Private tutoring has become a popular option for many university students in Bangladesh, especially in urban areas. Students at Pabna University of Science and Technology (PUST) are no exception, with many turning to private tutoring as a way to earn extra money, support themselves financially, and meet the expectations of their families. This study explores the real picture of private tutorship among students at PUST. Through a combination of online and offline questionnaire surveys, using purposive sampling, the paper identifies the factors that affect the income distribution of both male and female students. These factors include gender, Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) background, and place of residence, dependency, patriarchy, and social perception. The study finds a significant variation in income distribution between the males and their counterparts at PUST. The study revealed several factors, such as higher secondary background, mobility, residence level, dependency, and solvency of family, that caused the variation in income from tutorship. However, few respondents think that tutorship has had a negative impact on their academic performance, while some do not know whether it has influenced their grades positively or negatively. The research contributes to the knowledge regarding the scenario of private tutorship among the public university students in Bangladesh, who mostly come from rural regions. This paper would be beneficial to different stakeholders, such as the government, university authorities, students, guardians, and academics who are related to the education system of Bangladesh., Cite this item: Hosen, M. (2023). Pattern of private tutorship in Bangladesh: Factors affecting income distribution of students of Pabna University of Science and Technology. Scholars Journal of Research in Social Science, 3(1), 25-35., {"references":["Alam, M. B., & Zhu, Z. (2022). Private tutoring in Bangladesh: Evolution, expansion, and policy responses. International Journal of Comparative Education and Development, 24(1), 20–36.","Cislaghi, B., & Heise, L. (2018). Using social norms theory for health promotion in low-income countries. Health Promotion International, 34(3), 616–623.","Dos Santos, T. (1996). The structure of dependence. International Political Economy, 165–175.","Feldman, S. (2001). Exploring theories of patriarchy: A perspective from contemporary Bangladesh. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 26(4), 1097–1127.","Harris, P. (2022). Maslow, Abraham (1908–1970) and hierarchy of needs. The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Interest Groups, Lobbying and Public Affairs, 1–3.","Hosen, M. M., Islam, S., & Soaib. (2022). Impact of Covid-19 on Higher Education: A comparative study of three public universities in Bangladesh. Journal of Governance Security & Development, 3(1), 1–28.","Joshi, P. (2019). Private schooling and tutoring at scale in South Asia. Handbook of Education Systems in South Asia, 1-20. https://doi:10.1007/978-981-13-3309-5_23-1","Kandori, M. (1992). Social norms and community enforcement. The Review of Economic Studies, 59(1), 63.","Liu, R. W., Lapinski, M. K., Kerr, J. M., Zhao, J., Bum, T., & Lu, Z. (2022). Culture and social norms: Development and application of a model for culturally contextualized communication measurement (MC3M). Frontiers in Communication, 6.","Mahmud, R. (2019). Mixed implications of private supplementary tutoring for students' learning. International Journal of Comparative Education and Development, 21(1), 61–75.","Mahmud, R., & Bray, M. (2017). School factors underlying demand for private supplementary tutoring in English: Urban and rural variations in Bangladesh. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 37(3), 299–309.","Mahmud, R., & Kenayathulla, H. B. (2017). Shadow education: Patterns and scale of private supplementary tutoring in English in secondary education at Urban Dhaka in Bangladesh. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 48(5), 702–716.","Namkoong, Y. (1999). Dependency theory: Concepts, classifications, and criticisms. International Area Review, 2(1), 121–150.","Nath, S.R. (2008) Private supplementary tutoring among primary students in Bangladesh, Educational Studies, 34(1), pp. 55–72.","Pallegedara, A., & Mottaleb, K. A. (2018). Patterns and determinants of private tutoring: The case of Bangladesh households. International Journal of Educational Development, 59, 43–50.","Pretty, J., & Ward, H. (2001). Social Capital and the environment. World Development, 29(2), 209–227.","Toyon, M. (2021). Explanatory sequential design of mixed methods research: Phases and challenges. International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science, 10(5), 253-260.","Toyon, M. (2022). The three 'R's of social capital: A retrospective. FWU Journal of Social Sciences, 16(4), 1-11.","Toyon, M. (2023). Introduction to research: Mastering the basics. Scholars Journal of Research in Social Science, 3(1), 1-24."]}