Otiorhynchus pseudoschlaeflini Szénási sp. n. Figs 1 a–d, 3 p–r, 4 m, o, 5 a, c. http://zoobank.org/ urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: BC12373F-0072-46FC-ABD5-381C33908892 Type locality. Flámpoura, (Achaia, Peloponnesos, Greece). Type series. Holotype male: " HELLAS – Achaia Flámpoura - m 700, 4. V. 1994 - E. Colonnelli / gen. prep. A. Podlussány " (PCLM). Paratypes: " Hellas, Achaia Flámpoura, m. 700, 4. V. 1994, E. Colonnelli / Otiorhynchus (Anchorrhynchus) schlaeflini Stierlin, det. A. Podlussány, 2005" (6 ♂♂, 4 ♀♀, PCLM); " Morea, Cumani, Brenske / Schläflini Str. coll. Reitter / Otiorrhynchus schlaeflini Str. det. Csiki 1944" (1 ex., PCAP); " Morea Taygetus Brenske / " Bischoffianus n." (handwriting, partially illegible), "non Schläflini pra nuovo dural nome Solari, (handwriting, partially illegible): confrontato con es. / coll. Reitter (ambe pennis agnale vedi catro gli esempl. di Reitter sono dalla Morea: Cumani (handwriting, illegible) legit Brenske " (1 ♂, NMST); "coll. Stierlin / excellens Reitter ♂." (handwriting, partially illegible) / Reitter det / coll. DEI Müncheberg / Otiorhynchus (Anchorrhynchus) excellens Kirsch det. A. Podlussány, 2007" (1 ♂, SDEI); " Morea Taygetus Brenske / Coll. R. I. Sc. N. B., Schlaeflini Stierl. " (1 ♂, 2 ♀♀, IRSN); " Morea Cumani Brenske / Schläflini Stierl. / Coll. Reitter, / Otiorrhynchus Schläflini Strl. det. Csiki, 1944" (4 ♂♂, 1 ♀, HNHM); " Morea Taygetus Brenske / Schläflini Stierl. / Coll. Reitter / Otiorrhynchus Schläflini Strl. det. Csiki, 1944" (1 ♂, HNHM); " Graec. – O. Schläflini Stierl. Penecke det. / O. Schläflini Stierlin (handwriting, violet label)" (1 ♀, NMSM); " Morea Taygetus Brenske " (1 ♂, NMST); " Morea Cumani Brenske / longipennis Reitter (handwriting) / Schläflini det. Formánek (printed purple label) / Nár. Mus. Praha coll. Formánek" (1 ex., NMPC); " Morea Cumani Brenske / O. longipennis Strl. Coll. F. Speiser " (3 ♀♀, HNHM); " Morea Cumani Brenske / O. Schläflini Stierlin. Coll. Csiki " (1 ♀, HNHM); " Elis Kumani / Otiorhynchus Schläflini Strl. Penecke det. / Samml. K. A. Penecke / Geschenk 1940. 20 – Staatl. Museum für Tierkunde. Dresden" (2 ♂♂, 1 ♀, NMTD); " Peloponneso Grecia ex Isaakides / Andritsaina Elide Lgt. Benaki, X. " (1 ♀, NMSM); " Peloponnese Graecia ex Isaakides / Aghias Dimitrios Elide lg. Benaki, IX. " (1 ♂, NMSM); " Zante Grecia, lgt Benaki ex Isaakides II." (1 ♀, 1 ♂, NMSM); " Ellas-Achaia, m. 850 Kalávrita-Kerpini / 30. IV. 1994 E. Colonnelli / schlaeflini det. L. Magnano, 98" (1 ♂, PCLM); " Saira Trikkala Lgt. Benaki / IV / Corinzia Grecia ex Isaakides" (1 ♂, NMSM); " Elide Peloponneso ex Isaakides / Coucoura Elide Lgt. Benaki, VIII." (1 ♂, NMSM); " Morea Cumani Brenske / O. longipennis Strl. Coll. Stierlin / O. schläflini Strl." (handwriting), (1 ♂, SDEI); " Morea Cumani Brenske / Otiorhynchus schlaeflini det. Podlussány A. 2004." (1 ♂, 2 ♀♀, NMST); "PELOP. (Korinthia) / Kato Trikalou 13 / V.98. Marozzini" (handwriting), (1 ♂ 1 ♀, PCEC). Description. Male holotype. Body length 8.4 mm. Body oblong-oval integument moderately shiny, dark brown, legs, antennae and tarsi dark brown (Figs 1 a–b). Head. Head and rostrum approximately as long as pronotum (HL+RL/PL 1.06). Rostrum between pterygia and eyes parallel to subparallel-sided, about as long as wide (RL/RW 1.11) and 1.7 times longer than head (RL/HL 1.75), its entire surface with sparse, recumbent whitish setae and moderately broad scales, apex with conspicuous, long whitish-yellowish epistomal setae. Pterygia weakly projecting, epistome surrounded by stout and flat, triangular carina, epistomal angles moderately strongly elevated, epifrons almost parallel-sided, with deep median sulcus, median keel not developed, its entire surface densely and finely microsculptured, slightly wrinkled and covered with large punctures. Around the eyes head with some wrinkles, sulcus covered with elongate whitish bristles and scales directed backwards. Eyes moderately large, convex. Forehead broad, weakly convex, coarsely wrinkled and punctate. Head capsule tapering, interocular pit rounded and deep, vertex moderately convex, finely punctate, interocular distance 2.2 times broader than epifrons at its narrowest point. Scape elongate, thick, almost straight, gradually widened from base toward apex, sparsely covered with thin, elongate and recumbent light brown