SWAT “Soil and Water Assessment Tool” model has been extensively utilized for the prioritization of watersheds / sub-watershed and to estimate sediment yield index. Arc-SWAT, an Arc-GIS extension and interface for SWAT has been employed using Arc-GIS10.2 software. Climate data (temperature and precipitation) for a ten-year time period i.e., 2006-2016 of weather station in vicinity of the study area, Land use/Land cover map (IRS LISS III P6 of 2016), and Soil map derived through “National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning of India” are the main datasets that have been utilized to extract the necessary input parameters for SWAT model. ASTER-GDEM has been used to delineate watershed outlines, generating sub-watersheds and slope map. A total of 41 sub-watersheds are delineated by selecting the appropriate threshold. Based on the post-processing, 6 sub-watersheds were placed in the very high priority category, 5 in high priority category, 12 in medium priority category, and 18 sub-watersheds in low priority category. Sub-watersheds which come under high priority category (i.e., 1, 2, 8, 10, 17 and 38) and high category (7, 15, 24, 31, and 35) are recommended for adopting on immediate basis for best soil loss management planning and sustainable agro-horticultural activities., {"references":["Ababaei B, Sohrabi T. 2009. Assessing the performance of SWAT model in Zayandeh Rud watershed. Jr. Water and Soil Conservation 16(3): 103-115. Abbaspour KC, Yang J, Maximov I, Siber R, Bogner K. 2007. Modelling hydrology and water quality in the pre-alpine/alpine Thur watershed using SWAT. Journal of Hydrology 333: 413-430. Akhavan S, Abedi-Koupai J, Mousavi SF, Afyuni M, Eslamian SS, Abbaspour KC. 2010. Application of SWAT model to investigate nitrate leaching in Hamadan-Bahar watershed, Iran. Jr. Ecosyst. 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