35 results on '"Koyuncu, Faik"'
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2. Detection of endothelial dysfunction in preeclamptic patients by using color Doppler sonography
- Author
Kuscu, Naci K., Kurhan, Ziya, Yildirim, Yasemin, Tavli, Talat, and Koyuncu, Faik
- Published
- 2003
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3. Fetal intra-abdominal umbilical vein dilatation associated with notching in umbilical artery
- Author
Baytur, Yesım Bulbul, Ozcakir, Hasan Tayfun, Lacin, Selman, and Koyuncu, Faik Mumtaz
- Published
- 2005
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4. Interleukin-6 levels in hyperemesis gravidarum
- Author
Kuscu, Naci K., Yildirim, Yasemin, Koyuncu, Faik, Var, Ahmet, and Uyanik, Bekir S.
- Published
- 2003
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5. Atherogenic profile in preeclampsia
- Author
Var, Ahmet, Kuşcu, Kemal N., Koyuncu, Faik, Uyanık, Sami B., Onur, Ece, Yıldırım, Yasemin, and Oruç, Semra
- Published
- 2003
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6. Can maternal urinary and serum carbohydrate antigen 19-9 concentrations be utilized in the diagnosis of fetal hydronephrosis?
- Author
Akbaş, Murat, primary, Koyuncu, Faik Mümtaz, additional, Artunç Ülkümen, Burcu, additional, Taneli, Fatma, additional, and Özdemir, Habib, additional
- Published
- 2020
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7. The relationship between placental elasticity and prenatal serum screening markers and Doppler indices
- Author
Akbaş, Murat, primary, Koyuncu, Faik Mümtaz, additional, Erenel, Hakan, additional, Artunc Ulkumen, Burcu, additional, and Oludağ Mete, Tülay, additional
- Published
- 2020
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8. The effect of health policies on physicians’ decisions to perform caesarean sections:evaluation of a secondary health institution
- Author
ESKİCİOĞLU, Fatma, HASDEMİR, Pınar Solmaz, ÇELİK, Hakan, and KOYUNCU, Faik Mümtaz
- Subjects
Sezeryan oranı,endikasyon,vaginal doğum ,cesarean section rate,indication,vaginal delivery - Abstract
Amaç: Sezaryan oranlarının Dünya Sağlık Örgütü’nün (WHO) önerdiği %15 düzeyine düşürülebilmesi için başta Sağlık Bakanlığı olmak üzere Türk Jinekoloji ve Obstetri Derneği (TJOD) gibi sivil toplum örgütleri yoğun çaba harcamaktadır. Bu uygulamaların ilimizde, doğum sayısı çok yüksek olan ikinci basamak sağlık kuruluşundaki etkilerini araştırmayı amaçladık. Gereç ve yöntem: Çalışma Manisa-Merkez Efendi Devlet Hastanesinde (eski adıyla Manisa Doğumevi) 2007- 2012 yılları arasında yapılan doğumları kapsamaktadır. Araştırma iki dönem olarak yapıldı; Grup-1; 2007-2008- 2009 yılları, Grup-2; 2010-2011-2012 yıllarını içermektedir. Bu dönemlerde olan doğum sayıları ve sezeryan değerlendirmeye alındı. İstatiksel analiz için X² testi kullanıldı. p, Purpose: The Ministry of Health and the Turkish Obstetrics and Gynaecology Association have been working hard to lower the rate of caesarean sections to %15 as recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO). In order to reach this target, the Ministry of Health introduced new policies. The aim of this research was to evaluate the effects of these policies on secondary health institutions with high birth rates in our region. Materials and methods: Our research included hospital records of deliveries made between 2007 and 2012 in Manisa Merkez Efendi State Hospital (formerly; Manisa Doğumevi). The research was carried out in two periods; Group-1 included 2007-2008-2009 years and Group-2 included 2010-2011-2012 years. The number of births and caesarean sections were evaluated during this period. X ² test was used for the statistical analysis and p value of
- Published
- 2014
9. Fetal gender-specific difference for placental volume assessed with 3D-ultrasonography
- Author
Artunç Ülkümen, Burcu, primary, Pala, Halil Gürsoy, additional, Uyar, Yıldız, additional, Koyuncu, Faik Mümtaz, additional, and Bülbül, Yeşim, additional
- Published
- 2016
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10. Hiperemezis Gravidarum’lu Gebelerin Hastalıkları Hakkında Düşünceleri Ve Gereksinimleri
- Author
YANIKKEREM, Emre, ÇALIM, Selda İldan, GÖKER, Aslı, KOLTAN, Semra Oruç, and KOYUNCU, Faik M
- Subjects
Hiperemezis Gravidarum,Kusma,Bulantı ,Hyperemesis Gravidarum,Nausea,Vomiting - Abstract
The objective of this study is to describe the experiences and needs of women with Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG), to explore severity of symptoms of the condition, to determine the psychological and social dimensions of the condition and to understand how Turkish women deal with nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. This descriptive study was carried out at Merkez Efendi Hospital and Celal Bayar University Faculty of medicine between the dates of January and December 2011 in women who were hospitalized for HG and agreed to participate in the study. The sample of the research is composed of 215 pregnant women. The data was collected by using a questionnaire which was prepared by the researchers. Data was gathered through a face to face interview with the women in their room. Statistical analyses were undertaken using SPSS version 17.0 and descriptive analysis was used for statistical evaluation. Nearly half of the women believed that nausea and vomiting was dangerous for themselves and their baby, respectively (52.6%, 47.4%) and 66.5% believed that they should be hospitalised. Pregnants who had nausea and vomitting symptoms preferred resting and eating something salty to reduce the symptoms. The majority (87.4%) stated that HG affected their daily activities, 55.3% the relations with their spouses and 67.9% were psychologically affected. When the problems during hospital stay were questioned 83.7% were