setae, funicle segments covered with elongate, semierect, yellowish setae, segment 1 moderately long, 2.1 times as long as wide and and 1.41 times longer than segment II, which is about 3.4 times longer than wide. 3 elongate, 4 and 5 isodiametric, 6 and 7 slightly longer than wide, roundish, club shortly oval, covered with dense recumbent, yellowish hairs, basal part covered with sparse, long, erect, yellowish hairs. Pronotum. Wider than long (PL/PW 0.86), widest at anterior third, somewhat angularly rounded, anterior margin almost as wide as the barely rimmed base. Dorsum and sides with moderately dense, large, shiny granules. Granules of the dorsum larger, flattened, irregularly shaped, umbilicate, those on sides smaller, more convex and also umbilicate. The granules with whitish, elongate hairs, interspaces (mainly sides of pronotum) with lanceolate, whitish scales. Elytra. Oval (EL/EW 1.51), widest at anterior third, longitudinally slightly convex, in dorsal view the posterior half slightly tapering, declivity steep to posterior end. Base of elytra as wide as base of pronotum. Dorsum with scattered elongate and lanceolate metallic whitish scales whose apex is partly sharp and partly rounded. Striae weakly developed, hardly visible, punctures shallow, spaces between them longer than punctures, wrinkled, with large, moderately convex granules, the larger ones with hardly visible, short, recumbent, whitish hair-like scale directed toward the apex. Interstriae slightly wider than striae, convex, wrinkled and with larger granules, and also with well-visible whitish, elongate, recumbent setae longer than interspace between them and in regular rows, directed backwards. Legs. Femora with small acute teeth and elongate, whitish hair, tooth of the hind femora the largest. Tibiae stout, dorsal margin of protibiae straight, ventral margin of all tibiae denticulate, inner side with small shiny granules and whitish hair, not widened apically. Apex of all tibiae with blunt, well-developed mucro. Apical setal comb yellow. Protarsomeres 1 and 2 triangular, 3 wide and bilobed, 5 twice as long as 3. Dorsal side of legs covered with elongate, narrow, recumbent pale setae, inner side with longer, semierect to erect pale setae. Venter. Mesanepisternum, metanepisternum, mesepimeron, metaventrite and abdominal ventrites 1-5 covered with moderately dense, convex, pearl-like, umbilicate granules. Venter covered with mixed, relatively dense pale hair and scattered, lanceolate, metallic whitish scales. Ventrites 3-5 without scales, ventrite 5 regularly rounded apically. Male terminalia (Figs 3 p–r, 4 m, o). Pygidium truncate, with dense, short, pale hair at apex and with dense shallow punctures. Spiculum gastrale bilobed, almost straight (Fig. 4 m). Penis strong (Figs 3 p–q), median lobe evenly tapering to distal fifth, apically narrowly truncate (Fig. 3 r), shorter than apodemes. In lateral view (Fig. 3 q) widened to basal half. Internal sack with basal sclerite. Tegminal ring (Fig. 4 o) oval, with long parameres. Female (Figs 1 c–d). Similar to male; body slightly wider. Antennal segment 1 more slender than in male, 2.85 times as long as wide and shorter than segment 2 (ratio segments 2/1: 1.25), segment 2 is about 3.6 times as long as wide, 3-5 isodiametric, 6 transverse and 7 isodiametric, bell-shaped. Ventrites 1-3 coarsely punctate. Protarsomeres 1 and 2 distinctly narrower than in male. Female genitalia (Figs 5 a, c). Sternite 8 stout, apical margin of apodeme excised out triangularly, sclerotised, with several long sensillae at apex (Fig. 5 a). Spermatheca with long, stout C-shaped cornu, with acute apex, ramus smaller, collum short (Fig. 5 c). Ovipositor with small styli and long sensillae. Variability. Male: BL: 8.6–9.0 (average 8.7), BW: 3.3–3.9 (average 3.6), BH: 2.7–3.1 (average 2.9). Females BL: 8.2–9.6 (average 8.9), BW: 3.6–4.4 (average 4.0), BH: 2.8–3.2 (average 3.0). The specimens examined are morphologically variable. The sulcus of the epifrons is slightly variable; some specimens have a shallow sulcus. Antennal segment 4 is occasionally slightly longer than quoted above. The majority of specimens have teardropshaped to lanceolate pinkish-greenish scales with a metallic shine, but sometimes the body is almost devoid of scales. Hind tibiae of some males are strikingly stout and have a longitudinal groove on the inner