1,057 results on '"Kramer S"'
Search Results
2. Health Equity Implications of Missing Data Among Youths With Childhood‐Onset Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: A Proof‐of‐Concept Study in the Childhood Arthritis and Rheumatology Research Alliance Registry
- Author
Woo, Jennifer M. P., Simmonds, Faith, Dennos, Anne, Son, Mary Beth F., Lewandowski, Laura B., Rubinstein, Tamar B., Abel, N., Abulaban, K., Adams, A., Adams, M., Agbayani, R., Aiello, J., Akoghlanian, S., Alejandro, C., Allenspach, E., Alperin, R., Alpizar, M., Amarilyo, G., Ambler, W., Anderson, E., Ardoin, S., Armendariz, S., Baker, E., Balboni, I., Balevic, S., Ballenger, L., Ballinger, S., Balmuri, N., Barbar‐Smiley, F., Barillas‐Arias, L., Basiaga, M., Baszis, K., Becker, M., Bell‐Brunson, H., Beltz, E., Benham, H., Benseler, S., Bernal, W., Beukelman, T., Bigley, T., Binstadt, B., Black, C., Blakley, M., Bohnsack, J., Boland, J., Boneparth, A., Bowman, S., Bracaglia, C., Brooks, E., Brothers, M., Brown, A., Brunner, H., Buckley, M., Buckley, M., Bukulmez, H., Bullock, D., Cameron, B., Canna, S., Cannon, L., Carper, P., Cartwright, V., Cassidy, E., Cerracchio, L., Chalom, E., Chang, J., Chang‐Hoftman, A., Chauhan, V., Chira, P., Chinn, T., Chundru, K., Clairman, H., Co, D., Confair, A., Conlon, H., Connor, R., Cooper, A., Cooper, J., Cooper, S., Correll, C., Corvalan, R., Costanzo, D., Cron, R., Curiel‐Duran, L., Curington, T., Curry, M., Dalrymple, A., Davis, A., Davis, C., Davis, C., Davis, T., De Benedetti, F., De Ranieri, D., Dean, J., Dedeoglu, F., DeGuzman, M., Delnay, N., Dempsey, V., DeSantis, E., Dickson, T., Dingle, J., Donaldson, B., Dorsey, E., Dover, S., Dowling, J., Drew, J., Driest, K., Du, Q., Duarte, K., Durkee, D., Duverger, E., Dvergsten, J., Eberhard, A., Eckert, M., Ede, K., Edelheit, B., Edens, C., Edens, C., Edgerly, Y., Elder, M., Ervin, B., Fadrhonc, S., Failing, C., Fair, D., Falcon, M., Favier, L., Federici, S., Feldman, B., Fennell, J., Ferguson, I., Ferguson, P., Ferreira, B., Ferrucho, R., Fields, K., Finkel, T., Fitzgerald, M., Fleming, C., Flynn, O., Fogel, L., Fox, E., Fox, M., Franco, L., Freeman, M., Fritz, K., Froese, S., Fuhlbrigge, R., Fuller, J., George, N., Gerhold, K., Gerstbacher, D., Gilbert, M., Gillispie‐Taylor, M., Giverc, E., Godiwala, C., Goh, I., Goheer, H., Goldsmith, D., Gotschlich, E., Gotte, A., Gottlieb, B., Gracia, C., Graham, T., Grevich, S., Griffin, T., Griswold, J., Grom, A., Guevara, M., Guittar, P., Guzman, M., Hager, M., Hahn, T., Halyabar, O., Hammelev, E., Hance, M., Hanson, A., Harel, L., Haro, S., Harris, J., Harry, O., Hartigan, E., Hausmann, J., Hay, A., Hayward, K., Heiart, J., Hekl, K., Henderson, L., Henrickson, M., Hersh, A., Hickey, K., Hill, P., Hillyer, S., Hiraki, L., Hiskey, M., Hobday, P., Hoffart, C., Holland, M., Hollander, M., Hong, S., Horwitz, M., Hsu, J., Huber, A., Huggins, J., Hui‐Yuen, J., Hung, C., Huntington, J., Huttenlocher, A., Ibarra, M., Imundo, L., Inman, C., Insalaco, A., Jackson, A., Jackson, S., James, K., Janow, G., Jaquith, J., Jared, S., Johnson, N., Jones, J., Jones, J., Jones, J., Jones, K., Jones, S., Joshi, S., Jung, L., Justice, C., Justiniano, A., Karan, N., Kaufman, K., Kemp, A., Kessler, E., Khalsa, U., Kienzle, B., Kim, S., Kimura, Y., Kingsbury, D., Kitcharoensakkul, M., Klausmeier, T., Klein, K., Klein‐Gitelman, M., Kompelien, B., Kosikowski, A., Kovalick, L., Kracker, J., Kramer, S., Kremer, C., Lai, J., Lam, J., Lang, B., Lapidus, S., Lapin, B., Lasky, A., Latham, D., Lawson, E., Laxer, R., Lee, P., Lee, P., Lee, T., Lentini, L., Lerman, M., Levy, D., Li, S., Lieberman, S., Lim, L., Lin, C., Ling, N., Lingis, M., Lo, M., Lovell, D., Lowman, D., Luca, N., Lvovich, S., Madison, C., Madison, J., Manzoni, S. Magni, Malla, B., Maller, J., Malloy, M., Mannion, M., Manos, C., Marques, L., Martyniuk, A., Mason, T., Mathus, S., McAllister, L., McCarthy, K., McConnell, K., McCormick, E., McCurdy, D., Stokes, P. McCurdy, McGuire, S., McHale, I., McMonagle, A., McMullen‐Jackson, C., Meidan, E., Mellins, E., Mendoza, E., Mercado, R., Merritt, A., Michalowski, L., Miettunen, P., Miller, M., Milojevic, D., Mirizio, E., Misajon, E., Mitchell, M., Modica, R., Mohan, S., Moore, K., Moorthy, L., Morgan, S., Dewitt, E. Morgan, Moss, C., Moussa, T., Mruk, V., Murphy, A., Muscal, E., Nadler, R., Nahal, B., Nanda, K., Nasah, N., Nassi, L., Nativ, S., Natter, M., Neely, J., Nelson, B., Newhall, L., Ng, L., Nicholas, J., Nicolai, R., Nigrovic, P., Nocton, J., Nolan, B., Oberle, E., Obispo, B., OʼBrien, B., OʼBrien, T., Okeke, O., Oliver, M., Olson, J., OʼNeil, K., Onel, K., Orandi, A., Orlando, M., Osei‐Onomah, S., Oz, R., Pagano, E., Paller, A., Pan, N., Panupattanapong, S., Pardeo, M., Paredes, J., Parsons, A., Patel, J., Pentakota, K., Pepmueller, P., Pfeiffer, T., Phillippi, K., Phillippi, K., Marafon, D. Pires, Ponder, L., Pooni, R., Prahalad, S., Pratt, S., Protopapas, S., Puplava, B., Quach, J., Quinlan‐Waters, M., Rabinovich, C., Radhakrishna, S., Rafko, J., Raisian, J., Rakestraw, A., Ramirez, C., Ramsay, E., Ramsey, S., Randell, R., Reed, A., Reed, A., Reed, A., Reid, H., Remmel, K., Repp, A., Reyes, A., Richmond, A., Riebschleger, M., Ringold, S., Riordan, M., Riskalla, M., Ritter, M., Rivas‐Chacon, R., Robinson, A., Rodela, E., Rodriquez, M., Rojas, K., Ronis, T., Rosenkranz, M., Rosolowski, B., Rothermel, H., Rothman, D., Roth‐Wojcicki, E., Rouster‐Stevens, K., Rubinstein, T., Ruth, N., Saad, N., Sabbagh, S., Sacco, E., Sadun, R., Sandborg, C., Sanni, A., Santiago, L., Sarkissian, A., Savani, S., Scalzi, L., Schanberg, L., Scharnhorst, S., Schikler, K., Schlefman, A., Schmeling, H., Schmidt, K., Schmitt, E., Schneider, R., Schollaert‐Fitch, K., Schulert, G., Seay, T., Seper, C., Shalen, J., Sheets, R., Shelly, A., Shenoi, S., Shergill, K., Shirley, J., Shishov, M., Shivers, C., Silverman, E., Singer, N., Sivaraman, V., Sletten, J., Smith, A., Smith, C., Smith, J., Smith, J., Smitherman, E., Soep, J., Son, M., Spence, S., Spiegel, L., Spitznagle, J., Sran, R., Srinivasalu, H., Stapp, H., Steigerwald, K., Rakovchik, Y. Sterba, Stern, S., Stevens, A., Stevens, B., Stevenson, R., Stewart, K., Stingl, C., Stokes, J., Stoll, M., Stringer, E., Sule, S., Sumner, J., Sundel, R., Sutter, M., Syed, R., Syverson, G., Szymanski, A., Taber, S., Tal, R., Tambralli, A., Taneja, A., Tanner, T., Tapani, S., Tarshish, G., Tarvin, S., Tate, L., Taxter, A., Taylor, J., Terry, M., Tesher, M., Thatayatikom, A., Thomas, B., Tiffany, K., Ting, T., Tipp, A., Toib, D., Torok, K., Toruner, C., Tory, H., Toth, M., Tse, S., Tubwell, V., Twilt, M., Uriguen, S., Valcarcel, T., Van Mater, H., Vannoy, L., Varghese, C., Vasquez, N., Vazzana, K., Vehe, R., Veiga, K., Velez, J., Verbsky, J., Vilar, G., Volpe, N., von Scheven, E., Vora, S., Wagner, J., Wagner‐Weiner, L., Wahezi, D., Waite, H., Walker, J., Walters, H., Muskardin, T. Wampler, Waqar, L., Waterfield, M., Watson, M., Watts, A., Weiser, P., Weiss, J., Weiss, P., Wershba, E., White, A., Williams, C., Wise, A., Woo, J., Woolnough, L., Wright, T., Wu, E., Yalcindag, A., Yee, M., Yen, E., Yeung, R., Yomogida, K., Yu, Q., Zapata, R., Zartoshti, A., Zeft, A., Zeft, R., Zhang, Y., Zhao, Y., Zhu, A., and Zic, C.