tired, 82.8% had loss of appetite, 78.1% was bored and 59.1% had weight loss. HG is an important health problem that adversely affects the social and family life of women. Health care providers should recognize and validate the need for pregnant women to make changes in lifestyle that will enable them to achieve comfort., Bu çalışmanın amacı Hiperemezis gravidarum (HG) tanısı alan gebelerin yaşadıkları deneyimler ve gereksinimleri, yaşanan semptomların şiddeti, bu hastalığın fiziksel, psikolojik ve sosyal açıdan etkileri ve gebelerin bulantı ve kusma ile baş etme yöntemlerinin belirlenmesidir. Bu tanımlayıcı çalışma Merkez Efendi Hastanesi ve Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesinde Ocak ve Aralık 2011 tarihleri arasında HG tanısı ile hospitalize edilen ve çalışmaya katılmayı kabul eden gebelerde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışma örneklemi 215 gebe kadından oluşmaktadır. Bu araştırmada literatür doğrultusunda araştırmacılar tarafından hazırlanan anket formu kullanılmıştır. Veriler yüz yüze görüşme tekniği ile kadınların odalarında toplanmıştır. İstatistiksel analizlerde SPSS 17.0 versiyonu kullanılarak ve tanımlayıcı analizler ile veriler değerlendirilmiştir. Gebelerin yaklaşık yarısı (%52.6) bulantı ve kusmanın sağlığı için, %47.4'ü bebek için tehlikeli olduğuna, gebelerin %66.5'i bulantı ve kusma yaşayan gebelerin hastaneye yatması gerektiğine inanmaktadır. HG olan gebelerin bulantı ve kusmayı azaltmak için istirahat etmeyi ve tuzlu bir şeyler yemeyi daha fazla tercih ettikleri belirlenmiştir. Gebelerin %87.4'ü kusma bulantının günlük yaşam aktivitelerini, %55.3'ü eşi ile olan ilişkilerini, %67.9'u psikolojik durumunu etkilediğini belirtmiştir. Gebelere hastanede yattığı süre boyunca yaşadıkları sorunlar sorulduğunda, %83.7'si yorgunluk, %82.8'i iştahta azalma, %78.1'i can sıkıntısı, %59.1'i kilo kaybı yaşadığını belirtmiştir. HG kadınların sosyal ve ailevi yaşantılarında olumsuz etkilere yol açan önemli bir sağlık sorunudur. Bu hastalara bakım verenlerin hastanın gereksinimlerinin farkında olmaları ve hastanın konforunu sağlayacak yaşam tarzı değişikliklerini sağlamaları son derece önemlidir.
- Published
- 2014
- Author
- Subjects
Ektopik gebelik,metotreksat,β-HCG - Abstract
Amaç: Ektopik gebelik tedavisinde farklı olgularda farklı tedavi yaklaşımlarının ve etkinliğinin incelenmesi amacıyla retrospektif olarak olguların değerlendirilmesidir. Gereç ve yöntem: Kasım 2006 – Temmuz 2009 tarihleri arasında Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Hastanesi Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum Kliniğinde ektopik gebelik tanısı alan ve tedavi edilen 74 olgu retrospektif olarak incelendi. Bulgular: Kliniğimizde ektopik gebelik tanısı almış 44 hasta sistemik metotreksat tedavisi, 23 hasta cerrahi ve 7 hasta noninvazif nonmedikal bekleyici yaklaşım ile tedavi edilmiştir. Metotreksat tedavisine yanıt %90.9 olarak bulunmuştur. Cerrahi endikasyonları rüptür ve kornual gebelik olarak saptanmıştır. Sonuç: Ektopik gebeliğin erken ve doğru tanısı mortalite ve morbiditeyi önlemek için önemlidir. Tedavide metotreksat uygulaması, cerrahi girişim ve bekleyici yaklaşım doğru hastalarda uygulandığında başarı oranları komplikasyon gelişmeden yüksek olmaktadır.
- Published
- 2011
12. Normal ranges of biorbital and interorbital distances in healthy Turkish pregnancies at 19–23 weeks of gestation and correlation with craniofacial structures
- Author
Gursoy Pala, Halil, primary, Artunc-Ulkumen, Burcu, additional, Koyuncu, Faik Mumtaz, additional, Uyar, Yildiz, additional, and Bulbul-Baytur, Yesim, additional
- Published
- 2015
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13. BNecessity of Preoperative Endometrial Sampling for Hysterectomies With Benign Indications
- Author
TAMAY, Aslı, Yıldırım, Yasemin, Buğday, Sultan, Koltan, Semra, GÜVENAL, Tevfik, Koyuncu, Faik, Altaş, İrem, and KANDİLOĞLU, Ali
- Subjects
urogenital system ,Histerektomi,endometriyal örnekleme,preoperative - Abstract
Aim. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether preoperative endometrial sampling is necessary for hysterectomies with benign indications. Material and Methods. Sixty-eight cases which had hysterectomy for benign indications at Celal Bayar University Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology between 2005 and 2008 were investigated retrospectively. All subjects had had D&C before the surgery. Data about age of subjects, hysterectomy indications, endometrial sampling results and endometrial findings of hysterectomy materials were collected from patient files and pathology reports. Preoperative and postoperative endometrial pathology results were compared. Results. The mean age of the patients was 47 (±8.0). Hysterectomy indications were myoma uteri in 50 cases, resistant bleeding in 12 cases, adnexial mass in 5 cases and retention of intrauterin device in 1 case. Preoperative endometrial samplings resulted in normal endometrium, proliferative endometrium, secretory endometrium, endometrial hyperplasia, endometrial polyp, chronic endometritis and insufficient material, none of the results was endometrial cancer. Postoperative pathologies of the endometrium were proliferative endometrium, secretory endometrium, endometrial hyperplasia, inactive endometrium, atrophic andometrium, basal endometrium, endometrial polyp and other diagnosis. Discussion: Preoperative endometrial sampling is not necessary for cases planned to undergo hysterectomy for benign indications., Aim. The purpose of this study is to investigate the necessity of preoperative endometrial sampling for hysterectomies with benign indications. Methods. Sixty-eight cases that had hysterectomy for benign indications at Celal Bayar University Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology between 2005 and 2008 were investigated retrospectively. All subjects had undergone dilatation and curettage ( D&C) under surface anesthesia before the surgery. Data about age of subjects, hysterectomy indications, endometrial sampling results and endometrial pathology findings of hysterectomy materials were collected from patient files and pathology reports. Preoperative and postoperative endometrial pathology results were compared. Results. The mean age of the patients was 47 (±8.0). Hysterectomy indications were myoma uteri in 50 cases, resistant bleeding in 12 cases, adnexal mass in 5 cases and retention of intrauterine device in 1 case. Preoperative endometrial samplings revealed proliferative endometrium, secretory endometrium, endometrial hyperplasia, endometrial polyp, chronic endometritis and insufficient material, but not endometrial cancer. Postoperative pathologies of the endometrium were proliferative endometrium, secretory endometrium, endometrial hyperplasia, inactive endometrium, atrophic endometrium, basal endometrium and endometrial polyp. Conclusion. Preoperative endometrial sampling is not necessary for cases planned to undergo hysterectomy for benign indications.Key words: Hysterectomy, endometrial sampling, preoperativeÖzetAmaç. Bu çalışmanın amacı benign nedenlerle histerektomi planlanan olgularda operasyon öncesi endometriyal örneklemenin gerekliliğini değerlendirmektir. Yöntem. 2005-2008 yılları arasında Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum Anabilim Dalı'nda benign nedenle histerektomi yapılan 68 olgu retrospektif olarak incelendi. Olguların hepsine operasyon öncesi yüzeyel anestezi ile dilatasyon ve küretaj (D&C) uygulanmıştı. Olguların yaşları, histerektomi endikasyonları, endometriyal örnekleme sonuçları ile histerektomi materyalindeki endometriyum bulguları verileri hasta dosyaları ve patoloji raporlarından elde edildi. Preoperatif ve postoperatif endometriyum bulguları karşılaştırıldı. Bulgular. Olguların yaş ortalamaları 47 (±8.0), histerektomi endikasyonları 50 olguda myoma uteri, 12 olguda tedaviye dirençli kanama, 5 olguda adneksiyel kitle ve 1 olguda rahim içi araç retansiyonu idi. Preoperatif endometriyal örnekleme bulguları proliferatif endometrium, sekretuar endometrium, endometrial hiperplazi, endometrial polip, kronik endometrit ve yetersiz materyal şeklinde olup endometriyal kanser saptanmadı. Postoperatif endometriyal bulgular proliferatif endometrium, sekretuar endometrium, endometriyal hiperplazi, inaktif endometrium, atrofik endometrium, bazal endometrium ve endometriyal polip şeklinde idi. Sonuç. Bu çalışmada benign nedenlerle histerektomi planlanan olgularda operasyon öncesi endometriumun örneklenmesinin gerekli olmadığı görülmüştür.Anahtar sözcükler: Histerektomi, endometriyal örnekleme, preoperative
- Published
- 2010
14. Investigation of the effects of fetal gender on umbilical artery and middle cerebral artery Doppler findings
- Author
Artunç Ülkümen, Burcu, primary, Pala, Halil Gürsoy, additional, Uyar, Yıldız, additional, Baytur, Yeşim, additional, and Koyuncu, Faik Mümtaz, additional
- Published
- 2015
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15. Comparison of Subcuticular Suture Materials in Cesarean Skin Closure
- Author
Hasdemir, Pınar Solmaz, primary, Guvenal, Tevfik, additional, Ozcakir, Hasan Tayfun, additional, Koyuncu, Faik Mumtaz, additional, Dinc Horasan, Gonul, additional, Erkan, Mustafa, additional, and Oruc Koltan, Semra, additional
- Published
- 2015
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16. Analysis of the distribution and the mean values of nuchal translucency in singleton pregnancies
- Author
Artunç Ülkümen, Burcu, primary, Pala, Halil Gürsoy, additional, Uyar, Yıldız, additional, Bülbül Baytur, Yeşim, additional, and Koyuncu, Faik Mümtaz, additional
- Published
- 2014
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17. Cordocentesis outcomes of tertiary care services in Manisa city: a retrospective analysis of four years
- Author
Pala, Halil Gürsoy, primary, Artunç Ülkümen, Burcu, additional, Eskicioğlu, Fatma, additional, Uluçay, Safiye, additional, Çam, Sırrı, additional, Bülbül Baytur, Yeşim, additional, and Koyuncu, Faik Mümtaz, additional
- Published
- 2014
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18. Amniocentesis results of Manisa tertiary care in 2012
- Author
Pala, Halil Gürsoy, primary, Artunç Ülkümen, Burcu, additional, Eskicioğlu, Fatma, additional, Uluçay, Safiye, additional, Çam, Sırrı, additional, Bülbül Baytur, Yeşim, additional, and Koyuncu, Faik Mümtaz, additional
- Published
- 2014
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19. The effect of parity on first trimester uterine artery Doppler waveforms in low-risk singleton pregnancies
- Author
Ulkumen, Burcu, primary, Pala, Halil, additional, Uyar, Yildiz, additional, Baytur, Yesim, additional, and Koyuncu, Faik, additional
- Published
- 2014
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20. Postpartum Depression: Is Mode of Delivery a Risk Factor?
- Author
Goker, Asli, primary, Yanikkerem, Emre, additional, Demet, M. Murat, additional, Dikayak, Serife, additional, Yildirim, Yasemin, additional, and Koyuncu, Faik M., additional
- Published
- 2012
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21. Leptin expression in proliferative, secretory and hyperplastic endometrial tissues
- Author
Ozler, Ali, primary, Kuscu, Naci Kemal, additional, Temiz, Peyker, additional, Kandiloglu, Ali Riza, additional, and Koyuncu, Faik Mumtaz, additional
- Published
- 2011
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22. Normal ranges of biorbital and interorbital distances in healthy Turkish pregnancies at 19-23 weeks of gestation and correlation with craniofacial structures.
