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3. Development of Downscaled Climate Projections: A Case Study of the Red River Basin, South-Central U.S.

4. 2014 Update to Climatic Data for Energy Standards Criteria Development: Part 2--Representative Weather Files.

5. 2014 Update to Climatic Data for Energy Standards Criteria Development: Part 1--CDD and HDD Baseline Values.

6. Long-Duration Freezing Rain Events over North America: Regional Climatology and Thermodynamic Evolution.

7. Changes in Extreme Precipitation in the Northeast United States: 1979–2014.

8. Shifting echo chambers in US climate policy networks.

9. A Comparison of Daily Temperature-Averaging Methods: Spatial Variability and Recent Change for the CONUS.

10. Precipitation Regimes during Cold-Season Central U.S. Inverted Trough Cases. Part II: A Comparative Case Study.

11. Climatology in American Geography.

12. Unexplained Discontinuity in the U.S. Radiosonde Temperature Data. Part I: Troposphere.

13. Precipitation Regimes during Cold-Season Central U.S. Inverted Trough Cases. Part I: Synoptic Climatology and Composite Study.

14. Seasonal Predictions Using a Regional Spectral Model Embedded within a Coupled Ocean–Atmosphere Model.

15. Integration of ASOS Weather Data into Model-Derived Solar Radiation.

16. An Objective Analysis of Tornado Risk in the United States.

17. Simulated Changes in Northwest U.S. Climate in Response to Amazon Deforestation*.

18. NOAA's 1981-2010 U.S. Climate Normals: Monthly Precipitation, Snowfall, and Snow Depth.

19. Changepoint Detection in Climate Time Series with Long-Term Trends.

20. Evaluating Statewide Climate Extremes for the United States.

21. HydroDesktop: Web services-based software for hydrologic data discovery, download, visualization, and analysis

22. Development of a New USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map for the United States.

23. On the Growth and Decay of the Subtropical Dipole Mode in the South Atlantic.

24. The Public Values Failures of Climate Science in the US.

25. Transfer of Satellite Rainfall Uncertainty from Gauged to Ungauged Regions at Regional and Seasonal Time Scales.

26. Exploring Atmosphere-Ocean Coupling Using Principal Component and Redundancy Analysis.

27. Observed Trends in Summertime Precipitation over the Southwestern United States.

28. A Revised Climatically Optimal Major League Baseball Season in North America.

29. Estimating the Influence of Evaporation and Moisture-Flux Convergence upon Seasonal Precipitation Rates. Part II: An Analysis for North America Based upon the NCEP–DOE Reanalysis II Model.


31. Overview of ESSL's severe convective storms research using the European Severe Weather Database ESWD

32. Stability of international climate coalitions — A comparison of transfer schemes

33. Comparing Surface Height Used in NCAR Climate Model with That Observed by ICEsat: Effects on Skin Temperature Simulation.

34. A Comparison of the Atmospheric Response to ENSO in Coupled and Uncoupled Model Simulations.

35. Prediction of Convective Initiation and Storm Evolution on 12 June 2002 during IHOP_2002. Part I: Control Simulation and Sensitivity Experiments.

36. MODIS Global Cloud-Top Pressure and Amount Estimation: Algorithm Description and Results.

37. Climatology of Strong Intermountain Cold Fronts.

38. Assessing Bias and Uncertainty in the HadAT-Adjusted Radiosonde Climate Record.

39. Fifty-Seven-Year California Reanalysis Downscaling at 10 km (CaRD10). Part I: System Detail and Validation with Observations.

40. Quantitative Ice Accretion Information from the Automated Surface Observing System.

41. A Fingerprinting Technique for Major Weather Events.

42. Description and Evaluation of the Characteristics of the NCAR High-Resolution Land Data Assimilation System.

43. Spatiotemporal Climate Model Validation—Case Studies for MM5 over Northwestern Canada and Alaska.

44. Climatological Extremes of Simulated Annual Mean Rainfall.

45. Frederic Clements, climatology, and conservation in the 1930s.

46. One-Way Coupling of an Atmospheric and a Hydrologic Model in Colorado.

47. The NCEP Climate Forecast System.

48. HIAPER: The Next Generation NSF/NCAR Research Aircraft.

49. Dynamics of Synoptic Eddy and Low-Frequency Flow Interaction. Part II: A Theory for Low-Frequency Modes.

50. The Uncoordinated Giant: Why U.S. Weather Research and Prediction Are Not Achieving Their Potential.