- Published
- 2023
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3. Childhood‐Onset Lupus Nephritis in the Childhood Arthritis and Rheumatology Research Alliance Registry: Short‐Term Kidney Status and Variation in Care
- Author
Smitherman, Emily A., Chahine, Rouba A., Beukelman, Timothy, Lewandowski, Laura B., Rahman, A. K. M. Fazlur, Wenderfer, Scott E., Curtis, Jeffrey R., Hersh, Aimee O., Abel, N., Abulaban, K., Adams, A., Adams, M., Agbayani, R., Aiello, J., Akoghlanian, S., Alejandro, C., Allenspach, E., Alperin, R., Alpizar, M., Amarilyo, G., Ambler, W., Anderson, E., Ardoin, S., Armendariz, S., Baker, E., Balboni, I., Balevic, S., Ballenger, L., Ballinger, S., Balmuri, N., Barbar‐Smiley, F., Barillas‐Arias, L., Basiaga, M., Baszis, K., Becker, M., Bell‐Brunson, H., Beltz, E., Benham, H., Benseler, S., Bernal, W., Beukelman, T., Bigley, T., Binstadt, B., Black, C., Blakley, M., Bohnsack, J., Boland, J., Boneparth, A., Bowman, S., Bracaglia, C., Brooks, E., Brothers, M., Brown, A., Brunner, H., Buckley, M., Buckley, M., Bukulmez, H., Bullock, D., Cameron, B., Canna, S., Cannon, L., Carper, P., Cartwright, V., Cassidy, E., Cerracchio, L., Chalom, E., Chang, J., Chang‐Hoftman, A., Chauhan, V., Chira, P., Chinn, T., Chundru, K., Clairman, H., Co, D., Confair, A., Conlon, H., Connor, R., Cooper, A., Cooper, J., Cooper, S., Correll, C., Corvalan, R., Costanzo, D., Cron, R., Curiel‐Duran, L., Curington, T., Curry, M., Dalrymple, A., Davis, A., Davis, C., Davis, C., Davis, T., De Benedetti, F., De Ranieri, D., Dean, J., Dedeoglu, F., DeGuzman, M., Delnay, N., Dempsey, V., DeSantis, E., Dickson, T., Dingle, J., Donaldson, B., Dorsey, E., Dover, S., Dowling, J., Drew, J., Driest, K., Du, Q., Duarte, K., Durkee, D., Duverger, E., Dvergsten, J., Eberhard, A., Eckert, M., Ede, K., Edelheit, B., Edens, C., Edens, C., Edgerly, Y., Elder, M., Ervin, B., Fadrhonc, S., Failing, C., Fair, D., Falcon, M., Favier, L., Federici, S., Feldman, B., Fennell, J., Ferguson, I., Ferguson, P., Ferreira, B., Ferrucho, R., Fields, K., Finkel, T., Fitzgerald, M., Fleming, C., Flynn, O., Fogel, L., Fox, E., Fox, M., Franco, L., Freeman, M., Fritz, K., Froese, S., Fuhlbrigge, R., Fuller, J., George, N., Gerhold, K., Gerstbacher, D., Gilbert, M., Gillispie‐Taylor, M., Giverc, E., Godiwala, C., Goh, I., Goheer, H., Goldsmith, D., Gotschlich, E., Gotte, A., Gottlieb, B., Gracia, C., Graham, T., Grevich, S., Griffin, T., Griswold, J., Grom, A., Guevara, M., Guittar, P., Guzman, M., Hager, M., Hahn, T., Halyabar, O., Hammelev, E., Hance, M., Hanson, A., Harel, L., Haro, S., Harris, J., Harry, O., Hartigan, E., Hausmann, J., Hay, A., Hayward, K., Heiart, J., Hekl, K., Henderson, L., Henrickson, M., Hersh, A., Hickey, K., Hill, P., Hillyer, S., Hiraki, L., Hiskey, M., Hobday, P., Hoffart, C., Holland, M., Hollander, M., Hong, S., Horwitz, M., Hsu, J., Huber, A., Huggins, J., Hui‐Yuen, J., Hung, C., Huntington, J., Huttenlocher, A., Ibarra, M., Imundo, L., Inman, C., Insalaco, A., Jackson, A., Jackson, S., James, K., Janow, G., Jaquith, J., Jared, S., Johnson, N., Jones, J., Jones, J., Jones, J., Jones, K., Jones, S., Joshi, S., Jung, L., Justice, C., Justiniano, A., Karan, N., Kaufman, K., Kemp, A., Kessler, E., Khalsa, U., Kienzle, B., Kim, S., Kimura, Y., Kingsbury, D., Kitcharoensakkul, M., Klausmeier, T., Klein, K., Klein‐Gitelman, M., Kompelien, B., Kosikowski, A., Kovalick, L., Kracker, J., Kramer, S., Kremer, C., Lai, J., Lam, J., Lang, B., Lapidus, S., Lapin, B., Lasky, A., Latham, D., Lawson, E., Laxer, R., Lee, P., Lee, P., Lee, T., Lentini, L., Lerman, M., Levy, D., Li, S., Lieberman, S., Lim, L., Lin, C., Ling, N., Lingis, M., Lo, M., Lovell, D., Lowman, D., Luca, N., Lvovich, S., Madison, C., Madison, J., Manzoni, S. Magni, Malla, B., Maller, J., Malloy, M., Mannion, M., Manos, C., Marques, L., Martyniuk, A., Mason, T., Mathus, S., McAllister, L., McCarthy, K., McConnell, K., McCormick, E., McCurdy, D., Stokes, P. McCurdy, McGuire, S., McHale, I., McMonagle, A., McMullen‐Jackson, C., Meidan, E., Mellins, E., Mendoza, E., Mercado, R., Merritt, A., Michalowski, L., Miettunen, P., Miller, M., Milojevic, D., Mirizio, E., Misajon, E., Mitchell, M., Modica, R., Mohan, S., Moore, K., Moorthy, L., Morgan, S., Dewitt, E. Morgan, Moss, C., Moussa, T., Mruk, V., Murphy, A., Muscal, E., Nadler, R., Nahal, B., Nanda, K., Nasah, N., Nassi, L., Nativ, S., Natter, M., Neely, J., Nelson, B., Newhall, L., Ng, L., Nicholas, J., Nicolai, R., Nigrovic, P., Nocton, J., Nolan, B., Oberle, E., Obispo, B., OʼBrien, B., OʼBrien, T., Okeke, O., Oliver, M., Olson, J., OʼNeil, K., Onel, K., Orandi, A., Orlando, M., Osei‐Onomah, S., Oz, R., Pagano, E., Paller, A., Pan, N., Panupattanapong, S., Pardeo, M., Paredes, J., Parsons, A., Patel, J., Pentakota, K., Pepmueller, P., Pfeiffer, T., Phillippi, K., Marafon, D. Pires, Phillippi, K., Ponder, L., Pooni, R., Prahalad, S., Pratt, S., Protopapas, S., Puplava, B., Quach, J., Quinlan‐Waters, M., Rabinovich, C., Radhakrishna, S., Rafko, J., Raisian, J., Rakestraw, A., Ramirez, C., Ramsay, E., Ramsey, S., Randell, R., Reed, A., Reed, A., Reed, A., Reid, H., Remmel, K., Repp, A., Reyes, A., Richmond, A., Riebschleger, M., Ringold, S., Riordan, M., Riskalla, M., Ritter, M., Rivas‐Chacon, R., Robinson, A., Rodela, E., Rodriquez, M., Rojas, K., Ronis, T., Rosenkranz, M., Rosolowski, B., Rothermel, H., Rothman, D., Roth‐Wojcicki, E., Rouster – Stevens, K., Rubinstein, T., Ruth, N., Saad, N., Sabbagh, S., Sacco, E., Sadun, R., Sandborg, C., Sanni, A., Santiago, L., Sarkissian, A., Savani, S., Scalzi, L., Schanberg, L., Scharnhorst, S., Schikler, K., Schlefman, A., Schmeling, H., Schmidt, K., Schmitt, E., Schneider, R., Schollaert‐Fitch, K., Schulert, G., Seay, T., Seper, C., Shalen, J., Sheets, R., Shelly, A., Shenoi, S., Shergill, K., Shirley, J., Shishov, M., Shivers, C., Silverman, E., Singer, N., Sivaraman, V., Sletten, J., Smith, A., Smith, C., Smith, J., Smith, J., Smitherman, E., Soep, J., Son, M., Spence, S., Spiegel, L., Spitznagle, J., Sran, R., Srinivasalu, H., Stapp, H., Steigerwald, K., Rakovchik, Y. Sterba, Stern, S., Stevens, A., Stevens, B., Stevenson, R., Stewart, K., Stingl, C., Stokes, J., Stoll, M., Stringer, E., Sule, S., Sumner, J., Sundel, R., Sutter, M., Syed, R., Syverson, G., Szymanski, A., Taber, S., Tal, R., Tambralli, A., Taneja, A., Tanner, T., Tapani, S., Tarshish, G., Tarvin, S., Tate, L., Taxter, A., Taylor, J., Terry, M., Tesher, M., Thatayatikom, A., Thomas, B., Tiffany, K., Ting, T., Tipp, A., Toib, D., Torok, K., Toruner, C., Tory, H., Toth, M., Tse, S., Tubwell, V., Twilt, M., Uriguen, S., Valcarcel, T., Van Mater, H., Vannoy, L., Varghese, C., Vasquez, N., Vazzana, K., Vehe, R., Veiga, K., Velez, J., Verbsky, J., Vilar, G., Volpe, N., von Scheven, E., Vora, S., Wagner, J., Wagner‐Weiner, L., Wahezi, D., Waite, H., Walker, J., Walters, H., Muskardin, T. Wampler, Waqar, L., Waterfield, M., Watson, M., Watts, A., Weiser, P., Weiss, J., Weiss, P., Wershba, E., White, A., Williams, C., Wise, A., Woo, J., Woolnough, L., Wright, T., Wu, E., Yalcindag, A., Yee, M., Yen, E., Yeung, R., Yomogida, K., Yu, Q., Zapata, R., Zartoshti, A., Zeft, A., Zeft, R., Zhang, Y., Zhao, Y., Zhu, A., and Zic, C.
