
Showing total 9 results
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1. Triggering of Rain-Induced Landslides, with Applications in Southern Italy.

2. The relation of spatio-temporal distribution of landslides to urban development (a case study from the Apulia region, Southern Italy).

3. Geomorphological landslide inventory map of the Daunia Apennines, southern Italy.

4. Quantitative rockfall risk assessment for an important road by means of the rockfall risk management (RO.MA.) method.

5. A smart geotechnical model in emergency conditions: A case study of a medium-deep landslide in Southern Italy.

6. A Procedure for the Quantitative Comparison of Rainfall and DInSAR-Based Surface Displacement Time Series in Slow-Moving Landslides: A Case Study in Southern Italy.

7. Some aspects of the initiation of debris avalanches in the Campania Region: the role of morphological slope discontinuities and the development of failure

8. Triggering and predisposing factors for flow-like landslides in pyroclastic soils: the case study of the Lattari Mts. (southern Italy).

9. Space-time prediction of rainfall-induced shallow landslides through a combined probabilistic/deterministic approach, optimized for initial water table conditions.