9 results on '"dignity."'
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2. Key considerations for an inclusive framework for youth with disabilities in post-apartheid South Africa
- Author
Marlene F. le Roux
- Subjects
inclusive development ,disability ,youth development ,empowerment ,humanity ,dignity. ,Vocational rehabilitation. Employment of people with disabilities ,HD7255-7256 ,Communities. Classes. Races ,HT51-1595 - Abstract
Background: The South African Constitution asserts that persons with disabilities must have equal access to opportunities in society; however, the realisation of this mandate has remained a challenge. There is a need to create contextually relevant, inclusive structures that support equal access to opportunities for persons with disabilities in society. Objectives: This article reflects on and highlights key considerations for an inclusive framework that facilitates access to opportunities for youth with disabilities in South Africa, which emanated from a study that explored how ongoing interaction with the performing arts can facilitate social and economic inclusion of youths with disabilities. Method: The study adopted a qualitative research approach, using critical ethnography. Primary data were obtained from three focus groups with a total of 20 youth with disabilities who have attended performance events, as well as an in-depth interview with a disabled performer. Results: The facilitation of access to equal opportunities for youth with disabilities must occur at a multidimensional level, involving both personal and systemic changes and levels of support. Complex barriers linked to the apartheid legacy also exist, some of which include access to resources and reduced self-determination, whilst positive factors such as internal resilience and skills development function as promising predictors of inclusion. Conclusion: Contextually relevant, disability-inclusive structures in South Africa must confront and address how youths with disabilities are uniquely impacted in present times by South Africa’s history. Contribution: The voices of youths with disabilities make a key contribution as their experiences must inform these inclusive structures which have the potential to enhance access to equal opportunities for them at both personal and systemic levels.
- Published
- 2022
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3. The object of a criminal offense under Art. 132 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, through the prism of determining the object of criminal offenses against life and health of a person
- Author
А. М. Hoha
- Subjects
criminal offense ,object of criminal offense ,disclosure of information ,personal health ,honor ,dignity. ,Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence ,K1-7720 - Abstract
Various approaches to defining the object of disclosure of information about the medical examination to detect infection with human immunodeficiency virus or other incurable infectious disease, i.e a criminal offense under Art. 132 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, are analyzed through the prism of criminal offenses against life and health of a person. The problematic issues of the chosen subject concerning the inconsistency of the object of the criminal offense provided by Art. 132 of the Criminal code of Ukraine, with other criminal offenses against life and health of the person are highlighted. To achieve the goals and objectives of the study, a number of modern general scientific and special methods of scientific cognition were used, such as dialectical, comparative law, system structural, dogmatic, legal (dogmatic) and generalization method. These methods were used together, which contributed to the achievement of the goal and defined tasks. In addition, the study is based on the analysis of domestic regulations governing criminal relations in the field of protection of life and health and confidentiality of information, such as the Constitution of Ukraine, the Criminal Code of Ukraine and other laws of Ukraine. According to the results of the study, for the first time it was proposed to define the object of disclosure of information about a medical examination for human immunodeficiency virus or other incurable infectious disease as a public relationship to protect confidential information about the person, which is confirmed by the study. The thesis on the need to exclude Article 132 from the Criminal Code of Ukraine and expand the content of the disposition of Art. 182 of the Criminal code of Ukraine with such criminally illegal act, as disclosure of information about a medical examination to detect infection with human immunodeficiency virus or other incurable infectious disease is investigated. These results of the study are confirmed by scientific arguments based on a comparative legal study of scientific approaches to defining the object of the outlined criminal offense and analysis of the legal norms of current domestic law.