- Published
- 2023
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4. Racial Disparities and Achievement of the Low Lupus Disease Activity State: A CARRARegistry Study
- Author
Soulsby, William Daniel, Olveda, Rebecca, He, Jie, Berbert, Laura, Weller, Edie, Barbour, Kamil E., Greenlund, Kurt J., Schanberg, Laura E., von Scheven, Emily, Hersh, Aimee, Son, Mary Beth F., Chang, Joyce, Knight, Andrea, Aamir, R., Abulaban, K., Adams, A., Aguiar Lapsia, C., Akinsete, A., Akoghlanian, S., Al Manaa, M., AlBijadi, A., Allenspach, E., Almutairi, A., Alperin, R., Amarilyo, G., Ambler, W., Amoruso, M., Angeles‐Han, S., Ardoin, S., Armendariz, S., Asfaw, L., Aviran Dagan, N., Bacha, C., Balboni, I., Balevic, S., Ballinger, S., Baluta, S., Barillas‐Arias, L., Basiaga, M., Baszis, K., Baxter, S., Becker, M., Begezda, A., Behrens, E., Beil, E., Benseler, S., Bermudez‐Santiago, L., Bernal, W., Bigley, T., Bingham, C., Binstadt, B., Black, C., Blackmon, B., Blakley, M., Bohnsack, J., Boneparth, A., Bradfield, H., Bridges, J., Brooks, E., Brothers, M., Brunner, H., Buckley, L., Buckley, M., Buckley, M., Bukulmez, H., Bullock, D., Canna, S., Cannon, L., Canny, S., Cartwright, V., Cassidy, E., Castro, D., Chalom, E., Chang, J., Chang, M., Chang, J., Chang‐Hoftman, A., Chen, A., Chiraseveenuprapund, P., Ciaglia, K., Co, D., Cohen, E., Collinge, J., Conlon, H., Connor, R., Cook, K., Cooper, A., Cooper, J., Corbin, K., Correll, C., Cron, R., Curry, M., Dalrymple, A., Datyner, E., Davis, T., De Ranieri, D., Dean, J., DeCoste, C., Dedeoglu, F., DeGuzman, M., Delnay, N., DeSantis, E., Devine, R., Dhalla, M., Dhanrajani, A., Dissanayake, D., Dizon, B., Drapeau, N., Drew, J., Driest, K., Du, Q., Duncan, E., Dunnock, K., Durkee, D., Dvergsten, J., Eberhard, A., Ede, K., Edelheit, B., Edens, C., El Tal, T., Elder, M., Elzaki, Y., Fadrhonc, S., Failing, C., Fair, D., Favier, L., Feldman, B., Fennell, J., Ferguson, P., Ferguson, I., Figueroa, C., Flanagan, E., Fogel, L., Fox, E., Fox, M., Franklin, L., Fuhlbrigge, R., Fuller, J., Furey, M., Futch‐West, T., Gagne, S., Gennaro, V., Gerstbacher, D., Gilbert, M., Gironella, A., Glaser, D., Goh, I., Goldsmith, D., Gorry, S., Goswami, N., Gottlieb, B., Graham, T., Grevich, S., Griffin, T., Grim, A., Grom, A., Guevara, M., Hahn, T., Halyabar, O., Hamda Natur, M., Hammelev, E., Hammond, T., Harel, L., Harris, J., Harry, O., Hausmann, J., Hay, A., Hays, K., Hayward, K., Henderson, L., Henrickson, M., Hersh, A., Hickey, K., Hiraki, L., Hiskey, M., Hobday, P., Hoffart, C., Holland, M., Hollander, M., Hong, S., Horton, D., Horwitz, M., Hsu, J., Huber, A., Huberts, A., Huggins, J., Huie, L., Hui‐Yuen, J., Ibarra, M., Imlay, A., Imundo, L., Inman, C., Jackson, A., James, K., Janow, G., Jared, S., Jiang, Y., Johnson, L., Johnson, N., Jones, J., Kafisheh, D., Kahn, P., Kaidar, K., Kasinathan, S., Kaur, R., Kessler, E., Kienzle, B., Kim, S., Kimura, Y., Kingsbury, D., Kitcharoensakkul, M., Klausmeier, T., Klein, K., Klein‐Gitelman, M., Knight, A., Kovalick, L., Kramer, S., Kremer, C., Kudas, O., LaFlam, T., Lang, B., Lapidus, S., Lapin, B., Lasky, A., Lawler, C., Lawson, E., Laxer, R., Lee, P., Lee, P., Lee, T., Lee, A., Leisinger, E., Lentini, L., Lerman, M., Levinsky, Y., Levy, D., Li, S., Lieberman, S., Lim, L., Limenis, E., Lin, C., Ling, N., Lionetti, G., Livny, R., Lloyd, M., Lo, M., Long, A., Lopez‐Peña, M., Lovell, D., Luca, N., Lvovich, S., Lytch, A., Ma, M., Machado, A., MacMahon, J., Madison, J., Mannion, M., Manos, C., Mansfield, L., Marston, B., Mason, T., Matchett, D., McAllister, L., McBrearty, K., McColl, J., McCurdy, D., McDaniels, K., McDonald, J., Meidan, E., Mellins, E., Mian, Z., Miettunen, P., Miller, M., Milojevic, D., Mitacek, R., Modica, R., Mohan, S., Moore, T., Moore, K., Moorthy, L., Moreno, J., Morgan, E., Moyer, A., Murante, B., Murphy, A., Muscal, E., Mwizerwa, O., Najafi, A., Nanda, K., Nasah, N., Nassi, L., Nativ, S., Natter, M., Nearanz, K., Neely, J., Newhall, L., Nguyen, A., Nigrovic, P., Nocton, J., Nolan, B., Nowicki, K., Oakes, R., Oberle, E., Ogbonnaya‐Whittesley, S., Ogbu, E., Oliver, M., Olveda, R., Onel, K., Orandi, A., Padam, J., Paller, A., Pan, N., Pandya, J., Panupattanapong, S., Pappo Toledano, A., Parsons, A., Patel, J., Patel, P., Patrick, A., Patrizi, S., Paul, S., Perfetto, J., Perron, M., Peskin, M., Ponder, L., Pooni, R., Prahalad, S., Puplava, B., Quinlan‐Waters, M., Rabinovich, C., Rafko, J., Rahimi, H., Rampone, K., Ramsey, S., Randell, R., Ray, L., Reed, A., Reed, A., Reid, H., Reiff, D., Richins, S., Riebschleger, M., Rife, E., Riordan, M., Riskalla, M., Robinson, A., Robinson, L., Rodgers, L., Rodriquez, M., Rogers, D., Ronis, T., Rosado, A., Rosenkranz, M., Rosenwasser, N., Rothermel, H., Rothman, D., Rothschild, E., Roth‐Wojcicki, E., Rouster‐Stevens, K., Rubinstein, T., Rupp, J., Ruth, N., Sabbagh, S., Sadun, R., Santiago, L., Saper, V., Sarkissian, A., Scalzi, L., Schahn, J., Schikler, K., Schlefman, A., Schmeling, H., Schmitt, E., Schneider, R., Schulert, G., Schultz, K., Schutt, C., Seper, C., Sheets, R., Shehab, A., Shenoi, S., Sherman, M., Shirley, J., Shishov, M., Siegel, D., Singer, N., Sivaraman, V., Sloan, E., Smith, C., Smith, J., Smitherman, E., Soep, J., Son, Mary B., Sosna, D., Spencer, C., Spiegel, L., Spitznagle, J., Srinivasalu, H., Stapp, H., Steigerwald, K., Stephens, A., Sterba Rakovchik, Y., Stern, S., Stevens, B., Stevenson, R., Stewart, K., Stewart, W., Stingl, C., Stoll, M., Stringer, E., Sule, S., Sullivan, J., Sundel, R., Sutter, M., Swaffar, C., Swayne, N., Syed, R., Symington, T., Syverson, G., Szymanski, A., Taber, S., Tal, R., Tambralli, A., Taneja, A., Tanner, T., Tarvin, S., Tate, L., Taxter, A., Taylor, J., Tesher, M., Thakurdeen, T., Theisen, A., Thomas, B., Thomas, L., Thomas, N., Ting, T., Todd, C., Toib, D., Toib, D., Torok, K., Tory, H., Toth, M., Tse, S., Tsin, C., Twachtman‐Bassett, J., Twilt, M., Valcarcel, T., Valdovinos, R., Vallee, A., Van Mater, H., Vandenbergen, S., Vannoy, L., Varghese, C., Vasquez, N., Vega‐Fernandez, P., Velez, J., Verbsky, J., Verstegen, R., Scheven, E., Vora, S., Wagner‐Weiner, L., Wahezi, D., Waite, H., Walker, B., Walters, H., Waterfield, M., Waters, A., Weiser, P., Weiss, P., Weiss, J., Wershba, E., Westheuser, V., White, A., Widrick, K., Williams, C., Wong, S., Woolnough, L., Wright, T., Wu, E., Yalcindag, A., Yasin, S., Yeung, R., Yomogida, K., Zeft, A., Zhang, Y., Zhao, Y., and Zhu, A.
- Abstract
Differential disease control may contribute to racial disparities in outcomes of childhood‐onset systemic lupus erythematosus (cSLE). We evaluated associations of race and individual‐ or neighborhood‐level social determinants of health (SDoH) with achievement of low lupus disease activity state (LLDAS), a clinically relevant treatment target. In this cSLE cohort study using the Childhood Arthritis and Rheumatology Research Alliance (CARRA) Registry, the primary exposure was self‐reported race and ethnicity, and collected SDoH included insurance status and area deprivation index (ADI). Outcomes included LLDAS, disease activity, and time‐averaged prednisone exposure. Associations among race and ethnicity, SDoH, and disease activity were estimated with multivariable regression models, adjusting for disease‐related and demographic factors. Among 540 children with cSLE, 27% identified as Black, 25% identified as White, 23% identified as Latino/a, 11% identified as Asian, 9% identified as more than one race, and 5% identified as other. More Black children (41%) lived in neighborhoods of highest ADI compared to White children (16%). Black race was associated with lower LLDAS achievement (adjusted odds ratio 0.56, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.38–0.82) and higher disease activity (adjusted β 0.94, 95% CI 0.11–1.78). The highest ADI was not associated with lower LLDAS achievement on adjustment for renal disease and insurance. However, renal disease was found to be a significant mediator (P= 0.04) of the association between ADI and prednisone exposure. Children with cSLE who identified as Black are less likely to achieve LLDAS and have a higher disease activity. Living in areas of higher ADI may relate to renal disease and subsequent prednisone exposure. Strategies to address root causes will be important to design interventions mitigating cSLE racial disparities.
