, micro-relief forms, soils, vegetation, hydrology, built-up areas, meteorological factors, etc. on the vehicle speed deceleration are calculated. To determine the impact of various geographic environment types on the vehicle movement, many field tests and laboratory analysis were provided using military and rescue vehicles. Modelling principle of cross-country vehicle mobility in raster format is based on the idea that each geographic factor "F" located at given elementary terrain area and affecting vehicle speed has its own value of deceleration coefficient Ci. The value of this coefficient expresses the fact of how many times (or percent) a certain geographic factor will decelerate the vehicle speed. The final vehicle deceleration is calculated using synthesis of corresponding raster cells in elementary terrain area in which the influences of geographic factors on vehicle speed are constant. The ArcGIS software suite was used for building the cross-country movement (CCM) database and constructing the CCM map. The database, which has been developed for selected vehicles by the Military Geographical Service of the Czech Armed Forces, should serve as a military geographical support tool during the military and civil operations to improve vehicle navigation.
- Published
- 2015
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