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1. Effects of the latest drought on the alluvial aquifer of a semiarid region in northeastern Brazil.

2. Overexploitation assessment in an urban karst aquifer: The case of Sete Lagoas (MG), Brazil.

3. The dissolved uranium concentration and 234U/238U activity ratio in groundwaters from spas of southeastern Brazil.

4. Interaction Between Surface and Underground Waters of the Itapemirim and Itabapoana River Basins in the Southern part of the State of Espírito Santo, Southeastern Brazil.

5. Hydrogeophysical Characterization of Fractured Aquifers for Groundwater Exploration in the Federal District of Brazil.

6. Caracterização hidrogeológica e hidroquímica do aquífero livre localizado no manto de alteração da Formação Serra Geral, na bacia hidrográfica Taquari-Antas, região nordeste do estado do Rio...

7. Hydrogeochemical and Isotopic (δ²H-δ18O) Investigations of Hydrologic Dynamics of the Southern Urucuia Aquifer System, Brazil.

8. Assessment of the groundwater favorability of fractured aquifers from the southeastern Brazil crystalline basement.