- Published
- 2025
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5. Spin dynamics in the high-field phases of volborthite
- Author
Yoshida, M., Nawa, K., Ishikawa, H., Takigawa, M., Jeong, M., Kramer, S., Horvatic, M., Berthier, C., Matsui, K., Goto, T., Kimura, S., Sasaki, T., Yamaura, J., Yoshida, H., Okamoto, Y., and Hiroi, Z.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons - Abstract
We report single-crystal 51V NMR studies on volborthite Cu3V2O7(OH)2 2H2O, which is regarded as a quasi-two-dimensional frustrated magnet with competing ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic interactions. In the 1/3 magnetization plateau above 28 T, the nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate 1/T1 indicates an excitation gap with a large effective g factor in the range of 4.6-5.9, pointing to magnon bound states. Below 26 T where the gap has closed, the NMR spectra indicate small internal fields with a Gaussian-like distribution, whereas 1/T1 shows a power-law-like temperature dependence in the paramagnetic state, which resembles a slowing down of spin fluctuations associated with magnetic order. We discuss the possibility of an exotic spin state caused by the condensation of magnon bound states below the magnetization plateau., Comment: 10 pages, 13 figures
- Published
- 2016
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6. Onset field for Fermi-surface reconstruction in the cuprate superconductor YBCO
- Author
Grissonnanche, G., Laliberte, F., Dufour-Beausejour, S., Riopel, A., Badoux, S., Caouette-Mansour, M., Matusiak, M., Juneau-Fecteau, A., Bourgeois-Hope, P., Cyr-Choiniere, O., Baglo, J. C., Ramshaw, B. J., Liang, R., Bonn, D. A., Hardy, W. N., Kramer, S., LeBoeuf, D., Graf, D., Doiron-Leyraud, N., and Taillefer, Louis
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Superconductivity ,Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons - Abstract
Quantum oscillations and negative Hall and Seebeck coefficients at low temperature and high magnetic field have shown the Fermi surface of underdoped cuprates to contain a small closed electron pocket. It is thought to result from a reconstruction by charge order, but whether it is the order seen by NMR and ultrasound above a threshold field or the short-range modulations seen by X-ray diffraction in zero field is unclear. Here we use measurements of the thermal Hall conductivity in YBCO to show that Fermi-surface reconstruction occurs only above a sharply defined onset field, equal to the transition field seen in ultrasound. This reveals that electrons do not experience long-range broken translational symmetry in the zero-field ground state, and hence in zero field there is no quantum critical point for the onset of charge order as a function of doping., Comment: 20 pages and 5 figures in Main text + 9 pages and 6 figures in Supplementary material
- Published
- 2015
7. Wiedemann-Franz law in the underdoped cuprate superconductor YBa2Cu3Oy
- Author
Grissonnanche, G., Laliberte, F., Dufour-Beausejour, S., Matusiak, M., Badoux, S., Tafti, F. F., Michon, B., Riopel, A., Cyr-Choiniere, O., Baglo, J. C., Ramshaw, B. J., Liang, R., Bonn, D. A., Hardy, W. N., Kramer, S., LeBoeuf, D., Graf, D., Doiron-Leyraud, N., and Taillefer, L.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Superconductivity - Abstract
The recent detection of charge-density modulations in YBa2Cu3Oy and other cuprate superconductors raises new questions about the normal state of underdoped cuprates. In one class of theories, the modulations are intertwined with pairing in a dual state, expected to persist up to high magnetic fields as a vortex liquid. In support of such a state, specific heat and magnetisation data on YBa2Cu3Oy have been interpreted in terms of a vortex liquid persisting above the vortex-melting field Hvs at T = 0. Here we report high-field measurements of the electrical and thermal Hall conductivities in YBa2Cu3O6.54 that allow us to probe the Wiedemann-Franz law, a sensitive test of the presence of superconductivity in a metal. In the T = 0 limit, we find that the law is satisfied for fields immediately above Hvs. This rules out the existence of a vortex liquid and it places strict constraints on the nature of the normal state in underdoped cuprates., Comment: 8 pages, includes main text and supplementary information
- Published
- 2015
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8. Observation of Wakefields and Resonances in Coherent Synchrotron Radiation
- Author
Billinghurst, B. E., Bergstrom, J. C., Baribeau, C., Batten, T., Dallin, L., May, T. E., Vogt, J. M., Wurtz, W. A., Warnock, R., Bizzozero, D. A., and Kramer, S.
- Subjects
Physics - Accelerator Physics - Abstract
We report on high resolution measurements of resonances in the spectrum of coherent synchrotron radiation (CSR) at the Canadian Light Source (CLS). The resonances permeate the spectrum at wavenumber intervals of $0.074 ~\textrm{cm}^{-1}$, and are highly stable under changes in the machine setup (energy, bucket filling pattern, CSR in bursting or continuous mode). Analogous resonances were predicted long ago in an idealized theory as eigenmodes of a smooth toroidal vacuum chamber driven by a bunched beam moving on a circular orbit. A corollary of peaks in the spectrum is the presence of pulses in the wakefield of the bunch at well defined spatial intervals. Through experiments and further calculations we elucidate the resonance and wakefield mechanisms in the CLS vacuum chamber, which has a fluted form much different from a smooth torus. The wakefield is observed directly in the 30-110 GHz range by RF diodes, and indirectly by an interferometer in the THz range. The wake pulse sequence found by diodes is less regular than in the toroidal model, and depends on the point of observation, but is accounted for in a simulation of fields in the fluted chamber. Attention is paid to polarization of the observed fields, and possible coherence of fields produced in adjacent bending magnets. Low frequency wakefield production appears to be mainly local in a single bend, but multi-bend effects cannot be excluded entirely, and could play a role in high frequency resonances. New simulation techniques have been developed, which should be invaluable in further work., Comment: 5 figures. Differs from first posting by correction of typo and inclusion of responses to referee's questions
- Published
- 2015
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9. International benchmark on numerical simulations for 1D, nonlinear site response (Prenolin): Verification phase based on canonical cases
- Author
Régnier, J, Bonilla, LF, Bard, PY, Bertrand, E, Hollender, F, Kawase, H, Sicilia, D, Arduino, P, Amorosi, A, Asimaki, D, Boldini, D, Chen, L, Chiaradonna, A, Demartin, F, Ebrille, M, Elgamal, A, Falcone, G, Foerster, E, Foti, S, Garini, E, Gazetas, G, Gélis, C, Ghofrani, A, Giannakou, A, Gingery, JR, Glinsky, N, Harmon, J, Hashash, Y, Iai, S, Jeremić, B, Kramer, S, Kontoe, S, Kristek, J, Lanzo, G, Di Lernia, A, Lopez-Caballero, F, Marot, M, McAllister, G, Mercerat, ED, Moczo, P, Montoya-Noguera, S, Musgrove, M, Nieto-Ferro, A, Pagliaroli, A, Pisanò, F, Richterova, A, Sajana, S, Santisi D’avila, MP, Shi, J, Silvestri, F, Taiebat, M, Tropeano, G, Verrucci, L, and Watanabe, K
- Subjects
Geochemistry & Geophysics ,Geophysics ,Civil Engineering - Abstract
PREdiction of NOn-LINear soil behavior (PRENOLIN) is an international benchmark aiming to test multiple numerical simulation codes that are capable of predicting nonlinear seismic site response with various constitutive models. One of the objectives of this project is the assessment of the uncertainties associated with nonlinear simulation of 1D site effects. A first verification phase (i.e., comparison between numerical codes on simple idealistic cases) will be followed by a validation phase, comparing the predictions of such numerical estimations with actual strongmotion recordings obtained at well-known sites. The benchmark presently involves 21 teams and 23 different computational codes. We present here the main results of the verification phase dealing with simple cases. Three different idealized soil profiles were tested over a wide range of shear strains with different input motions and different boundary conditions at the sediment/bedrock interface. A first iteration focusing on the elastic and viscoelastic cases was proved to be useful to ensure a common understanding and to identify numerical issues before pursuing the nonlinear modeling. Besides minor mistakes in the implementation of input parameters and output units, the initial discrepancies between the numerical results can be attributed to (1) different understanding of the expression “input motion” in different communities, and (2) different implementations of material damping and possible numerical energy dissipation. The second round of computations thus allowed a convergence of all teams to the Haskell–Thomson analytical solution in elastic and viscoelastic cases. For nonlinear computations, we investigate the epistemic uncertainties related only to wave propagation modeling using different nonlinear constitutive models. Such epistemic uncertainties are shown to increase with the strain level and to reach values around 0.2 (log10 scale) for a peak ground acceleration of 5 m=s2 at the base of the soil column, which may be reduced by almost 50% when the various constitutive models used the same shear strength and damping implementation.
