Snaga predstavlja jednu od temeljnih motoričkih sposobnosti čovjeka, a poznato je da snaga u značajnoj mjeri utječe na uspješnost u gotovo svim sportskim disciplinama, ali i na uspješnost obavljanja brojnih svakodnevnih aktivnosti. Međutim, test za procjenu snage cijelog tijela, prema autorovim saznanjima, još uvijek nije razvijen i validiran. Cilj ovog rada bio je konstrukcija i validacija novog mjernog instrumenta za procjenu mišićne snage cijelog tijela čovjeka. Analizirala se pouzdanost, valjanost i diskriminativnost novog mjernog instrumenta koji se izvodio na posebno modificiranom veslačkom ergometru tipa Concept II. Uzorak ispitanika (n = 87) podijeljen je u tri grupe muških i tri grupe ženskih ispitanika, koji su se međusobno razlikovali prvenstveno po razini tjelesne aktivnosti (nisko aktivni – aktivni – sportaši). Svi ispitanici testirani su na antropometrijskim mjerama, standardnom testu snage (CMJ) i novokonstruiranom testu snaga na veslačkom ergometru koji je izveden na tri razine opterećenja (minimalno – srednje – maksimalno). Koeficijent varijacije (CV) i intraklasni koeficijent korelacije (ICC) ukazuju na visoku pouzdanost novokonstruiranog testa na sve tri razine opterećenja (CV: 2,6% do 6,5%; ICC: 0,87-0.98). Osjetljivost testa analizirana je kroz distribucije rezultata i izračunavanje Kolmogorov-Smirnovljeva testa normaliteta. Diskriminativnost testa utvrđena je razlikovanjem skupina temeljem aktiviteta. Kod sve tri grupe ispitanika i za sve tri razine opterećenja utvrđena je dobra osjetljivost testova, a niti jedna distribucija rezultata nije se značajno razlikovala od teoretski normalne za analiziranu veličinu uzorka ispitanika. Valjanost je utvrđena izračunavanjem Pearsonovog koeficijenta korelacije između rezultata novokonstruiranog testa sa standardnim testom snage (CMJ). Kod grupe nisko aktivnih ispitanika korelacije CMJ i vrijednosti dobivene na veslačkom ergometru iznosile su r = 0.72 (minimalni otpor), r = 0.74 (srednji otpor) i r = 0.76 (maksimalni otpor). Grupa tjelesno aktivnih ispitanika imala je vrijednosti korelacija r = 0.70 (minimalni otpor), r = 0.72 (srednji otpor) i r = 0.72 (maksimalni otpor) dok su najveće vrijednosti korelacija uočene kod grupe sportaša veslača, i to r = 0.76 (minimalni otpor), r = 0.76 (srednji otpor) i r = 0.78 (maksimalni otpor). Može se govoriti o vrlo velikim korelacijama između analiziranih mjera i to kod sve tri grupe ispitanika, te je konkurentna valjanost testa visoka. Ovo je jedno od prvih istraživanja koje je ponudilo i ispitalo koncept testiranja snage cijelog tijela primjenom veslačkog ergometra, odnosno koncept mjerenja snage cijelog tijela, a dobiveni rezultati daju nove smjernice u istraživanjima problematike snage kao i u konstrukciji mjernih instrumenata u kineziologiji općenito. Strength is one of the human basic motor skills, and it is known that the strength highly influences the success in almost all sports disciplines, as well as the success of performance of many daily activities. However, the body's full strength test, according to the author's knowledge, has not yet been developed and validated. The aim of this study was the construction and validation of a new measuring instrument for the assessment of the muscular strength of the entire human body. The reliability, validity and discriminativeness of a new measuring instrument was analyzed which was performed on a specially modified rowing ergometer type Concept II. The sample of examinees (n = 87) was divided into three groups of male and three groups of female examinees, who differed primarily on the level of body activity (low active - active - athletes). All examinees were tested on anthropometric measures, a standard strength test (CMJ), and a newly-constructed strength test on a rowing ergometer that was performed at three levels of load (minimum - medium - maximum). The coefficient of variation (CV) and interclass coefficient of correlation (ICC) indicate the high reliability of a newly-constructed test at all three load levels (CV: 2.6% to 6.5%, ICC: 0.87-0.98). The sensitivity of the test was analyzed through the distribution of results and calculation of Kolmogorov-Smirnov's test of normality. Discrimination of the test was determined by distinguishing groups based on activity. In all three groups of examinees, for all three load levels, good sensitivity of the test was determined, and no distribution of results was significantly different from theoretically normal for the analyzed sample size.Validity was determined by calculating the Pearson coefficient of correlation between the results of the newly-constructed test and standard strength test (CMJ). In the low-activated examinees CMJ and values obtained on a rowing ergometer were r = 0.72 (minimum resistance), r = 0.74 (medium resistance) and r = 0.76 (maximum resistance). The group of physically active subjects had correlation values r = 0.70 (minimum resistance), r = 0.72 (medium resistance) r = 0.72 (maximum resistance), while the highest correlation values were observed in a group of athletes, r = 0.76 (minimum resistance), r = 0.76 (medium resistance) r = 0.78 (maximum resistance). It can be discussed about very large correlations between the measures analyzed in all three groups of examinees which means that the competitive validity of the test is high. This is one of the first studies that has offered and tested the concept of testing the strength of the whole body using the rowing ergometer, i.e. the concept of measuring the strength of the entire body, and the results obtained give new guidelines in the research of power issues as well as in the construction of measuring instruments in kinesiology in general.