- Author
Pala, Halil Gürsoy, Artunç-Ülkümen, Burcu, Koyuncu, Faik Mümtaz, Uyar, Yıldız, and Bülbül-Baytur, Yeşim
- Subjects
ANTHROPOMETRY ,CEPHALOMETRY ,STATISTICAL correlation ,EYE abnormalities ,EYE-sockets ,FACIAL bones ,FEMUR ,FETAL monitoring ,FETAL abnormalities ,FETAL ultrasonic imaging ,GESTATIONAL age ,MENINGES ,NASAL bone ,PARIETAL lobe ,PREGNANT women ,SKULL ,SPINAL cord ,RETROSPECTIVE studies ,WAIST circumference ,FETUS - Abstract
Objective: We aimed to determine the normal ranges for biorbital (BOD) and interorbital distances (IOD) during the second trimester in Turkish women with normal pregnancies and to assess the correlation between BOD, IOD, and other fetal craniofacial structures and biometric parameters. Material and Methods: Our retrospective study comprised 1328 women with singleton normal pregnancies who had undergone ultrasonography (USG) examinations at 19-23 weeks of gestation in the second trimester screening. The measurements of BOD and IOD were obtained with the coronal section of the fetal face at the plane of orbits. Results: Mean BOD was 3.4±0.33 cm, whereas mean IOD was 1.28±0.24 cm. Correlation analysis revealed that BOD was significantly correlated with IOD, transcerebellar diameter (TCD), cisterna manga (CM), nuchal fold (NF), nasal bone (NB), biparietal diameter (BPD), head circumference (HC), abdominal circumference (AC), femur length (FL), and gestational week. There was a significant relation between IOD and the lateral ventricle posterior horn, TCD, CM, NF, NB, BPD, HC, AC, and FL. Conclusion: The reference ranges obtained in our study enabled accurate evaluation of BOD and IOD in the second trimester of normal pregnancies. USG detection of fetal orbital biometric anomalies may alert the clinician for different anomalies associated with abnormal development of eye. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2015
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23. Fetal intra-abdominal umbilical vein dilatation associated with notching in umbilical artery
- Author
Baytur, Yes?m Bulbul, primary, Ozcakir, Hasan Tayfun, additional, Lacin, Selman, additional, and Koyuncu, Faik Mumtaz, additional
- Published
- 2004
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24. Ductus venosus doppler flow velocity after transplacental and non-transplacental amniocentesis during midtrimester.
- Author
Ulkumen, Burcu Artunc, Pala, Halil Gursoy, Baytur, Yesim Bulbul, and Koyuncu, Faik Mumtaz
- Subjects
DUCTUS arteriosus ,DOPPLER effect ,BLOOD flow ,AMNIOCENTESIS complications ,SECOND trimester of pregnancy ,DISEASES - Abstract
Objective: We aimed to evaluate ductus venosus Doppler waveforms before and after amniocentesis in order to investigate any effect of amniocentesis on fetal myocardial hemodynamics. We also evaluated the umbilical artery, uterine artery and fetal mid-cerebral artery Doppler waveforms in order to investigate any relationship with ductus venosus Doppler changes. Methods: The study population consisted of 56 singleton pregnancies having genetic amniocentesis. Twenty seven of them had transplacental needle insertion; whereas 29 of them had non-transplacental amniocentesis. Uterine artery, umbilical artery, mid-cerebral artery and ductus venosus pulsatiliy index and resistance index were measured just before and after amniocentesis. Results: Amniocentesis does not cause any significant changes in fetal ductus venosus Doppler waveforms. There is also no significant changes in uterine artery, umbilical artery, mid-cerebral artery pulsatility and resistance index. Conclusion: Amniocentesis-whether transplacental or not- does not cause any significant effect on fetal myocardial hemodynamics. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2014
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25. Leptin expression in proliferative, secretory and hyperplastic endometrial tissues.
- Author
Özler, Ali, KuŞçu, Naci Kemal, Temiz, Peyker, Kandiloğlu, Ali Rıza, and Koyuncu, Faik Mümtaz
- Subjects
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- Published
- 2011
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26. Ductus Venosus Doppler Flow Velocity after Transplacental and Non-transplacental Amniocentesis during Midtrimester
- Author
Artunc Ulkumen, Burcu, primary, Pala, Halil Gursoy, additional, Bulbul Baytur, Yesim, additional, and Koyuncu, Faik Mumtaz, additional
- Published
- 1969
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27. Comparison of Subcuticular Suture Materials in Cesarean Skin Closure
- Author
Solmaz Hasdemir, Pınar, Guvenal, Tevfik, Tayfun Ozcakir, Hasan, Mumtaz Koyuncu, Faik, Dinc Horasan, Gonul, Erkan, Mustafa, and Oruc Koltan, Semra
- Abstract
Aim. Comparison of the rate of wound complications, pain, and patient satisfaction based on used subcuticular suture material. Methods. A total of 250 consecutive women undergoing primary and repeat cesarean section with low transverse incision were prospectively included. The primary outcome was wound complication rate including infection, dehiscence, hematoma, and hypertrophic scar formation within a 6-week period after operation. Secondary outcomes were skin closure time, the need for use of additional analgesic agent, pain score on numeric rating scale, cosmetic score, and patient scar satisfaction scale. Results. Absorbable polyglactin was used in 108 patients and nonabsorbable polypropylene was used in 142 patients. Wound complication rates were similar in primary and repeat cesarean groups based on the type of suture material. Skin closure time is longer in nonabsorbable suture material group in both primary and repeat cesarean groups. There was no difference between groups in terms of postoperative pain, need for additional analgesic use, late phase pain, and itching at the scar. Although the cosmetic results tended to be better in the nonabsorbable group in primary surgery patients, there was no significant difference in the visual satisfaction of the patients. Conclusions. Absorbable and nonabsorbable suture materials are comparable in cesarean section operation skin closure.