- Published
- 2016
10. Giant magnetic-field dependence of the coupling between spin Tomonaga-Luttinger liquids in BaCo2V2O8
- Author
Klanjsek, M., Horvatic, M., Kramer, S., Mukhopadhyay, S., Mayaffre, H., Berthier, C., Canevet, E., Grenier, B., Lejay, P., and Orignac, E.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons - Abstract
We use nuclear magnetic resonance to map the complete low-temperature phase diagram of the antiferromagnetic Ising-like spin-chain system BaCo2V2O8 as a function of the magnetic field applied along the chains. In contrast to the predicted crossover from the longitudinal incommensurate phase to the transverse antiferromagnetic phase, we find a sequence of three magnetically ordered phases between the critical fields 3.8 T and 22.8 T. Their origin is traced to the giant magnetic-field dependence of the total effective coupling between spin chains, extracted to vary by a factor of 24. We explain this novel phenomenon as emerging from the combination of nontrivially coupled spin chains and incommensurate spin fluctuations in the chains treated as Tomonaga-Luttinger liquids., Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures
- Published
- 2014
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11. Evidence of Andreev bound states as a hallmark of the FFLO phase in $\kappa$-(BEDT-TTF)$_2$Cu(NCS)$_2$
- Author
Mayaffre, H., Kramer, S., Horvatić, M., Berthier, C., Miyagawa, K., Kanoda, K., and Mitrović, V. F.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Superconductivity ,Condensed Matter - Quantum Gases ,Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons - Abstract
Superconductivity is a quantum phenomena arising, in its simplest form, from pairing of fermions with opposite spin into a state with zero net momentum. Whether superconductivity can occur in fermionic systems with unequal number of two species distinguished by spin, atomic hyperfine states, flavor, presents an important open question in condensed matter, cold atoms, and quantum chromodynamics, physics. In the former case the imbalance between spin-up and spin-down electrons forming the Cooper pairs is indyced by the magnetic field. Nearly fifty years ago Fulde, Ferrell, Larkin and Ovchinnikov (FFLO) proposed that such imbalanced system can lead to exotic superconductivity in which pairs acquire finite momentum. The finite pair momentum leads to spatially inhomogeneous state consisting of of a periodic alternation of "normal" and "superconducting" regions. Here, we report nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) measurements providing microscopic evidence for the existence of this new superconducting state through the observation of spin-polarized quasiparticles forming so-called Andreev bound states., Comment: 6 pages, 5 figs
- Published
- 2014
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12. Emergence of charge order from the vortex state of a high temperature superconductor
- Author
Wu, T., Mayaffre, H., Kramer, S., Horvatic, M., Berthier, C., Kuhns, P. L., Reyes, A. P., Liang, R., Hardy, W. N., Bonn, D. A., and Julien, M. -H.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Superconductivity - Abstract
Evidence is mounting that charge order competes with superconductivity in high Tc cuprates. Whether this has any relationship to the pairing mechanism is unknown since neither the universality of the competition nor its microscopic nature has been established. Here using nuclear magnetic resonance, we show that, similar to La214, charge order in YBCO has maximum strength inside the superconducting dome, at doping levels p = 0.11 - 0.12.We further show that the overlap of halos of incipient charge order around vortex cores, similar to those visualised in Bi2212, can explain the threshold magnetic field at which long-range charge order emerges. These results reveal universal features of a competition in which charge order and superconductivity appear as joint instabilities of the same normal state, whose relative balance can be field-tuned in the vortex state., Comment: For a final version, see http://www.nature.com/ncomms/2013/130703/ncomms3113/full/ncomms3113.html
- Published
- 2013
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13. Direct measurement of the upper critical field in a cuprate superconductor
- Author
Grissonnanche, G., Cyr-Choiniere, O., Laliberte, F., de Cotret, S. Rene, Juneau-Fecteau, A., Dufour-Beausejour, S., Delage, M. -E., LeBoeuf, D., Chang, J., Ramshaw, B. J., Bonn, D. A., Hardy, W. N., Liang, R., Adachi, S., Hussey, N. E., Vignolle, B., Proust, C., Sutherland, M., Kramer, S., Park, J. -H., Graf, D., Doiron-Leyraud, N., and Taillefer, Louis
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Superconductivity ,Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons - Abstract
The upper critical field Hc2 is a fundamental measure of the pairing strength, yet there is no agreement on its magnitude and doping dependence in cuprate superconductors. We have used thermal conductivity as a direct probe of Hc2 in the cuprates YBa2Cu3Oy and YBa2Cu4O8 to show that there is no vortex liquid at T = 0, allowing us to use high-field resistivity measurements to map out the doping dependence of Hc2 across the phase diagram. Hc2(p) exhibits two peaks, each located at a critical point where the Fermi surface undergoes a transformation. The condensation energy obtained directly from Hc2, and previous Hc1 data, undergoes a 20-fold collapse below the higher critical point. These data provide quantitative information on the impact of competing phases in suppressing superconductivity in cuprates., Comment: to appear in Nature Communications; Supplementary Information file available upon request
- Published
- 2013
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14. Magnetic-field-induced charge-stripe order in the high temperature superconductor YBa2Cu3Oy
- Author
Wu, T., Mayaffre, H., Kramer, S., Horvatic, M., Berthier, C., Hardy, W. N., Liang, R., Bonn, D. A., and Julien, M. -H.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Superconductivity ,Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons - Abstract
Electronic charges introduced in copper-oxide planes generate high-transition temperature superconductivity but, under special circumstances, they can also order into filaments called stripes. Whether an underlying tendency of charges to order is present in all cuprates and whether this has any relationship with superconductivity are, however, two highly controversial issues. In order to uncover underlying electronic orders, magnetic fields strong enough to destabilise superconductivity can be used. Such experiments, including quantum oscillations in YBa2Cu3Oy (a notoriously clean cuprate where charge order is not observed) have suggested that superconductivity competes with spin, rather than charge, order. Here, using nuclear magnetic resonance, we demonstrate that high magnetic fields actually induce charge order, without spin order, in the CuO2 planes of YBa2Cu3Oy. The observed static, unidirectional, modulation of the charge density breaks translational symmetry, thus explaining quantum oscillation results, and we argue that it is most likely the same 4a-periodic modulation as in stripe-ordered cuprates. The discovery that it develops only when superconductivity fades away and near the same 1/8th hole doping as in La2-xBaxCuO4 suggests that charge order, although visibly pinned by CuO chains in YBa2Cu3Oy, is an intrinsic propensity of the superconducting planes of high Tc cuprates., Comment: For a final version, see http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v477/n7363/full/nature10345.html
- Published
- 2011
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15. Solving the Poisson equation on small aspect ratio domains using unstructured meshes
- Author
Kramer, S. C., Cotter, C. J., and Pain, C. C.
- Subjects
Mathematics - Numerical Analysis ,Physics - Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics - Abstract
We discuss the ill conditioning of the matrix for the discretised Poisson equation in the small aspect ratio limit, and motivate this problem in the context of nonhydrostatic ocean modelling. Efficient iterative solvers for the Poisson equation in small aspect ratio domains are crucial for the successful development of nonhydrostatic ocean models on unstructured meshes. We introduce a new multigrid preconditioner for the Poisson problem which can be used with finite element discretisations on general unstructured meshes; this preconditioner is motivated by the fact that the Poisson problem has a condition number which is independent of aspect ratio when Dirichlet boundary conditions are imposed on the top surface of the domain. This leads to the first level in an algebraic multigrid solver (which can be extended by further conventional algebraic multigrid stages), and an additive smoother. We illustrate the method with numerical tests on unstructured meshes, which show that the preconditioner makes a dramatic improvement on a more standard multigrid preconditioner approach, and also show that the additive smoother produces better results than standard SOR smoothing. This new solver method makes it feasible to run nonhydrostatic unstructured mesh ocean models in small aspect ratio domains., Comment: submitted to Ocean Modelling
- Published
- 2009
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16. Spin Configuration in the 1/3 Magnetization Plateau of Azurite Determined by NMR
- Author
Aimo, F., Kramer, S., Klanjsek, M., Horvatic, M., Berthier, C., and Kikuchi, H.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons - Abstract
High magnetic field $^{63,65}$Cu NMR spectra were used to determine the local spin polarization in the 1/3 magnetization plateau of azurite, Cu$_3$(CO$_3$)$_2$(OH)$_2$, which is a model system for the distorted diamond antiferromagnetic spin-1/2 chain. The spin part of the hyperfine field of the Cu2 (dimer) sites is found to be field independent, negative and strongly anisotropic, corresponding to $\approx$10 % of fully polarized spin in a $d$-orbital. This is close to the expected configuration of the "quantum" plateau, where a singlet state is stabilized on the dimer. However, the observed non-zero spin polarization points to some triplet admixture, induced by strong asymmetry of the diamond bonds $J_1$ and $J_3$., Comment: Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, in press (2009)
- Published
- 2009
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17. NMR evidence for a strong modulation of the Bose-Einstein Condensate in BaCuSi$_2$O$_6$
- Author
Kramer, S., Stern, R., Horvatic, M., Berthier, C., Kimura, T., and Fisher, I. R.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons - Abstract
We present a $^{63,65}$Cu and $^{29}$Si NMR study of the quasi-2D coupled spin 1/2 dimer compound BaCuSi$_2$O$_6$ in the magnetic field range 13-26 T and at temperatures as low as 50 mK. NMR data in the gapped phase reveal that below 90 K different intra-dimer exchange couplings and different gaps ($\Delta_{\rm{B}}/\Delta_{\rm{A}}$ = 1.16) exist in every second plane along the c-axis, in addition to a planar incommensurate (IC) modulation. $^{29}$Si spectra in the field induced magnetic ordered phase reveal that close to the quantum critical point at $H_{\rm{c1}}$ = 23.35 T the average boson density $\bar{n}$ of the Bose-Einstein condensate is strongly modulated along the c-axis with a density ratio for every second plane $\bar{n}_{\rm{A}}/\bar{n}_{\rm{B}} \simeq 5$. An IC modulation of the local density is also present in each plane. This adds new constraints for the understanding of the 2D value $\phi$ = 1 of the critical exponent describing the phase boundary.
