According to the facts from literary sources it is studied the way of solution to the problem of how to design and implement the technologies and programs of servicewomen’s training during practical activity at the stage of professional development as well at the time of studying at specialist higher educational establishments. It is analyzed 48 sources of information and determined, that the realization of gender politics in all military organizations has led to considerable increase of women among junior and senior staff of soldiers. In this regard it is important to produce the programs of physical training, that take into account different peculiarities such as organizational and methodological, meaningful and also complexes of morphofunctional features and functions predetermined by the profession. It is necessary to shape the willingness to self-consciousness in future frontier guards during physical training. Also to use the developed methodology and distinct pedagogical conditions related to the progress of professional competence of future masters of administration at the Ukrainian state border defense. The question of future frontier guards’ physical training the most deeply connects to conceptual foundations of preparation the staff to physical education. At the same time it is put an emphasis on the non-admission of regularization, particularly on the content of physical training of different men and women’s military formations. Taking this fact into consideration, it is admitted that till now there are not any investigations in pedagogics, which are devoted to the problem of physical training of women’s group at State Ukrainian Border Guard Service, as well future female officers, who study at specialist higher educational establishment., {"references":["Adamchuk, O. V., & Miroshnychenko, A. A. (2018). Gendernyi pіdkhіd do profesіinoi dіialnostі. 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