Potensi limbah jagung ketan, kotoran sapi dan mikroorganisme lokal (MOL) yang terdapat di Desa Lokasari yang selama ini tidak dimanfaatkan secara baik, kini dengan sentuhan teknologi yang cukup sederhana dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan pembuatan pupuk kompos, dalam rangka pemanfaatan limbah pertanian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh perbandingan komposisi bahan dan jenis bioaktivator yang digunakan terhadap kualitas hasil pengomposan lalu dibandingkan dengan Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) 19-7030-2004. Bahan baku utama pada pengomposan ini yaitu limbah jagung ketan dan kotoran sapi. Bahan bioaktivator yang digunakan yaitu bonggol pisang, daun gamal, dan nasi basi dengan proses fermentasi selama 2 minggu serta ditambahkan molase dan air cucian beras. Wadah pengomposan berupa keranjang bambu berbentuk tabung dengan tinggi 40 cm dan diameter 40 cm. Metode yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok Faktorial (RAKF) dua faktor. Faktor pertama yaitu perbandingan komposisi bahan limbah jagung ketan dan kotoran sapi dengan 5 taraf perlakuan: K1 (100%:0%), K2 (75%:25%), K3 (50%:50%), K4 (25%:75%), dan K5 (0%:100%). Faktor kedua yaitu jenis bioaktivator berbeda dengan 3 taraf perlakuan: B1 (MOL bonggol pisang), B2 (MOL daun gamal), dan B3 (MOL nasi basi). Masing-masing perlakuan diulang menjadi 3 ulangan. Pada proses pengomposan, suhu dan pH diamati setiap hari selama 35 hari. Kadar air, Rendemen, C-organik, dan N-total diamati diakhir proses pengomposan. Kombinasi limbah jagung ketan dan kotoran sapi dengan jenis bioaktivator berbeda berpengaruh sangat nyata terhadap suhu dan C-organik, serta berbeda nyata terhadap rendemen, N-total, dan rasio C/N. Komposisi limbah jagung ketan dan kotoran sapi K5B1 menghasilkan kompos dengan kualitas rata-rata terbaik dan sesuai SNI, yaitu pH 6,94, kadar air 36,47%, C-organik 28,87%, N-total 1,56%, dan rasio C/N 18,49%. The potential waste of glutinous corn, cow dung and local microorganisms (MOL) in Lokasari Village which has not been used properly, now with a touch of technology that is quite simple can be used as material for making compost, in the context of utilizing agricultural waste. This study aims to determine the effect of the comparison of material composition and the type of bioactivator used on the quality of the compost and then compared with the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) 19-7030-2004. The main raw materials in this composting are glutinous corn waste and cow dung. The bioactivator materials used were banana weevil, gamal leaves, and stale rice with a fermentation process for 2 weeks and added molasses and rice washing water. The composting container is a tubular bamboo basket with a height of 40 cm and a diameter of 40 cm. The method used was a two-factor factorial randomized block design (RAKF). The first factor is the comparison of the composition of glutinous corn waste and cow dung with 5 treatment levels: K1 (100%:0%), K2 (75%:25%), K3 (50%:50%), K4 (25%:75 %), and K5 (0%:100%). The second factor is different types of bioactivators with 3 treatment levels: B1 (MOL banana weevil), B2 (MOL gamal leaves), and B3 (MOL stale rice). Each treatment was repeated into 3 replications. In the composting process, temperature and pH were observed every day for 35 days. Moisture content, yield, C-organic, and N-total were observed at the end of the composting process. The combination of glutinous corn waste and cow dung with different types of bioactivators had a very significant effect on temperature and C-organic, and significantly different on yield, N-total, and C/N ratio. The composition of glutinous corn waste and K5B1 cow dung produced compost with the best average quality and according to SNI, namely pH 6.94, water content 36.47%, C-organic 28.87%, N-total 1.56%, and C/N ratio 18.49%.