side. The body colour is often brown to dark-brown, possibly for specimens which are freshly emerged. Remarks and comparative notes. Otiorhynchus pseudoschlaeflini is a long-known species that was mistakenly identified as O. schlaeflini (Figs 2 a–b) based on Reitter (1914). All specimens treated above originate from Peloponnesos, whereas Stierlin (1861) described O. schlaeflini from Janina (at present Ioannina) in Epirus. Thus, the identification key provided by Reitter (1914) does not allow for recognizing the true O. schlaeflini. This problem has already been indicated by Lona (1922, 1937), who in these overlooked papers mentioned the differences in the key and descriptions provided by Stierlin and Reitter while comparing Peloponnesian examples to typical specimens of the Stierlin collection. From similar species within Anchorrhynchus (Otiorhynchus beieri Penecke, 1935, O. parnassius Apfelbeck, 1922, O. subfilum Reitter, 1884), O. pseudoschlaeflini differs from O. beieri in larger, stronger convex granules, and stronger wrinkles, longitudinally more convex elytra, whereas the above mentioned species have elytra less elongate, almost smooth, longitudinally flat and scarcely wrinkled. Otiorhynchus pseudoschlaeflini is easily distinguishable from O. subfilum based on external morphology since this new species has elytral striae less developed so as to be hardly visible, punctures shallow, wrinkled spaces between them longer than the diameter of the punctures and with larger moderately convex granules, interstriae slightly wider than striae, convex and wrinkled, whereas O. subfilum has punctures in the elytral striae that are subquadratic, interspaces shorter than diameter of the punctures, with small flat hardly visible granules, scarcely wrinkled interstriae with larger granules. In addition, O. pseudoschlaeflini differs from O. subfilum in the oblong-oval body shape and in the shape of the penis which is longer, tapering and narrowly truncate, whereas in O. subfilum the body shape is more elongate and the penis is widely truncate. Otiorhynchus parnassius differs from O. pseudoschlaeflini by the elytra with irregular strial punctures, surface strongly wrinkled with well-developed granules and raised setae, whereas in O. pseudoschlaeflini the elytra show shallow barely developed punctures, surface with weakly developed wrinkles, moderately convex larger granules and recumbent elytral setae. Moreover, elytra of O. pseudoschlaeflini are longitudinally somewhat convex in contrast with the flat elytra of O. parnassius. Distribution. Peloponnesos, Greece. Etymology. The species takes its name from its close similarity to O. schlaeflini such that it has been erroneously confused with that species for a long time., Published as part of Szénási, Valentin, 2022, Two new species of Otiorhynchus Germar, 1822 of the subgenus Anchorrhynchus Reitter, 1914 from the Balkan Peninsula, with a key to species (Coleoptera Curculionidae: Entiminae), pp. 353-364 in Zootaxa 5209 (3) on pages 354-358, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5209.3.4, http://zenodo.org/record/7329726, {"references":["Reitter, E. (1914) Bestimmungs-Tabellen der Otiorrhynchus-Arten mit ungezahnten Schenkeln aus der palaearctischen Fauna. Abteilung: Dorymerus und Tournieria. Verhandlungen des Naturforschenden Vereines in Brunn, 52, 129 - 242. [1913]","Stierlin, [W.] G. (1861) Revision der europaischen Otiorhynchus-Arten. Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift, Beiheft, 5, 1 - 344.","Lona, C. (1922) Risultati scientifici della spedizione Ravasini-Lona in Albania. II. Otiorrhynchini. Bollettino della Societa Entomologica Italiana, 54 (9 / 10), 133 - 141.","Lona, C. (1937) Studi sugli Otiorrhynchus. II. Bollettino della Societa entomologica Italiana, 69 (9 - 10), 143 - 150.","Penecke, K. A. (1935) Neubeschreibungen, kritische Darlegungen und kurze Mitteilungen uber palaarktische Curculioniden (Schluss). Koleopterologische Rundschau, 21 (3 - 4), 93 - 112.","Apfelbeck, V. (1922) Neue Otiorrhynchen von Balkanhalbinsel (Col.). G lasnik Hrvatskog Prirodoslovnog Drustva u Zagrebu, 34, 21 - 29.","Reitter, E. (1884) [descriptions]. In: Brenske, E. & Reitter, E., Neue Beitrag zur Kaferfauna Griechenland. Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift, 28 (1), pp. 17 - 100, 2 pls. https: // doi. org / 10.1002 / mmnd. 48018840202"]}