- Published
- 2015
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28. Birinci trimester gebelik döneminde plasenta volüm ölçümünün preeklampsi ve intrauterin gelişme kısıtlılığını (IUGR ) öngörmede rolü
- Author
Samadova, Gulnar, Koyuncu, Faik Mümtaz, and Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum Ana Bilim Dalı
- Subjects
Fetal growth retardation ,Pregnancy ,Birth weight ,Placenta ,Obstetrics and Gynecology ,Infant ,Pre-eclampsia ,Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum - Abstract
Amaç: Çalışmamızda 11-13 hafta 6 gün arasında ve CRL ölçümü 45-84mm arasında olan, ilk üç ay tarama testi yaptırmaya gelen gebelerde 3D ultrasonografi görüntüleme yöntemleri kullanılarak plasenta volüm ölçümü ile ilk trimesterde preeklampsi ve IUGR öngörmeyi amaçladık.Yöntem: Araştırmanın hipotezlerini test etmek ve değişkenler arası ilişkiyi incelemek için nicel analiz yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Örneklem: Manisa Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Hafsa Sultan Hastanesi Perinatoloji Bilim Dalı polikliniğine ilk üç ay tarama testi için başvurmuş hasta bilgi yönetim sisteminde kayıtlı 450 hasta örneklem olarak etik kurul izniyle araştırmaya alınmıştır.Bulgular: Plasenta hacmi ile sigara, kilo, gravide arasında ilişki bulunmazken, anne yaşı, gebelik haftası, fetal ağırlık, IUGR ve preeklampsi arasında anlamlı bir ilişki bulundu. Ayrıca bebek ağırlığı ile değişkenler arası ilişkiye bakıldığında kilo, yaş ve gravide arasında ilişki bulunmazken, gebelik haftası arasında ilişki olduğu sonucuna varıldı. Sonucuna ulaşılamayan 2 olgu çalışma dışı bırakıldı. Kalan 448 olgunun 16'sında preeklampsi gelişti. Bu 16 olgunun 11' inde (%78.6) plasenta hacmi 0-32mm3 arasında, 5 olguda(%1.2) ise plasenta hacmi 32mm3 üstünde saptandı. Böylece plasenta hacmi ile preeklampsi arasında istatiksel olarak yüksek derecede anlamlı bir ilişki saptandı(p=0.000). Toplam 448 olgunun 16'sında IUGR gelişti. Bunların14'nün plasenta hacmi 0-32 mm3 arasında, 2' sinin plasenta hacmi ise 32mm3 üstünde saptandı. Plasenta hacmi ile IUGR arasında istatiksel olarak yüksek derecede anlamlı bir ilişki olduğu görüldü(p=0.000).Sonuç: Plasenta hacmi ile preeklampsi ve IUGR arasında istatiksel olarak yüksek derecede anlamlı bir ilişki saptandı(p=0.000).Anahtar kelimeler: Plasenta Volüm, Preeklampsi, İntrauterin Gelişme Kısıtlılığını (IUGR), Gebelik, Bebek Ağırlığı Aim(s): In our study, we aimed to predict preeclampsia and IUGR in the first trimester with placental volume measurement by using 3D ultrasonographic imaging methods in women who were pregnant between 11 weeks and 13 weeks + 6 days with CRL measurement between 45-84 mm.Method: Quantitative analysis method was used to test the hypothesis of the research and to investigate the relationship between variables.Sample:450 patients, who enrolled in the patient information management system, were the sample of our study. These patients applied for the first three months screening test in the Perinatology Department of Manisa Celal Bayar University Hafsa Sultan Hospital and the sample was studied with permission from the ethics committee.Findings: The relation between placental volume and smoking, weight, gravida, maternal age, gestational age, fetal weight, IUGR, and preeclampsia were found significant. In addition, the relationship between the weight of the baby, the relationship between weight, age, gravida and the weeks of pregnancy was also found significant. Two cases whose outcome could not be reached were excluded from the study. Preeclampsia developed in 16 of 448 cases. Of these 16 cases, 11 (78.6%) had a placental volume of 0-32mm3 and the placenta volume of 5 cases (1.2%) was more than 32mm3. Thus, the relation between placental volume and preeclampsia was statistically found significant (p = 0.000). IUGR occurred in 16 of 448 cases. In 14 of these, placental volume was between 0-32 mm3 and in 2 cases placenta volume was above 32 mm3. The relation between placental volume and IUGR was also statistically found significant (p = 0.000).Results: The relation between placental volume and preeclampsia and IUGR was statistically found significant (p = 0.000). Keywords: Placenta Volume, Preeclampsia, Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), Pregnancy, Baby Weight 91
- Published
- 2018
29. Serum 25-hidroksi vitamin D3 düzeyinin sperm parametreleri üzerine etkisi'nin değerlendirilmesi
- Author
Irmak Zararci, Sedef, Koyuncu, Faik Mümtaz, and Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum Ana Bilim Dalı
- Subjects
Retrospective studies ,Vitamin D deficiency ,Infertility ,Obstetrics and Gynecology ,Infertility-male ,Vitamin D ,Spermatozoa ,Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum ,Cholecalciferol - Abstract
Amaç: Bu çalışmada amacımız, infertilite nedeniyle başvuran çiftlerden erkek bireylerin serum 25-hidroksi vitamin D3 düzeylerinin, sperm parametreleri üzerine etkisinin olup olmadığını değerlendirmektir.Gereç ve Yöntem: Bu araştırma retrospektif bir dosya tarama çalışması olup, Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Yerel Etik Kurulu'ndan onam alınmıştır. Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Yardımcı Üreme Teknikleri Merkezi'ne 10.11.2015 ile 10.03.2016 tarihleri arasında infertilite nedeniyle başvurmuş olan tüm çiftlerin erkek eşleri çalışmaya dahil edilmiştir (n=100). Hastaların dosya kayıtlarından yaş, meslek, sigara kullanımı, varikosel öyküsü, serum D vitamini düzeyleri, total testosteron ve follikül stimüle edici hormon düzeyleri ve aynı tarihli spermiyogram sonuçları bulunmuş, veriler SPSS-18 istatistik paket programı kullanılarak yorumlanmıştır.Bulguar: Çalışmada değerlendirilen 100 olgu semen analizi sonuçlarına göre normal (%13) ve anormal (%87) olarak gruplandırıldığında, semen analizi sonucu normal olan bireylerin serum D vitamini düzeyinin daha yüksek olduğu bulundu (p=0,0001). Sperm morfolojisi bakımından normal olan bireylerin serum D vitamini düzeyi daha yüksektir (p=0,002). Sperm motilitesi bakımından değerlendirildiğinde serumdaki D vitamini