- Published
- 2007
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18. Reply to 'Localized Behavior near the Zn Impurity in YBa2Cu4O8 as Measured By Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance'
- Author
Williams, G. V. M., Kramer, S., Tallon, J. L., Dupree, R., and Loram, J. W.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Superconductivity ,Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons - Abstract
Julien et al. have commented on two of our publications claiming that we have made erroneous interpretations of the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR) data. Specifically, they believe that their model of an extended staggered moment about a Zn impurity is the only interpretation of the data [Julien et al., Phys. Rev Lett. 84, 3422 (2000)]. Not only does their claim ignore models presented by other authors, we show that the model of Julien et al. [Phys. Rev Lett. 84, 3422 (2000)] does not consistently reproduce all of the NMR data., Comment: 16 pages in PDF format
- Published
- 2005
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19. Down Syndrome–Associated Arthritis Cohort in the New Childhood Arthritis and Rheumatology Research Alliance Registry: Clinical Characteristics, Treatment, and Outcomes
- Author
Jones, Jordan T., Smith, Chelsey, Becker, Mara L., Lovell, Daniel, Abel, N., Abulaban, K., Adams, A., Adams, M., Agbayani, R., Akoghlanian, S., Al Ahmed, O., Allenspach, E., Alperin, R., Alpizar, M., Amarilyo, G., Anastasopoulos, D., Anderson, E., Andrew, M., Ardalan, K., Ardoin, S., Baker, E., Balboni, I., Balevic, S., Ballenger, L., Ballinger, S., Balmuri, N., Barbar‐Smiley, F., Barillas‐Arias, L., Basiaga, M., Baszis, K., Bell‐Brunson, H., Beltz, E., Benham, H., Benseler, S., Bernal, W., Beukelman, T., Bigley, T., Binstadt, B., Birmingham, J., Black, C., Blakley, M., Bohnsack, J., Boland, J., Boneparth, A., Bowman, S., Brooks, E., Brown, A., Brunner, H., Buckley, M., Buckley, M., Bukulmez, H., Bullington, A., Bullock, D., Cameron, B., Canna, S., Cannon, L., Carpenter, S., Carper, P., Cartwright, V., Cassidy, E., Cerracchio, L., Chalom, E., Chang, J., Chang‐Hoftman, A., Chauhan, V., Chira, P., Chiu, Y., Chundru, K., Clairman, H., Co, D., Collins, K., Confair, A., Conlon, H., Connor, R., Cooper, A., Cooper, J., Cooper, S., Correll, C., Corvalan, R., Cospito, T., Costanzo, D., Cron, R., Curry, M., Dalrymple, A., Davis, A., Davis, C., Davis, C., Davis, T., De Ranieri, D., Dean, J., Dedeoglu, F., DeGuzman, M., Delnay, N., Dempsey, V., DeSantis, E., Dickson, T., Dingle, J., Dionizovik‐Dimanovski, M., Donaldson, B., Dorsey, E., Dover, S., Dowling, J., Drew, J., Driest, K., Drummond, K., Du, Q., Duarte, K., Durkee, D., Duverger, E., Dvergsten, J., Eberhard, A., Eckert, M., Ede, K., Edens, C., Edens, C., Edgerly, Y., Elder, M., Fadrhonc, S., Failing, C., Fair, D., Falcon, M., Favier, L., Feldman, B., Ferguson, I., Ferguson, P., Ferreira, B., Ferrucho, R., Fields, K., Finkel, T., Fitzgerald, M., Fleck, D., Fleming, C., Flynn, O., Fogel, L., Fox, E., Fox, M., Franco, L., Freeman, M., Froese, S., Fuhlbrigge, R., Fuller, J., George, N., Gergely, T., Gerhold, K., Gerstbacher, D., Gilbert, M., Gillispie‐Taylor, M., Giverc, E., Goh, I., Goldberg, T., Goldsmith, D., Gotschlich, E., Gotte, A., Gottlieb, B., Gracia, C., Graham, T., Grevich, S., Griffin, T., Griswold, J., Guevara, M., Guittar, P., Gurion, R., Guzman, M., Hahn, T., Halyabar, O., Hammelev, E., Hance, M., Hansman, E., Hanson, A., Harel, L., Haro, S., Harris, J., Hartigan, E., Hausmann, J., Hay, A., Hayward, K., Heiart, J., Hekl, K., Henderson, L., Henrickson, M., Hersh, A., Hickey, K., Hillyer, S., Hiraki, L., Hiskey, M., Hobday, P., Hoffart, C., Holland, M., Hollander, M., Hong, S., Horwitz, M., Hsu, J., Huber, A., Huggins, J., Hughes, R., Hui‐Yuen, J., Hung, C., Huntington, J., Huttenlocher, A., Ibarra, M., Imundo, L., Inman, C., Iqbal, S., Jackson, A., Jackson, S., James, K., Janow, G., Jaquith, J., Jared, S., Johnson, N., Jones, J., Jones, J., Jones, J., Jones, K., Jones, S., Joshi, S., Jung, L., Justice, C., Justiniano, A., Kahn, P., Karan, N., Kaufman, K., Kemp, A., Kessler, E., Khaleel, M., Khalsa, U., Kienzle, B., Kim, S., Kimura, Y., Kingsbury, D., Kitcharoensakkul, M., Klausmeier, T., Klein, K., Klein‐Gitelman, M., Kosikowski, A., Kovalick, L., Kracker, J., Kramer, S., Kremer, C., Lai, J., Lang, B., Lapidus, S., Lasky, A., Latham, D., Lawson, E., Laxer, R., Lee, P., Lee, P., Lee, T., Lentini, L., Lerman, M., Levy, D., Li, S., Lieberman, S., Lim, L., Lin, C., Ling, N., Lingis, M., Lo, M., Lovell, D., Luca, N., Lvovich, S., Ma, M., Mackey, C., Madison, C., Madison, J., Malla, B., Maller, J., Malloy, M., Mannion, M., Manos, C., Marques, L., Martyniuk, A., Mason, T., Mathus, S., McAllister, L., McCallum, B., McCarthy, K., McConnell, K., McCurdy, D., McCurdy Stokes, P., McGuire, S., McHale, I., McHugh, A., McKibben, K., McMonagle, A., McMullen‐Jackson, C., Meidan, E., Mellins, E., Mendoza, E., Mercado, R., Merritt, A., Michalowski, L., Miettunen, P., Miller, M., Mirizio, E., Misajon, E., Mitchell, M., Modica, R., Mohan, S., Moore, K., Moorthy, L., Morgan, S., Morgan Dewitt, E., Morris, S., Moss, C., Moussa, T., Mruk, V., Mulvhihill, E., Muscal, E., Nahal, B., Nanda, K., Nassi, L., Nativ, S., Natter, M., Neely, J., Nelson, B., Newhall, L., Ng, L., Nguyen, E., Nicholas, J., Nigrovic, P., Nocton, J., Oberle, E., Obispo, B., O’Brien, B., O’Brien, T., O’Connor, M., Oliver, M., Olson, J., O’Neil, K., Onel, K., Orlando, M., Oz, R., Pagano, E., Paller, A., Pan, N., Panupattanapong, S., Paredes, J., Parsons, A., Patel, J., Pentakota, K., Pepmueller, P., Pfeiffer, T., Phillippi, K., Phillippi, K., Ponder, L., Pooni, R., Prahalad, S., Pratt, S., Protopapas, S., Punaro, M., Puplava, B., Quach, J., Quinlan‐Waters, M., Quintero, A., Rabinovich, C., Radhakrishna, S., Rafko, J., Raisian, J., Rakestraw, A., Ramsay, E., Ramsey, S., Reed, A., Reed, A., Reed, A., Reid, H., Reyes, A., Richmond, A., Riebschleger, M., Ringold, S., Riordan, M., Riskalla, M., Ritter, M., Rivas‐Chacon, R., Roberson, S., Robinson, A., Rodela, E., Rodriquez, M., Rojas, K., Ronis, T., Rosenkranz, M., Rosenwasser Raines, N., Rosolowski, B., Rothermel, H., Rothman, D., Roth‐Wojcicki, E., Rouster–Stevens, K., Rubinstein, T., Ruth, N., Saad, N., Sabatino, M., Sabbagh, S., Sadun, R., Sandborg, C., Sanni, A., Sarkissian, A., Savani, S., Scalzi, L., Schanberg, L., Scharnhorst, S., Schikler, K., Schmeling, H., Schmidt, K., Schmitt, E., Schneider, R., Schollaert‐Fitch, K., Schulert, G., Seay, T., Seper, C., Shalen, J., Sheets, R., Shelly, A., Shen, B., Shenoi, S., Shergill, K., Shiff, N., Shirley, J., Shishov, M., Silverman, E., Singer, N., Sivaraman, V., Sletten, J., Smith, A., Smith, C., Smith, J., Smith, J., Smitherman, E., Snider, C., Soep, J., Son, M., Soybilgic, A., Spence, S., Spiegel, L., Spitznagle, J., Sran, R., Srinivasalu, H., Stapp, H., Stasek, J., Steigerwald, K., Sterba Rakovchik, Y., Stern, S., Stevens, A., Stevens, B., Stevenson, R., Stewart, K., Stingl, C., Stokes, J., Stoll, M., Stoops, S., Strelow, J., Stringer, E., Sule, S., Sumner, J., Sundel, R., Sura, A., Sutter, M., Syed, R., Taber, S., Tal, R., Tambralli, A., Taneja, A., Tanner, T., Tapani, S., Tarshish, G., Tarvin, S., Tate, L., Taxter, A., Taylor, J., Terry, M., Tesher, M., Thatayatikom, A., Thomas, B., Ting, T., Tipp, A., Toib, D., Torok, K., Toruner, C., Tory, H., Toth, M., Treemarcki, E., Tse, S., Tubwell, V., Twilt, M., Uriguen, S., Valcarcel, T., Van Mater, H., Vannoy, L., Varghese, C., Vasquez, N., Vazzana, K., Vega‐Fernandes, P., Vehe, R., Veiga, K., Velez, J., Verbsky, J., Volpe, N., von Scheven, E., Vora, S., Wagner, J., Wagner‐Weiner, L., Wahezi, D., Waite, H., Walker, J., Walters, H., Wampler Muskardin, T., Wang, C., Waqar, L., Waterfield, M., Watson, M., Watts, A., Waugaman, B., Weiser, P., Weiss, J., Weiss, P., Wershba, E., White, A., Williams, C., Wise, A., Woo, J., Woolnough, L., Wright, T., Wu, E., Yalcindag, A., Yee, M., Yen, E., Yeung, R., Yomogida, K., Yu, Q., Zapata, R., Zartoshti, A., Zeft, A., Zeft, R., Zemel, L., Zhang, Y., Zhao, Y., Zhu, A., and Zic, C.
