The Covid-19 pandemic carried several consequences such as absence of regular physical activity, promoting an increase of weight in children (Pietrobelli et al., 2020). This study aims to compare the intensity of different types of soccer training and the intensity of two teams and finally determine whether football training can reach the RAF values for children. 21 athletes born in the 2010 year (10.4 �� 0.1 years) belonging to two different teams (main and secondary) wore the ActiGraph wGT3X+BT accelerometer during four training sessions (tactical (TT) and simulated game (SG)). The data were analyzed in epoch of 5s and the cut off values were applied according to Crouter (2015). Comparing the two teams, in TT there were differences for all intensities (p < 0.05), where the main team achieved higher intensities. In SG, the intensities were more similar. Between training types, the secondary team applied more intensity in SG, spending more time in vigorous intensity (p = 0.002). 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