düzeyine göre normal olan bireylerin motilite yüzdeleri daha yüksektir (p=0,008). Ayrıca plazma D vitamini düzeylerine göre normal ve düşük olan bireyleri sperm hacimleri, 1 ml içerisinde bulunan sperm sayıları, toplam sperm sayıları ve toplam ileri hareketli sperm sayıları arasında istatiksel olarak anlamlı bir farklılık bulunmamaktadır (p>0,05).Sonuç: D vitamini eksikliği toplumda sık karşılaşılan bir durumdur. D vitamini düzeyi düşük olan kişilerde semen parametrelerinden özellikle motilite ve morfolojinin negatif yönde etkilendiği görülmüştür.Anahtar Kelimeler: İnfertilite, D vitamini yetersizliği, erkek infertilitesi, spermiyogram. Aim: The aim of the study was to investigate whether serum level of 25-hydroxy vitamin D3 has an impact on male factor infertility or not.Materials and Methods: This was a retrospective study which was approved by the local ethics committee of Celal Bayar University. Male partners of the infertile couples who referred to Celal Bayar University Infertility Treatment and Research Center between 10.11.2015 and 10.03.2016 were included in the study (n=100). Age, job, cigarette smoking, history of varicosele, levels of serum vitamin D, total testosterone and follicle stimulating hormone and results of the sperm analysis at the same day were recorded. SPSS-18 sattistical software programme was used for statistical calculations.Results: A total of 100 patients were divided according to the normal (13%) and abnormal (87%) semen analysis results. Level of serum vitamin D were found to be higher in the group with normal spermiogram (p=0,0001). Level of vitamin D was higher in cases with morphologically normal in semen analysis (p=0,002). The rate of motil sperms were higher in cases with normal serum D vitamin levels (p=0,008). There were no difference based on the volume, sperm count per 1 ml, total sperm count and total progressive motile sperm count between cases with normal and low levels of serum vitamin D (p>0,05).Conclusion: Deficiency of vitamin D is common in our population. Deficiency of vitamin D negatively effects the results of sperm analysis particularly in terms of morphology and motility.Key words: Infertility, sperm analysis, male factor infertility, vitamin D deficiency. 80
- Published
- 2016
30. Preterm doğumu öngörmede tükürükteki progesteron düzeyi
- Author
Başyurt, Hasan Ulaş, Koyuncu, Faik Mümtaz, and Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum Ana Bilim Dalı
- Subjects
Labor-premature ,Pregnancy ,Obstetrics and Gynecology ,Saliva ,Delivery ,Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum ,Progesterone - Abstract
Amaç: Çalışmamızda gebelerde tükürükteki progesteron düzeyi ile preterm doğumu öngörebilmeyi amaçladıkGereç ve Yöntem: Bu izlem çalışmasında polikliniğimize başvuran 100 gebeden 24,27ve 30. haftalarda tükürük topladık. Preeklampsi, diabet, ikiz gebelik,ve intrauterin gelişme geriliği olan gebeler çalışmaya dahil edilmedi. Tükürük progesteron değerleri enzim immun assay yöntemi ile tespit edildi. Gebeler doğuma kadar izlendi.Bulgular: Yüz hastanın onbirinde (%9,09) erken doğum izlendi. Preterm doğum yapanların ortalama progesteron değerleri termde doğum yapanlara göre daha düşük bulundu. İstatistiksel açıdan 24. ve 27. hafta progesteron değerleri anlamlı olarakbulundu (p=0,031, p=0,018). Otuzuncu hafta preterm doğumların progesteron değerleri düşük bulunmasına rağmen istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulunmadı (p=0,061). Çalışmamızda daha öncesinde erken doğum hikayesi olmayanlarda erken doğum görülme sıklığı %2.2 iken, erken doğum hikayesi olan gebelerde erken doğum görülme sıklığı %27,3 olarak saptandı (p=0,004). ROC eğrisinde 27. hafta progesteron değerleri preterm doğumu öngörme açısından 24. ve 30. hafta değerlerinden daha anlamlı olarak bulundu.Sonuç: Preterm doğumu öngörmede sensitivitesi yüksek ve noninvaziv yöntem olan tükürük progesteron düzeylerine 20-30. gebelik haftalarında bakmak yararlıdır. Ancak preterm doğumun multifaktöriyel bir olay olduğu unutulmamalıdır. Bu açıdan tek bir belirteç ile değerlendirmek yerine kombine olarak hem belirteçlerin hem de kliniğin beraber değerlendirilmesi preterm doğumu öngörmek ve önlemek açısından önemlidir. Böylece yüksek riskli hastalar tespit edilip uygun tedavi başlanabilirAnahtar Kelimeler: Preterm,tükürük,progesteron,doğum Objective : The objective of our study is to predict preterm labor by using saliva progesterone levels.Materials and Methods: In this observation study, saliva progesterone levels of 100 patients in 24th, 27th and 30th weeks were evaluated with immun-assay method. The group of the patients who had preeclampsia, diabetes, multiple pregnancy or intrauterine growth retardation were excluded from the study and the patients in the study were followed up to delivery.Results: In 11 of 100 patients (9.09%) preterm labor occured. The average progesterone levels of the patients who had preterm labor was lower than the patients who had labor at term. Progesterone levels in 24th and 27th weeks were established statistically different (p=0,031, p=0,018). Although progesterone levels in the 30th week were measured lower, there was no statistical difference (p=0,061). In our study, the preterm labor incidence among the patients who didn?t have the history of previous preterm labor was %2.2, the preterm labor incidence among the patients who had preterm labor was calculated as 27.3% (p=0,004). In ROC analysis saliva progesterone levels in the 27th week are more significant than 24th and 30th weeks to predict preterm labor statistically.Conclusion: It is useful to measure saliva progesterone levels which is a non-invasive and high sensitivite method between 20th and 30th week to predict the preterm labor. On the other hand it should be considered that preterm labor is a multifactorial incident. So instead of using only one scale, both clinical signs and laboratuary findings should be assessed to predict and prevent preterm labor. Thus the patients with high risk can be identified and treated immediately.Keywords: Preterm, saliva, progesterone, labor 48
