Phenolic compounds are used extensively in industrialproducts, which can accumulate in the environment andthe ecological food chain via the consumption of thesecompounds by wildlife or uptake by plants [1]. Due totheir presence in water, air and food matrices, they repre-sent significant toxic risks to the environment and humanhealth [2,3]. Phenolic compounds exhibit variable toxici-ties and their detection and quantification are very impor-tant for evaluating the overall toxicity of environmentalsamples [2,4]. In particular, catechol, p-cresol and p-ni-trophenol compounds are included as priority pollutantsthat are monitored by international bodies, such as theUS Environmental Protection Agency and the EuropeanUnion [5,6]. These phenolic compounds are also of greatimportance in the food and medical industries and areclosely associated with the aesthetic and nutritional quali-ty of fresh and processed plant foods [7]. The inhibitoryeffect of phenolic compounds on mutagenesis and carci-nogenesis likely constitutes their most critical biologicalactivity [8,9]. Therefore, the development of a simple, re-liable and sensitive analytical technique is required forthe simultaneous detection and quantification of catechol,p-cresol and p-nitrophenol for both biological detectionand environmental protection.Several methods, such as high performance liquid chro-matography [10], flow-injection analysis [11], synchro-nous fluorescence [12], chemiluminescence [13], gas chro-matography-mass spectrometry [14], have been reportedfor the detection and quantification of isolated phenoliccompounds such as catechol, p-cresol and p-nitrophenol.In particular, chromatographic separation is generally re-quired prior for the detection of phenolic compounds[15]. Even though these methods are sensitive and selec-tive, they are time consuming, and often require expen-sive equipment that is generally not portable [16]. Re-cently, Yuan et al. [13] demonstrated that the electrogen-erated chemiluminescence (ECL) based detection of phe-nolic compounds such as hydroquinone, resorcinol, p-cresol, p-chlorophenol and o-bromophenol using a gra-phene/multiwall carbon nanotube/gold nanoclusterhybrid. It was reported that the fabricated sensor was uti-lized for various phenolic compounds; however, the pres-ent method cannot be applied to their simultaneous de-termination and discrimination. In contrast to these meth-ods, electrochemical techniques have a number of advan-tages in the detection and determination of chemical andbiological compounds, due to their rapid response,straightforward operation, time savings, and cost effec-tiveness [17–19]. In addition, when considering their criti-cal importance for practical use, electrochemical sensingdevices have the ability to perform real-time analysis forthe simultaneous sensing of phenolic compounds withinmixtures because of their inherent sensitivity and minia-turization, stability of performance and high compatibilitywith micro- and nanotechnologies [20,21].Owing to miniaturization, inexpensive instrumentation,excellent detection limits, high sensitivity and selectivity,carbon nanotube-based electrochemical sensors representa potentially powerful sensing approach, with applicationsin chemical and biochemical sensors, which have beenwidely reported [17,21,22]. Carbon nanotubes are a classof nanomaterials with unique geometrical, mechanical,Abstract: A mediator-free electrochemical sensing plat-form was designed by utilizing single-walled carbon nano-tube (SWCNT) modified glassy carbon (GC) electrodesfor the electrocatalytic oxidation of phenolic compounds.The proposed sensing platform permits the sensitive si-multaneous detection of catechol, p-cresol and p-nitro-phenol with the lowest detection limits of 2.3, 3.7 and7.7 nM, and high sensitivities of 135.08, 94.90 and110.38 mA/mM, respectively. The non-enzymatic electro-chemical sensor designed in this study also exhibited highstablility and reproducible as well as rapid response, pro-viding new opportunities for the development of sensingdevices in the detection of multiple phenolic compoundssimultaneously for practical environmental applications.