The problems of potable quality groundwater pollution have now become one of the most important on the Earth. According to UN, about 2 billion people currently lack access to drinking water. Climatic change and increased negative impact of anthropogenic factors significantly affected the quality of water resources. Groundwater is the main source for drinking and other domestic purposes. Many developing regions of the world suffer from shortage of safe drinking water. Basically, the main reason is that due to global warming many regions on the Earth suffer from insufficient atmospheric precipitation, and arid regions are especially affected by droughts. In this regard, most of the territory of Kazakhstan found itself within the area of significantly decreased precipitation. First of all, it is the territory of Western Kazakhstan. Groundwater plays a significant role in the water supply of the republic. Fresh groundwater has a number of significant advantages versus surface water, because it is usually of higher quality, is better protected from pollution and contamination, and its resources are less susceptible to long-term and seasonal fluctuations. Western Kazakhstan (Aktobe, Atyrau, West Kazakhstan and Mangistau regions) occupies the North Caspian Depression, the Ural and Trans-Ural Plateaus, the Mugodzhary, northern Aral Sea region and the desert plateaus of Ustyurt and Mangistau. It occupies the total area of 736.24 thousand km2 (27% of the republican area). The region as a whole is notable for the uneven distribution of fresh groundwater. The areas adjacent to river watercourses and areas adjacent to mountain elevations, which are the main nutrition areas for hydrogeological interstitial groundwater basins, are the best provided with groundwater. The areas remote from river and mountain systems are characterized by an acute shortage of surface waters and groundwater [1]. Groundwater exploitable reserves are explored in the amount of 31.51 m3 /s, which make 6.3% of the total explored reserves of the country. The availability of groundwater exploitable reserves for the region is characterized by values of 3.7 m3 /day (24 hours) per 1 km2 and 1.11 m3 /day (24 hours) per capita, which is lower than the indicators for the republic in general. The main consumers of groundwater are cities, villages, rural settlements and industrial enterprises. Groundwater is most intensively used for drinking, industrial and technical water supply and irrigation of pastures. There is still no country in the world where all 100% of the population is guaranteed to be provided with safe drinking water, since any technical systems for supplying drinking water will necessarily fail someday, and there are no purification systems that would completely purify water from dangerous pollution agents. So, in 2008, sewage pumping stations were bombed in Israel, and due to the lack of drainage lines, wastewater mixed with the waters of underground sources. Today, there is an acute problem of drinking water there, and 90% of the water is unsuitable for drinking; Israel partially converts seawater into drinking water. Kazakhstan, like many countries of Central Asia, is located in the areas with prevailing arid climate, and large rivers are transboundary. The discharges of these rivers are decreasing from year to year, and the water quality often does not meet the requirements of GOST “Drinking Water” and sanitary and epidemiological standards. Groundwater is considered to be the main drinking resource in the world. The idea of this project in Kazakhstan has no analogue, therefore it is relevant scientifically and technologically. The fact is that in 2016 the Institute has purchased a unique automated analytical instrument, the SCION Chromatography-Mass Spectrometer of the SQPremium model, which determines the content of organic substances in the volume of the studied water up to 5 ml with high accuracy. The use of this device can significantly improve the accuracy of the analysis of drinking water for the organic compounds content. The world experience in the field of supplying the population with clean drinking water is under the constant supervision of the UN, which systematically considers the situation around the world, developing special targeted Programs also through UNESCO and the UNDP Development Programs for underdeveloped countries. Up till now the majority of the population of developing countries is not provided with high-quality drinking water, which entails morbidity rate increase and high mortality of people due to contaminated drinking water consumption. Currently, about 80 chemical elements are determined in fresh groundwater during chemical analysis. However, their number is growing every year. Taking into account the improvement of artificial substances development methods, for example, preparations for pest control of agricultural crops (pesticides and herbicides), the tasks of chemical analysis of natural waters should be as well constantly improved. These substances do not exist in nature; they were created by man. However, these substances getting into drinking water will pose a threat to human health and life. Therefore, the study of the hydrogeochemical conditions of the drinking water deposits of Kazakhstan is becoming an overriding issue of paramount national importance. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]