- Published
- 2011
31. Sezeryan ve vajinal yoldan doğumun mesane boynu mobilitesi üzerine ve gerçek üriner inkontinans oluşturmaktaki etkilerinin araştırılması
- Author
Beştay, Fatma Nur, Koyuncu, Faik Mümtaz, and Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum Ana Bilim Dalı
- Subjects
Obstetrics and Gynecology ,Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum - Abstract
Üriner inkontinans kadın ve erkekleri etkileyebilen, her yaş grubunda görülebilen ve yaşam kalitesini olumsuz yönde etkileyebilen bir sağlık sorunudur. 30 yaş üzerindeki kadınların yaklaşık %14'ünde, daha önce doğum yapmamış kadınların %2-5, post-menapozal kadınların %30'unda bulunabilmektedir. Gebelik ve doğumun üriner inkontinans oluşumu üzerindeki etkileri tartışmalıdır. Üriner inkontinansın uzun dönemdeki sağlık üzerine etkileri ve tedavisinin güçlük ve maliyeti göz önüne alındığında, pelvik taban travması riski altındaki populasyonun belirlenmesi önem kazanmaktadır.Bu çalışmada Ocak 2009 ve Haziran 2009 tarihleri arasında Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Eğitim Hastanesi Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum polikliniğine başvuran 163 hasta (56'sı hiç doğum yapmamış, 66 adet vajinal ve 37 adet sezeryan ile doğum yapmış,4 adet hasta ise vajinal doğumu takiben tekrarlayan gebeliklerini sezeryan ile yapmışlardı) anamnez, klinik muayene, POP-Q, Ped ve Stres testleri, ve perineal ultrasonografi ile değerlendirildi. Tüm klinik değerlendirmelerde Uluslararası Kontinans Topluluğunun kriterleri esas alındı. Sonuçlar literatür ile karşılaştırıldı.Araştırma sonuçlarına göre gebelik mesane boynu mobilitesini ve üriner inkontinans görülme oranını artırmaktadır. Bu etkinin vajinal doğumlarda daha belirgin olduğu tesbit edilmesine rağmen, bu istatistiksel olarak anlamlı olmadığı, hastaların jinekolojik muayene bulguları ile inkontinans arasındaki ilişki mevcut olmakla birlikte istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulunmadığı, mesane boynu mobilitesinin perineal ultrasonografi ile değerlendirilmesi, üriner inkontinansta tek başına tanı yöntemi olmasa da, tanıya gidişte araştırmada gerekli olabilecek diğer basamakların seçiminde POP-Q, Ped testleri ile birlikte ve hastalarda preoperatif dönemde alt üriner sistem anatomisinin değerlendirilmesinde, uygun cerrrahi tipinin seçiminde ve cerrahi tekniğin uygulanmasında değerli bilgiler verebileceği sonuçlarına varıldı. Urinary incontinence is a health problem which can effect the qualitiy of life negatively and can be seen among men and women of any age. Prevalence of urinary incontinence in women aged over 30 is approximately 14%, primipar 2-5% and post- menopausal 30%. Effect of childbirt and pregnancy on urinary continence is controversial. The importance of evaluating the population under risk of developing urinary incontinence increases considering the impact on quality of life and cost of treatment in long term.This study examined the effects of vaginal and cessarean deliveries and pregnancy on urinary continence on women selected randomly who presented to he Wonen?s Health Outpatient Clinic in Celal Bayar University Hospital, between January 2009 and June 2009. Among these 163 patients, 56 were primipar, 66 were delivered vaginaly and 37 were delivered by cessarean section and 4 patient had vaginal birth after cessarean section. The patients were evaluated with anamnesis, clinical examination, POP-Q, stres and ped tests and perineal ultrasonography based on the International Continence Society criterias. Results were compared with the current literature.According to the results pregnancy increased the bladder neck mobility and prevalence of urinary incontinence, moreover, this increase was higher among patients delivered vaginaly, although, insignificant statisticaly. There was a noticeable difference on clinical examination findings and urinary incontinence, however, it did not show statistical significance. This study suggests that the perineal ultrasonograpy has not a diagnostic value alone, however, it would be highly beneficial if it is used with POP-Q and ped tests evaluating lower genital tract anatomy preoperatively and chosing the best surgical treatment technique. 80
- Published
- 2009
32. The effect of parity on first trimester uterine artery Doppler waveforms in low-risk singleton pregnancies.
- Author
Ulkumen BA, Pala HG, Uyar Y, Baytur YB, and Koyuncu FM
- Subjects
- Adult, Blood Flow Velocity physiology, Female, Gestational Age, Humans, Maternal Age, Ultrasonography, Doppler, Color methods, Young Adult, Parity physiology, Placenta blood supply, Pregnancy physiology, Pregnancy Trimester, First physiology, Uterine Artery diagnostic imaging
- Abstract
Objectives: The aim of the study was to evaluate the effeot of parity on uteroplacental blood flow during the first trimester in low-risk singleton pregnancies., Materials and Methods: Uterine artery Doppler examinations were performed in 190 singleton pregnancies between 11-14 gestational weeks. Twenty-five pregnancies were excluded from the study due to history ci preeclampsia, diabetes mellitus or inherited thrombophilia. A total of 165 low-risk singleton pregnancies were included in the study Mean uterine artery pulsatility index (P1) was recorded and compared between nulliparous and multiparous women. The relation between maternal age, gestational week, maternal weight, parity biochemica, markers and abnormal uterine artery Doppler flows was evaluated. T-test and logistic regression analyses were used for the statistical analysis., Results: A total of 165 singleton pregnancies without any risk factors for uteroplacental insufficiency were includec in the study Of them, 58 (36.7%) were nulliparous and 107(63.3%) were parous. Correlation analysis revealed that the uterine artery pulsatifity indices during the first trimester were not affected by maternal age and parity:, Conclusions: Mean uterine artery pulsatility indices are not different in nulliparous and multiparous low nisA pregnancies at 11-14 weeks of gestation.