- Published
- 2021
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20. Decoupled CuO_2 and RuO_2 layers in superconducting and magnetically ordered RuSr_2GdCu_2O_8
- Author
Pozek, M., Dulcic, A., Paar, D., Hamzic, A., Basletic, M., Tafra, E., Williams, G. V. M., and Kramer, S.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Superconductivity - Abstract
Comprehensive measurements of dc and ac susceptibility, dc resistance, magnetoresistance, Hall resistivity, and microwave absorption and dispersion in fields up to 8 T have been carried out on RuSr_2GdCu_2O_8 with the aim to establish the properties of RuO_2 and CuO_2 planes. At ~130 K, where the magnetic order develops in the RuO_2 planes, one observes a change in the slope of dc resistance, change in the sign of magnetoresistance, and the appearance of an extraordinary Hall effect. These features indicate that the RuO_2 planes are conducting. A detailed analysis of the ac susceptibility and microwave data on both, ceramic and powder samples show that the penetration depth remains frequency dependent and larger than the London penetration depth even at low temperatures. We conclude that the conductivity in the RuO_2 planes remains normal even when superconducting order is developed in the CuO_2 planes below \~45 K. Thus, experimental evidence is provided in support of theoretical models which base the coexistence of superconductivity and magnetic order on decoupled CuO_2 and RuO_2 planes., Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures, submitted to PRB
- Published
- 2001
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21. Gap Anisotropy, Spin Fluctuations and Normal-State Properties of the Electron Doped Superconductor Sr0.9La0.1CuO2
- Author
Williams, G. V. M., Dupree, R., Howes, A., Kramer, S., Trodahl, H. J., Jung, C. U., Park, Min-Seok, and Lee, Sung-Ik
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Superconductivity - Abstract
We report the results from a thermopower and a Cu nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) study of the infinite CuO2 layer electron doped high temperature superconducting cuprate (HTSC), Sr0.9La0.1CuO2. We find that the temperature dependence of the thermopower, S(T), is different from that observed in the hole doped HTSC. In particular, we find that dS(T)/dT is positive above ~120 K. However, we show that S(T) can still be described by the same model developed for the hole doped HTSC and hence S(T) is not anomalous and does not imply phonon mediated pairing as has previously been suggested. The Cu NMR data reveal a Knight shift and spin lattice relaxation rate below Tc that are inconsistent with isotropic s-wave pairing. The Cu spin lattice relaxation rate in the normal state, however, is Curie-Weiss like and is comparable to that of the optimally and overdoped hole doped HTSC, La2-xSrxCuO4. The magnitude of the Knight shift indicates that the density of states at the Fermi level is anomalously small when compared with the hole doped HTSC with the same Tc, indicating that the size of the density of states at the Fermi level is of little importance in the HTSC. We find no evidence of the normal state pseudogap that is observed in the hole doped HTSC and which was recently reported to exist in the electron doped HTSC, Nd1.85Ce0.15CuO4, from infrared reflectance measurements., Comment: 21 pages, submitted to Phys. Rev. B. The manuscript was changed in repsonse to a conference presentation that we were not aware of (http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/cond-mat/0112401). This version also includes thermopower data
- Published
- 2001
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22. Magnetization, Structural and Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance Study of RuSr2EuCeCu2O10+d
- Author
Williams, G. V. M., McLaughlin, A. C., Attfield, J. P., Kramer, S., and Lee, Ho Keun
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Superconductivity - Abstract
We present the results from a magnetization, structural, and nuclear quadrupole resonance study of the ruthenate-cuprate, RuSr2R2-xCexCu2O10+d with x=1 and R=Eu. This compound is a superconductor for Ce doping in the range 0.4<=x<=0.8 and displays ferromagnetic order for 0.4<=x<=1.0. We show that the tilting and rotation of the RuO6 octahedra are essentially the same for x=1, x=0.6 and the superconducting antiferromagnet, RuSr2GdCu2O8. However, the moment per Ru in RuSr2EuCeCu2O10+d is comparable to that observed in RuSr2EuCu2O8. These results indicate that it is unlikely that the different magnetic order found in RuSr2R2-xCexCu2O10+d and RuSr2RCu2O8 (R=Y,Gd,Eu) is due to changes in structurally induced distortions of the RuO6 octahedra as found in the ruthenate compounds (e.g. Sr1-xCaxRuO3). We show that the Cu nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR) data are similar to those observed in the single CuO2 layer superconductor, La1-xSrxCuO4, where the Cu spin-lattice relaxation rate is dominated by hyperfine coupling within the CuO2 layers and any additional hyperfine coupling from spin fluctuations in the RuO2 layers is small., Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev. B, 24 pages PDF; Author spelling corrected
- Published
- 2001
23. Oxygen Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Study of RuSr2EuCu2O8
- Author
Kramer, S. and Williams, G. V. M.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Superconductivity - Abstract
We report the results from a 17O Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) study of the high temperature superconducting cuprate (HTSC), RuSr2EuCu2O8. This compound has recently been found to exhibit the coexistence of magnetic order and superconductivity. At 9 T, the magnetic order in the RuO2 layers is predominately ferromagnetic. We measured the 17O NMR spectra from 10 K to 330 K and find the occurrence of an increasing 17O NMR shift with increasing temperature for temperatures above ~200 K, providing direct evidence that RuSr2RCu2O8 is similar to a very underdoped HTSC. The analysis of the NMR shift and spectral width of the 17O NMR line gives a small but measurable hyperfine field of ~9 mT from the Ru moment at the oxygen site in the copper oxygen planes. We show that the 17O NMR linewidth is governed by dipolar contributions from the Ru moment., Comment: Submitted to Physica C, 16 pages PDF
- Published
- 2001
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24. A Magnetization and Microwave Study of Superconducting MgB2
- Author
Dulcic, A., Paar, D., Pozek, M., Williams, G. V. M., Kramer, S ., Jung, C. U., Park, Min-Seok, and Lee, Sung-Ik
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Superconductivity - Abstract
We report magnetic field dependent magnetization and microwave impedance measurements on a MgB2 superconductor prepared by high pressure synthesis. We find that the upper critical field is linearly dependent on temperature near Tc and the dc irreversibility field exponent is ~1.4. The microwave data display an excess surface resistance below Tc which is neither observed in low Tc nor in high temperature superconductors (HTSC). The real part of the complex conductivity, sigma1, shows a huge maximum below Tc and the imaginary part, sigma2, is linear for temperatures less than 20 K, which can not be simply accounted for by the weak coupling BCS model with an s-wave superconducting order parameter. We speculate that this may be due to the two gaps reported by other studies. Unlike measurements on the high temperature superconducting cuprates, we find no evidence of weak-links in the superconducting state. By inverting the magnetic field dependent impedance data, we find a vortex depinning frequency that decreases with increasing magnetic field and evidence for an anisotropic upper critical magnetic field., Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev. B. 19 pages PDF
- Published
- 2001
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25. A Transport and Microwave Study of Superconducting and Magnetic RuSr2EuCu2O8
- Author
Pozek, M., Dulcic, A., Paar, D., Williams, G. V. M., and Kramer, S.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Superconductivity - Abstract
We have performed susceptibility, thermopower, dc resistance and microwave measurements on RuSr2EuCu2O8. This compound has recently been shown to display the coexistence of both superconducting and magnetic order. We find clear evidence of changes in the dc and microwave resistance near the magnetic ordering temperature (132 K). The intergranular effects were separated from the intragranular effects by performing microwave measurements on a sintered ceramic sample as well as on a powder sample dispersed in an epoxy resin. We show that the data can be interpreted in terms of the normal-state resistivity being dominated by the CuO2 layers with exchange coupling to the Ru moments in the RuO2 layers. Furthermore, most of the normal-state semiconductor-like upturn in the microwave resistance is found to arise from intergranular transport. The data in the superconducting state can be consistently interpreted in terms of intergranular weak-links and an intragranular spontaneous vortex phase due to the ferromagnetic component of the magnetization arising from the RuO2 planes., Comment: 20 pages including 6 figures in pdf format. To be published in Phys. Rev. B
- Published
- 2001
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26. Juvenile Spondyloarthritis in the Childhood Arthritis and Rheumatology Research Alliance Registry: High Biologic Use, Low Prevalence of HLA–B27, and Equal Sex Representation in Sacroiliitis
- Author
