1. Study of the mechanisms of heavy metal sorption by mineral apatite: the feasibility of soil and ground water remediation
- Author
Kaluđerović-Radoičić, Tatjana, Grbavčić, Željko, Raičević, Slavica, Ristić, Mirjana, and Pejanović, Srđan
- Subjects
izoterma ,sorption ,model ,isotherm ,prirodni apatit ,mechanism ,sintetički apatit ,soil remediation ,mehanizam ,sorpcija ,teški metali ,natural apatite ,ground water remediation ,kinetics ,remedijacija zemljišta ,ion-ion interaction potential ,remedijacija podzemnih voda ,jon-jon interakcioni potencijal ,synthetic apatite ,heavy metals ,kinetika - Abstract
In this work, the mechanisms of heavy metal sorption by two forms of mineral apatite were studied. The materials used include synthetic hydroxyapatite (HAP) and natural apatite from Lisina ore deposit (LA). The materials were characterized by x-ray diffraction. It was shown that synthetic apatite is pure hydroxyapatite, with molecular formula Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2, while natural apatite is a mixture of three minerals: quartz, muscovite and fluorapatite. The mechanisms were investigated using theoretical model of the solid matrix/impurity system stability as well as by experimental investigations of dissolved Pb sorption by HAP and LA. The theoretical model of the solid matrix/impurity system stability is based on ion-ion interaction potential calculation. This model was used to estimate the stability of the solid phase obtained by the reaction of heavy metals with synthetic and natural apatite. The applied model can be used for pre-selection of the most suitable amendment for heavy metal immobilization in polluted soils and ground water, based on the stability of the newly formed solid phase. The following systems were investigated in detail: Cd/HAP, Pb/HAP, Pb/natural apatites and As/HAP. Based on the results obtained, the dominant mechanisms involved in reactions in the investigated systems were suggested. In this work, experimental investigations and modeling of the kinetics of Pb sorption by natural and synthetic apatites were carried out at three temperatures. Two kinetic models were used: pseudo-first and pseudo-second order model. It was concluded that pseudo-second order model describes the kinetics of the processes in both systems best. Experimental investigations of the sorption isotherms were also carried out. Five sorption isotherms were used to model the experimental results. Using ANOVA statistical analysis it was concluded that Freundlich isotherm model described both systems with the greatest accuracy. Based on the analysis of all the results obtained, it can be concluded that natural apatite from Lisina ore deposit is a promising material for heavy metal remediation in polluted soils and ground water. U ovom radu izučavani su mehanizmi sorpcije teških metala korišćenjem dve forme minerala apatita: sintetičkog hidroksiapatita (HAP) i prirodnog apatita iz ležišta Lisina kod Bosilegrada (LA). Karakterizacija materijala je izvršena korišćenjem metode difrakcije x-zraka. Utvrđeno je da je sintetički apatit (HAP) čist hidroksiapatit molekulske formule Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2, dok je prirodni apatit (LA) smeša minerala kvarca, muskovita i fluorapatita. Mehanizmi sorpcije izučavani su korišćenjem teorijskog modela stabilnosti čvrste faze, kao i eksperimentalnim proučavanjem sorpcije olova iz vodenog rastvora. Teorijski matematički model stabilnosti čvrste faze baziran je na izračunavanju jon-jon interakcionih potencijala. Ovaj model upotrebljen je za procenu stabilnosti čvrste faze nastale reakcijom zagađujućih materija sa prirodnim i sintetičkim apatitom. Primenjeni model omogućava preliminarni izbor najpogodnijeg aditiva za imobilizaciju teških metala u zagađenom zemljištu ili podzemnim vodama sa stanovišta stabilnosti novonastale čvrste faze. Detaljno su razmotreni sledeći sistemi: Cd/HAP, Pb/HAP, Pb/prirodni apatiti i As/HAP. Na osnovu prikazanih rezultata predloženi su dominantni mehanizmi u procesima sorpcije zagađujućih materija u ispitivanim sistemima. U radu su izvršena eksperimentalna ispitivanja i modelovanje kinetike sorpcije olova iz vodenih rastvora korišćenjem prirodnog i sintetičkog apatita na tri temperature. Za modelovanje eksperimentalnih podataka korišćeni su kinetički modeli pseudo-prvog i pseudo-drugog reda. Utvrđeno je da model pseudo-drugog reda dobro opisuje kinetiku sorpcije olova u oba ispitivana sistema. Takođe su izvršena eksperimentalna ispitivanja adsorpcionih izotermi olova na hidroksiapatitu i prirodnom apatitu. Za analizu sorpcionih podataka korišćeno je pet modela adsorpcionih izotermi. Na osnovu primene ANOVA statističke analize utvrđeno je da Freundlich-ova adsorpciona izoterma najbolje opisuje eksperimentalne podatke u oba sistema. Analiza svih dobijenih rezultata ukazuje na mogućnost primene prirodnog apatita iz ležišta Lisina, kao jeftine polazne sirovine, za remedijaciju zemljišta i podzemnih voda zagađenih teškim metalima.
- Published
- 2010