- Published
- 2021
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4. Erfarenheter av en donationsoperation : En beskrivande studie av den svenska anestesisjuksköterskan och den internationella perioperativa sjuksköterskan
- Author
Mossberg, Louise, Sepp, Ellen, Mossberg, Louise, and Sepp, Ellen
- Abstract
Organdonation är sällsynt, men blir allt vanligare. Vid en donationsoperation bidrar anestesisjuksköterskan bland annat till att bevara patientens värdighet och övervaka organens cirkulation. Syftet var att beskriva svenska anestesisjuksköterskan och internationella perioperativa sjuksköterskors erfarenheter under donationsoperationer av vuxna avlidna donatorer. För att svara på syftet genomförs en systematisk litteraturstudie med ett kvalitativt förhållningssätt, där sju svenska studenters masteruppsatser jämfördes med 16 internationellt vetenskapligt publicerade studier. Resultatet visar att internationella perioperativa sjuksköterskor känner sig tveksamma till begreppet hjärndöd och dess beslutsamhet. I Sverige visar det att sjuksköterskorna var medvetna om begreppet hjärndöd och inte tvivlade på läkarens bedömning. Svenska anestesisjuksköterskor upplever ingen brist på formell utbildning i donationsprocessen. Internationellt saknas utbildning om lokala riktlinjer och lagstiftningen kring donationsprocessen. De upplever bristande utbildning som leder till negativa attityder och upplevelser. Det finns skillnader i erfarenheter och behov av stöd mellan internationella perioperativa sjuksköterskor och svenska anestesisjuksköterskor. Känslor som sorg, otillräcklighet och rädsla för döden hos de internationella perioperativa sjuksköterskorna, varför de föredrar att inte delta i donationsoperationer. Examensarbetena visar att de svenska anestesisköterskorna känner stolthet över att ha gjort skillnad för en annan människa och att de respekterar deras vilja och lust. Det är tydligt att perioperativa sjuksköterskor runt om i världen både utmanar och känslomässig stress under donationsoperationer och att känslomässig stress är vanligt. Sammanfattningsvis framgår det att internationella perioperativa sjuksköterskor tvivlar på begreppet hjärndöd och saknar utbildning om donationsprocessen, medan svenska anestesisjuksköterskor har en bättre förståelse och känner stolthet över, Organ donation is rare, but becoming more common. During a donation operation, the anesthesia nurse contributes, among other things, to preserving the patient's dignity and monitoring the circulation of the organs. The aim was to describe the experiences of Swedish anesthesia nurses and international perioperative nurses during donation operations of adult deceased donors. To answer the purpose, a systematic literature study is carried out with a qualitative approach, where seven Swedish students' master's theses were compared with 16 internationally scientifically published studies. The result shows that international perioperative nurses feel doubtful about the concept of brain death and its determination. In Sweden, it shows that the nurses were aware of the concept of brain death and did not doubt the doctor's assessment. Swedish anesthesia nurses experience no lack of formal training in the process of donation operations. Internationally, there is a lack of training on local guidelines and the legislation surrounding the donation process. They experience a lack of education that leads to negative attitudes and experiences. There are differences in experience and need for support between international perioperative nurses and Swedish anesthesia nurses. Feelings of sadness, inadequacy and fear of death in the international perioperative nurses, why they prefer not to participate in donation operations. The degree projects show that the Swedish nurse anesthetists feel pride in having made a difference for another person and that they respect their will and desire. It is clear that perioperative nurses around the world face both challenges and emotional stress during donation surgeries and that emotional stress is common. In summary, it appears that international perioperative nurses doubt the concept of brain death and lack training about the donation process, while Swedish anesthesia nurses have a better understanding and feel pride in being able to make a differ
- Published
- 2024
5. Exclusión y conocimiento social.
- Author
Elízaga, Raquel Sosa
- Subjects
SOCIAL isolation ,SOCIOLOGY of knowledge ,SOCIAL marginality ,SOCIAL policy ,MANNERS & customs ,SOCIAL epistemology ,SOCIAL planning ,SOCIAL movements ,SOCIAL participation - Abstract
Copyright of Sociologias is the property of Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2006
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6. Patientens upplevelse av integritet inom akutsjukvård
- Author
Stenbacka, Charlott, Jähde, Monica, Stenbacka, Charlott, and Jähde, Monica
- Abstract
Bakgrund Utformningen av miljön i akutsjukvården leder till svårigheter att tillvarata patientens integritet. Lyhördhet krävs från sjuksköterskans sida gällande att ge en individanpassad omvårdnad utifrån patientens egna preferenser och kultur. Integritet har flera dimensioner och innefattar personlig, psykisk och fysisk integritet. Integritet är kopplat till människans upplevelse av värdighet och egenvärde. Individens etiska hållning kan skapa en medvetenhet om andra människors värdighet. En grundläggande aspekt inom omvårdnad är att tillvarata patientens värdighet och därmed autonomi. Syfte Syftet med litteraturöversikten var att belysa patientens upplevelse av integritet inom akutsjukvård. Metod Designen till denna studie var en litteraturöversikt som omfattar vetenskapliga artiklar. Dessa har tagits fram genom databassökning. Sökningar avgränsades till CINAHL och PubMed. Resultatet baseras på 17 artiklar för granskning och analys. Av de 17 artiklarna var sju av kvalitativ design, sju av kvantitativ design medan tre var mixstudier. Artiklarna kvalitetsgranskades sedan enligt Sophiahemmet Högskolas bedömningsunderlag. Dataanalysen genomfördes med hjälp av en integrerad analysmetod. Resultat Resultatet visade på att patientens upplevelse av integritet var beroende av miljöfaktorer, sjuksköterskans förhållningssätt i vårdrelationen samt sjuksköterskans förmåga att tillämpa integritetsskyddande beteenden. Miljöfaktorer och sjuksköterskans förhållningssätt var avgörande för att upprätthålla patientens värdighet. Slutsats Slutsatsen blev att integritet är ett kontextberoende fenomen. Integritet anses vara personbunden samt att den kan avgöras av människans kultur. Kunskap och reflektion hos sjuksköterskan gällande integritetsskyddande beteenden hade en central roll för att patientens integritet skulle bibehållas. Värdighet och därmed autonomi kunde upplevas av patienterna när integriteten tillvaratagits., Background The design of the environment in emergency care leads to difficulties in safeguarding the patient's privacy. Responsiveness is required from the nurse's side to provide individualized care based on the patient's own preferences and culture. Privacy has several dimensions and includes personal, psychological and physical privacy. Privacy is linked to the human experience of dignity and intrinsic value. The individual's ethical stance can create an awareness of other people's dignity, something that is changeable throughout life. A fundamental aspect of nursing care is to protect the patient's dignity and thus autonomy. Aim The purpose of this literature review was to illustrate the patient experience of privacy in emergency care. Method The design for this study was a literature review covering scientific articles. These have been developed through database search. Searches were separated into CINAHL and PubMed. The result is based on 17 articles for review and analysis. Of the 17 articles, seven were of qualitative design, seven of quantitative designs while three were of both qualitative and quantitative design. The articles were then quality-reviewed according to Sophiahemmet University's assessment dossier. The data analysis was carried out using an integrated analytical method. Results The results consisted of that the patient ́s experience of privacy depended on environmental factors, the nurse ́s approach in the care relationship and the nurse ́s ability to apply privacy-protection behaviors. Environmental factors and the nurse's approach were crucial to maintaining the patient's dignity. Conclusions The literature review highlights privacy as a context-dependent phenomenon. Privacy is considered to be person bound and can be determined by human culture. The knowledge and reflection of the nurse regarding privacy behaviors had a central role in maintaining the patient's privacy. Dignity and thereby autonomy could be experienced by the patients when
- Published
- 2019
7. Literatures of the death penalty, or Hugo against Kant. For a deconstruction of man
- Author
Rocha, Delmiro and Rocha, Delmiro
- Abstract
Based on Séminaire La peine de mort of Jacques Derrida, the article focuses on what the literature on the death penalty has excluded. Putting to dialogue the abolitionism of Hugo with the antiabolitionism of Kant, the text writes an interpretation of that dialogue from certain sexual violence. It is about thinking what would happen if we ask: is the death penalty the woman’s own?, A partir del Séminaire La peine de mort de Jacques Derrida, el artículo centra su atención en aquello que la literatura de la pena de muerte ha excluido. Poniendo a dialogar el abolicionismo de Hugo con el anti-abolicionismo de Kant, el texto escribe una interpretación de ese diálogo desde cierta violencia sexual. Se trata de pensar qué ocurriría si preguntásemos: ¿es la pena de muerte lo propio de la mujer?
- Published
- 2018
8. Sources of dignity for persons : capacities, friendship, love and subjectivity
- Author
Nevius, Matthew and Nevius, Matthew
- Subjects
- Dignity., Respect for persons., Dignité., Respect de la personne., Dignity., Respect for persons.
- Abstract
Many people seem to understand the term 'dignity' as applying to all human persons regardless of their race, creed, sex, or religious beliefs. As to what the concept 'dignity' means is a difficult and complex problem. Is the concept 'dignity' an empty concept, void of meaning? What does it mean when we say that this or that person has dignity? Most of the current philosophical literature has very little to say as to what dignity is. I will argue that what we need to find is a concept of dignity that accounts for both the infinite and the irreplaceable value of the human person. Following Kant and Linda Zagzebski, we can say that to be irreplaceable is to be above all comparison and to be of infinite value is to be above all price. This paper will explore how to understand the two aspects of dignity; infinite and irreplaceable value as being necessary components in understanding our intuitions that we have about human persons having 'dignity'. To show how both aspects of dignity are necessary, this paper will explore intuitions of the irreplaceability and infinite value of human persons by looking at the concrete experiences that we have of friendship and love. We will look at Gabriel Marcel's definition of the human person and methodology to see if we can better understand the irreplaceable aspect of the human person. In the last few pages of this thesis we will see how to metaphysically tie the knot between these two aspects.
- Published
- 2016
9. The 'sufferings' of the crime of torture
- Author
Universidad Pompeu Fabra, Silva Medina, Rodrigo, Universidad Pompeu Fabra, and Silva Medina, Rodrigo
- Abstract
The Colombian Constitutional Court abolished the word “severe” from the legal definition of torture in 2005. As a result of that decision, torture was formulated as “physical or mental suffering” in Colombian criminal law. Nevertheless, the actual legal d, El delito de tortura previsto en el Código penal colombiano inicialmente preveía que los sufrimientos físicos o psíquicos que constituyen la parte objetiva del tipo de tortura debían ser graves. En 2005, la Corte Constitucional declaró inexequible la expr
- Published
- 2014
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