Rumsey, Dax G., Lougee, Aimee, Matsouaka, Roland, Collier, David H., Schanberg, Laura E., Schenfeld, Jennifer, Shiff, Natalie J., Stoll, Matthew L., Stryker, Scott, Weiss, Pamela F., Beukelman, Timothy, Abel, N., Abulaban, K., Adams, A., Adams, M., Agbayani, R., Aiello, J., Akoghlanian, S., Alejandro, C., Allenspach, E., Alperin, R., Alpizar, M., Amarilyo, G., Ambler, W., Anderson, E., Ardoin, S., Armendariz, S., Baker, E., Balboni, I., Balevic, S., Ballenger, L., Ballinger, S., Balmuri, N., Barbar‐Smiley, F., Barillas‐Arias, L., Basiaga, M., Baszis, K., Becker, M., Bell‐Brunson, H., Beltz, E., Benham, H., Benseler, S., Bernal, W., Bigley, T., Binstadt, B., Black, C., Blakley, M., Bohnsack, J., Boland, J., Boneparth, A., Bowman, S., Bracaglia, C., Brooks, E., Brothers, M., Brown, A., Brunner, H., Buckley, M., Buckley, M., Bukulmez, H., Bullock, D., Cameron, B., Canna, S., Cannon, L., Carper, P., Cartwright, V., Cassidy, E., Cerracchio, L., Chalom, E., Chang, J., Chang‐Hoftman, A., Chauhan, V., Chira, P., Chinn, T., Chundru, K., Clairman, H., Co, D., Confair, A., Conlon, H., Connor, R., Cooper, A., Cooper, J., Cooper, S., Correll, C., Corvalan, R., Costanzo, D., Cron, R., Curiel‐Duran, L., Curington, T., Curry, M., Dalrymple, A., Davis, A., Davis, C., Davis, C., Davis, T., De Benedetti, F., De Ranieri, D., Dean, J., Dedeoglu, F., DeGuzman, M., Delnay, N., Dempsey, V., DeSantis, E., Dickson, T., Dingle, J., Donaldson, B., Dorsey, E., Dover, S., Dowling, J., Drew, J., Driest, K., Du, Q., Duarte, K., Durkee, D., Duverger, E., Dvergsten, J., Eberhard, A., Eckert, M., Ede, K., Edelheit, B., Edens, C., Edens, C., Edgerly, Y., Elder, M., Ervin, B., Fadrhonc, S., Failing, C., Fair, D., Falcon, M., Favier, L., Federici, S., Feldman, B., Fennell, J., Ferguson, I., Ferguson, P., Ferreira, B., Ferrucho, R., Fields, K., Finkel, T., Fitzgerald, M., Fleming, C., Flynn, O., Fogel, L., Fox, E., Fox, M., Franco, L., Freeman, M., Fritz, K., Froese, S., Fuhlbrigge, R., Fuller, J., George, N., Gerhold, K., Gerstbacher, D., Gilbert, M., Gillispie‐Taylor, M., Giverc, E., Godiwala, C., Goh, I., Goheer, H., Goldsmith, D., Gotschlich, E., Gotte, A., Gottlieb, B., Gracia, C., Graham, T., Grevich, S., Griffin, T., Griswold, J., Grom, A., Guevara, M., Guittar, P., Guzman, M., Hager, M., Hahn, T., Halyabar, O., Hammelev, E., Hance, M., Hanson, A., Harel, L., Haro, S., Harris, J., Harry, O., Hartigan, E., Hausmann, J., Hay, A., Hayward, K., Heiart, J., Hekl, K., Henderson, L., Henrickson, M., Hersh, A., Hickey, K., Hill, P., Hillyer, S., Hiraki, L., Hiskey, M., Hobday, P., Hoffart, C., Holland, M., Hollander, M., Hong, S., Horwitz, M., Hsu, J., Huber, A., Huggins, J., Hui‐Yuen, J., Hung, C., Huntington, J., Huttenlocher, A., Ibarra, M., Imundo, L., Inman, C., Insalaco, A., Jackson, A., Jackson, S., James, K., Janow, G., Jaquith, J., Jared, S., Johnson, N., Jones, J., Jones, J., Jones, J., Jones, K., Jones, S., Joshi, S., Jung, L., Justice, C., Justiniano, A., Karan, N., Kaufman, K., Kemp, A., Kessler, E., Khalsa, U., Kienzle, B., Kim, S., Kimura, Y., Kingsbury, D., Kitcharoensakkul, M., Klausmeier, T., Klein, K., Klein‐Gitelman, M., Kompelien, B., Kosikowski, A., Kovalick, L., Kracker, J., Kramer, S., Kremer, C., Lai, J., Lam, J., Lang, B., Lapidus, S., Lapin, B., Lasky, A., Latham, D., Lawson, E., Laxer, R., Lee, P., Lee, P., Lee, T., Lentini, L., Lerman, M., Levy, D., Li, S., Lieberman, S., Lim, L., Lin, C., Ling, N., Lingis, M., Lo, M., Lovell, D., Lowman, D., Luca, N., Lvovich, S., Madison, C., Madison, J., Magni Manzoni, S., Malla, B., Maller, J., Malloy, M., Mannion, M., Manos, C., Marques, L., Martyniuk, A., Mason, T., Mathus, S., McAllister, L., McCarthy, K., McConnell, K., McCormick, E., McCurdy, D., McCurdy Stokes, P., McGuire, S., McHale, I., McMonagle, A., McMullen‐Jackson, C., Meidan, E., Mellins, E., Mendoza, E., Mercado, R., Merritt, A., Michalowski, L., Miettunen, P., Miller, M., Milojevic, D., Mirizio, E., Misajon, E., Mitchell, M., Modica, R., Mohan, S., Moore, K., Moorthy, L., Morgan, S., Morgan Dewitt, E., Moss, C., Moussa, T., Mruk, V., Murphy, A., Muscal, E., Nadler, R., Nahal, B., Nanda, K., Nasah, N., Nassi, L., Nativ, S., Natter, M., Neely, J., Nelson, B., Newhall, L., Ng, L., Nicholas, J., Nicolai, R., Nigrovic, P., Nocton, J., Nolan, B., Oberle, E., Obispo, B., O’Brien, B., O’Brien, T., Okeke, O., Oliver, M., Olson, J., O’Neil, K., Onel, K., Orandi, A., Orlando, M., Osei‐Onomah, S., Oz, R., Pagano, E., Paller, A., Pan, N., Panupattanapong, S., Pardeo, M., Paredes, J., Parsons, A., Patel, J., Pentakota, K., Pepmueller, P., Pfeiffer, T., Phillippi, K., Pires Marafon, D., Phillippi, K., Ponder, L., Pooni, R., Prahalad, S., Pratt, S., Protopapas, S., Puplava, B., Quach, J., Quinlan‐Waters, M., Rabinovich, C., Radhakrishna, S., Rafko, J., Raisian, J., Rakestraw, A., Ramirez, C., Ramsay, E., Ramsey, S., Randell, R., Reed, A., Reed, A., Reed, A., Reid, H., Remmel, K., Repp, A., Reyes, A., Richmond, A., Riebschleger, M., Ringold, S., Riordan, M., Riskalla, M., Ritter, M., Rivas‐Chacon, R., Robinson, A., Rodela, E., Rodriquez, M., Rojas, K., Ronis, T., Rosenkranz, M., Rosolowski, B., Rothermel, H., Rothman, D., Roth‐Wojcicki, E., Rouster – Stevens, K., Rubinstein, T., Ruth, N., Saad, N., Sabbagh, S., Sacco, E., Sadun, R., Sandborg, C., Sanni, A., Santiago, L., Sarkissian, A., Savani, S., Scalzi, L., Scharnhorst, S., Schikler, K., Schlefman, A., Schmeling, H., Schmidt, K., Schmitt, E., Schneider, R., Schollaert‐Fitch, K., Schulert, G., Seay, T., Seper, C., Shalen, J., Sheets, R., Shelly, A., Shenoi, S., Shergill, K., Shirley, J., Shishov, M., Shivers, C., Silverman, E., Singer, N., Sivaraman, V., Sletten, J., Smith, A., Smith, C., Smith, J., Smith, J., Smitherman, E., Soep, J., Son, M., Spence, S., Spiegel, L., Spitznagle, J., Sran, R., Srinivasalu, H., Stapp, H., Steigerwald, K., Sterba Rakovchik, Y., Stern, S., Stevens, A., Stevens, B., Stevenson, R., Stewart, K., Stingl, C., Stokes, J., Stringer, E., Sule, S., Sumner, J., Sundel, R., Sutter, M., Syed, R., Syverson, G., Szymanski, A., Taber, S., Tal, R., Tambralli, A., Taneja, A., Tanner, T., Tapani, S., Tarshish, G., Tarvin, S., Tate, L., Taxter, A., Taylor, J., Terry, M., Tesher, M., Thatayatikom, A., Thomas, B., Tiffany, K., Ting, T., Tipp, A., Toib, D., Torok, K., Toruner, C., Tory, H., Toth, M., Tse, S., Tubwell, V., Twilt, M., Uriguen, S., Valcarcel, T., Van Mater, H., Vannoy, L., Varghese, C., Vasquez, N., Vazzana, K., Vehe, R., Veiga, K., Velez, J., Verbsky, J., Vilar, G., Volpe, N., von Scheven, E., Vora, S., Wagner, J., Wagner‐Weiner, L., Wahezi, D., Waite, H., Walker, J., Walters, H., Wampler Muskardin, T., Waqar, L., Waterfield, M., Watson, M., Watts, A., Weiser, P., Weiss, J., Wershba, E., White, A., Williams, C., Wise, A., Woo, J., Woolnough, L., Wright, T., Wu, E., Yalcindag, A., Yee, M., Yen, E., Yeung, R., Yomogida, K., Yu, Q., Zapata, R., Zartoshti, A., Zeft, A., Zeft, R., Zhang, Y., Zhao, Y., Zhu, A., and Zic, C.
- Published
- 2021
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27. Comparative Effectiveness of a Second Tumor Necrosis Factor Inhibitor Versus a Non–Tumor Necrosis Factor Biologic in the Treatment of Patients With Polyarticular‐Course Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis
- Author
Mannion, Melissa L., Amin, Shahla, Balevic, Stephen, Chang, Min‐Lee, Correll, Colleen K., Kearsley‐Fleet, Lianne, Hyrich, Kimme L., Beukelman, Timothy, Aamir, R., Abulaban, K., Adams, A., Aguiar Lapsia, C., Akinsete, A., Akoghlanian, S., Al Manaa, M., AlBijadi, A., Allenspach, E., Almutairi, A., Alperin, R., Amarilyo, G., Ambler, W., Amoruso, M., Angeles‐Han, S., Ardoin, S., Armendariz, S., Asfaw, L., Aviran Dagan, N., Bacha, C., Balboni, I., Balevic, S., Ballinger, S., Baluta, S., Barillas‐Arias, L., Basiaga, M., Baszis, K., Baxter, S., Becker, M., Begezda, A., Behrens, E., Beil, E., Benseler, S., Bermudez‐Santiago, L., Bernal, W., Bigley, T., Bingham, C., Binstadt, B., Black, C., Blackmon, B., Blakley, M., Bohnsack, J., Boneparth, A., Bradfield, H., Bridges, J., Brooks, E., Brothers, M., Brunner, H., Buckley, L., Buckley, M., Buckley, M., Bukulmez, H., Bullock, D., Canna, S., Cannon, L., Canny, S., Cartwright, V., Cassidy, E., Castro, D., Chalom, E., Chang, J., Chang, M., Chang, J., Chang‐Hoftman, A., Chen, A., Chiraseveenuprapund, P., Ciaglia, K., Co, D., Cohen, E., Collinge, J., Conlon, H., Connor, R., Cook, K., Cooper, A., Cooper, J., Corbin, K., Correll, C., Cron, R., Curry, M., Dalrymple, A., Datyner, E., Davis, T., De Ranieri, D., Dean, J., DeCoste, C., Dedeoglu, F., DeGuzman, M., Delnay, N., DeSantis, E., Devine, R., Dhalla, M., Dhanrajani, A., Dissanayake, D., Dizon, B., Drapeau, N., Drew, J., Driest, K., Du, Q., Duncan, E., Dunnock, K., Durkee, D., Dvergsten, J., Eberhard, A., Ede, K., Edelheit, B., Edens, C., El Tal, T., Elder, M., Elzaki, Y., Fadrhonc, S., Failing, C., Fair, D., Favier, L., Feldman, B., Fennell, J., Ferguson, P., Ferguson, I., Figueroa, C., Flanagan, E., Fogel, L., Fox, E., Fox, M., Franklin, L., Fuhlbrigge, R., Fuller, J., Furey, M., Futch‐West, T., Gagne, S., Gennaro, V., Gerstbacher, D., Gilbert, M., Gironella, A., Glaser, D., Goh, I., Goldsmith, D., Gorry, S., Goswami, N., Gottlieb, B., Graham, T., Grevich, S., Griffin, T., Grim, A., Grom, A., Guevara, M., Hahn, T., Halyabar, O., Hamda Natur, M., Hammelev, E., Hammond, T., Harel, L., Harris, J., Harry, O., Hausmann, J., Hay, A., Hays, K., Hayward, K., Henderson, L., Henrickson, M., Hersh, A., Hickey, K., Hiraki, L., Hiskey, M., Hobday, P., Hoffart, C., Holland, M., Hollander, M., Hong, S., Horton, D., Horwitz, M., Hsu, J., Huber, A., Huberts, A., Huggins, J., Huie, L., Hui‐Yuen, J., Ibarra, M., Imlay, A., Imundo, L., Inman, C., Jackson, A., James, K., Janow, G., Jared, S., Jiang, Y., Johnson, L., Johnson, N., Jones, J., Kafisheh, D., Kahn, P., Kaidar, K., Kasinathan, S., Kaur, R., Kessler, E., Kienzle, B., Kim, S., Kimura, Y., Kingsbury, D., Kitcharoensakkul, M., Klausmeier, T., Klein, K., Klein‐Gitelman, M., Knight, A., Kovalick, L., Kramer, S., Kremer, C., Kudas, O., LaFlam, T., Lang, B., Lapidus, S., Lapin, B., Lasky, A., Lawler, C., Lawson, E., Laxer, R., Lee, P., