1. Implementation of FEAD in Croatia in financial period 2014.-2020. - case study Croatian Red Cross
- Author
Sočev, Adela, Vidačak, Igor, Đokić, Irena, and Kotarski, Kristijan
- Subjects
poverty alleviation ,volonteri ,volunteers ,Hrvatski Crveni križ ,humanitarian aid ,FEAD ,humanitarna pomoć ,ublažavanje siromaštva ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Political Science ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Politologija ,Croatian Red Cross - Abstract
Ublažavanje siromaštva u Republici Hrvatskoj kroz Fond europske pomoći za najpotrebitije (FEAD), istraženo je u ovom radu za financijsku perspektivu 2014.-2020. godinu. Pokazatelji ublažavanja siromaštva, prema službenim dostupnim podatcima, nisu dali jasnu sliku tko su primatelji, kakvu vrstu pomoći su primili i na kojem području, samo je zabilježen njihov ukupni broj. Na primjerima društava Crvenog križa, koja su bila uključena u provedbu više od polovice ugovorenih projekata, te analizom dinamike provedbe, utvrđeno je kako nije postignut kontinuitet pružanja pomoći, a niti regionalna zastupljenost svih područja. Upravljačko i provedbeno tijelo prepustili su izbor korisnika, primatelja pomoći, organizacijama koje provode projekte stoga pomoć nije bila dostupna svim skupinama u riziku od siromaštva, a niti ujednačenost onoga što je došlo do krajnjih korisnika. Volonterski doprinos u provedbi FEAD-a bio je vrlo značajan, posebice u sustavu društava Hrvatskog Crvenog križa, te je radom prikazana njihova vrijednost i izmjeren ekonomski doprinos, a što je potpuno marginalizirano u svim službenim dokumentima i izvješćima o FEAD-u u Hrvatskoj. Studijom slučaja na primjerima društava Crvenog križa radom je utvrđeno kako su društva postigla značajan napredak u jačanju svojih kapaciteta u provedbi projekata, a ponajprije u znatno većem obuhvatu korisnika kojima su kroz godine pomagali podjelom hrane, higijenskih potrepština, školske opreme i pribora i drugih vrsta pomoći. Društvima Crvenog križa u Hrvatskoj porastao je ugled i kod korisnika i kod donatora te su provođenjem FEAD projekata ojačali svoju humanitarnu misiju., Poverty alleviation in the Republic of Croatia through the Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived (FEAD) was investigated in this paper for the financial perspective for years 2014-2020. The indicators of poverty alleviation, according to the official available data, did not give a clear picture of who the recipients were, what kind of aid they received and in which area, only their total number was recorded. Based on the examples of the Croatians Red Cross societies, which were involved in the implementation of more than half of the contracted projects, and the analysis of the dynamics of the implementation, it was determined that the continuity of assistance was not achieved, nor was regional representation of all areas achieved. The managing and implementing body left the choice of beneficiaries and aid recipients to the organizations implementing the projects, therefore the aid was not available to all groups at risk of poverty, nor was there uniformity regarding what actually reached the end users. The volunteer contribution in the implementation of FEAD was very significant, especially in the Croatian Red Cross system, and the paper shows their value and measured economic contribution, which is completely marginalized in all official documents and reports on FEAD in Croatia. Through a case study based on the examples of Croatian Red Cross societies, the paper established that the societies achieved significant progress in strengthening their capacities in the implementation of projects, and above all in a significantly larger coverage of beneficiaries whom they helped over the years by distributing food, toiletries, school equipment and supplies and other types of assistance. The reputation of the Red Cross in Croatia has grown both among users and donors, and by implementing FEAD projects, they have strengthened their humanitarian mission.
- Published
- 2022