- Published
- 2014
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33. Normal range of intracranial translucency in healthy Turkish pregnancies and its association with first trimester maternal serum biochemistry and ductus venosus pulsatility index. .
- Author
Artunc-Ulkumen B, Pala HG, Uyar Y, Bulbul-Baytur Y, and Koyuncu FM
- Subjects
- Adult, Biomarkers blood, Blood Flow Velocity, Female, Humans, Normal Distribution, Pregnancy, Reference Values, Ultrasonography, Prenatal, Young Adult, Chorionic Gonadotropin, beta Subunit, Human blood, Crown-Rump Length, Nuchal Translucency Measurement, Pregnancy Trimester, First blood, Pregnancy-Associated Plasma Protein-A analysis, Umbilical Arteries diagnostic imaging
- Abstract
Objective: To measure the intracranial translucency (IT) by establishing reference ranges in uncomplicated singleton Turkish pregnancies and to evaluate the association of IT with maternal serum biochemistry, gestational week, crown-rump length (CRL) measurement, nuchal translucency (NT) and ductus venosus Doppler velocimetry., Materials and Methods: 190 uncomplicated singleton pregnancies were included in the study. IT, NT and CRL measurements between 11-14 gestational weeks were obtained with mid-sagittal plane. Two independent measurements were taken and averaged to obtain the final measurement used in the calculations. Statistical analysis was performed with SPSS for Windows 20.0 software package. Correlation analysis was used to determine the association between IT and NT pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A (PAPP-A), free β-human chorionic gonadotropin (β-hCG) and CRL length. A p-value of <0.05 was considered statistically significant., Results: The assessment rate of IT was 167/190 (87.89%). The mean CRL length, gestational week, NT and IT measurements were 63.63±10.05 mm, 12.28±0.75 weeks, 1.23±0.43 mm (range: 0.20-2.68) and 2.29±0.49 mm (range: 0.18-3.80), respectively There was no significant correlation between IT and maternal serum PAPP-A MoM (r=-0.34, p=0.698) or maternal serum free β-hCG MoM (r=-0.79, p=0.363), respectively. There was weak but statistically significant correlation between IT with with maternal weight (r=0.172, p=0.047), CRL length (r =0.301, p<0.001), gestational week (r=0.286, p=0.001) and NT measurement (r=0.224, p=0.007), respectively. There was no significant association between IT with ductus venosus Doppler pulsatility index (r=0.108, p=0.213)., Conclusion: IT can be easily measured while scanning for NT. This study shows normal range values in healthy Turkish pregnancies. Consistent with recent data, our results show positive correlation with gestational week and CRL length. Maternal serum biochemistry does not have any effect on IT. Besides, our study highlights that IT is correlated with NT and adds newly to the literature that there is no correlation of IT with ductus venosus pulsatility index.
- Published
- 2014
34. Retrospective analysis of fetal anterior abdominal wall defects.
- Author
Ulkumen BA, Pala HG, Baytur Y, and Koyuncu FM
- Subjects
- Humans, Retrospective Studies, Abdominal Wall abnormalities, Fetus abnormalities
- Abstract
Objective: To analyze fetal abdominal defects diagnosed during the prenatal period in the perinatology department in a tertiary center in Turkey., Methods: This retrospective study consisted of 27 cases diagnosed with fetal abdominal wall defects between January 2011 and February 2014 in the perinatology outpatient clinic of Celal Bayar University, Manisa, Turkey., Results: Eighteen (66.7%) cases were diagnosed with omphalocele, 6 (22.2%) had gastroschisis, and 3 (11.1%) had limb body wall defects. Twenty-one (77.7%) patients diagnosed either as omphalocele or limb body wall defect were offered karyotype analysis; 11 (52.4%) of them accepted the intervention, and 2 of the 11 patients (18.2%) had abnormal karyotype. Regarding the omphalocele cases; 12 (66.6%) cases had isolated omphalocele, whereas 6 of the 18 cases (33.3%) had associated anomalies. Expectant management was performed in 8 (66.7%) of 12 isolated omphalocele cases. Two of the isolated omphalocele group (16.7%) had missed abortion, the other 2 (16.7%) had termination of the pregnancy because of the associated chromosomal anomaly (47,XXY and 45,X0). Three of the gastroschisis group (50%) had missed abortion, and the other 3 (50%) had expectant management with cesarean delivery between 38-39 gestational weeks. Cases with limb body wall defect were terminated due to the lethal condition., Conclusion: The prenatal diagnosis of fetal abdominal wall defects is important, because they differ greatly in terms of perinatal and neonatal morbidity and mortality due to underlying chromosomal abnormalities and associated structural anomalies.
- Published
- 2014
35. Recent advances in the diagnosis and management of gestational diabetes.
- Author
Solmaz Hasdemir P, Terzi H, and Koyuncu FM
- Abstract
Gestational diabetes is a condition which is seen in 7% of pregnancies and have potential risks for both mother and fetus. Despite its importance, there is not any golden standard approaches to the diagnosis and management of the disease. The aim of this review was to investigate the advances in the diagnosis and management of gestational diabetes in recent years.
- Published
- 2014
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