Data Availability Statement All the data set is provided in this paper and available here: All the data set is provided and available in this paper., Work undertook at the Institut des Sciences de la Terre d’Orléans (ISTO) and funded by the OROGEN consortium (French Geological Survey [BRGM], CNRS and TOTAL). The Spanish team was financed by project CGL2015-67130- C2-1-R. We thank Ida Di Carlo for the microprobe analysis performed at the ISTO as well as Michel Fialin and Nicolas Rividi for the microprobe analysis performed at CAMPARIS (ISTeP, Sorbonne Université, Paris). Constructive and detailed reviews by Dawn Kellett (GSC, Dartmouth), Dov Avigad (HUJ, Jerusalem) and Yann Rolland (UdS, Le Bourget-du-Lac) as well as efficient handling (and comments) by the Associate Editor Dordje Grujic were extremely helpful to clarify and expand some critical points of the submitted version and are gratefully acknowledged. The 40Ar/39Ar laboratory at ISTO was funded and is supported by the ERC Advanced grant RHEOLITH (grant agreement N°290864), the LABEX VOLTAIRE (ANR-10-LABX-100-01), EQUIPEX PLANEX (ANR-11-EQPX-0036), and the Région Centre ARGON projects., Widespread overprinting of early high-pressure/low-temperature (HP/LT) subduction stages due to subsequent collisional or late-orogenic tectono-metamorphic events is a common feature affecting the interpretation of geochronologic data from HP/LT orogens. The Betic-Rif orogen is exemplary in this connection as a great majority of published radiometric ages are found to cluster around 20 Ma. This clustering is commonly interpreted as reflecting a short, yet complex, succession of tectono-metamorphic events spanning only over a few Myr, including back-arc extension and overthrusting of the Internal Zones on the External Zones. An alternative explanation consists in the poor preservation of a much earlier HP/LT metamorphic event, presumably Eocene, coeval with subduction and crustal thickening in the Internal Zones, and particularly the Alpujárride Complex. However, this age is vividly debated due to widespread resetting by the Early Miocene HT/LP overprint. In this study, we provide new 40Ar/39Ar evidence from white micas selected along an E-W section of the Internal Betics, from the central to the eastern Alpujárride Complex. Our new data show (a) that exceptionally well-preserved HP/LT parageneses in this unit retain a well-defined Eocene age around 38 Ma, and (b) that widespread 20 Ma ages recorded all along the section correspond to a regional stage of exhumation, coeval with a major change in the kinematics of back-arc extension. Our study provides conclusive evidence that 40Ar/39Ar dating of carefully targeted HP/LT associations can overcome the problem of extensive late-orogenic overprinting, testifying for an Eocene HP event around 38 Ma in the Betic-Rif orogen., CAMPARIS, ISTeP, Institut des Sciences de la Terre d’Orléans, Région Centre, Yann Rolland, European Research Council 290864, Labex ANR‐10‐LABX‐100‐01, ANR‐11‐EQPX‐0036, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières, Total CGL2015‐67130‐ C2‐1‐R, Sorbonne Université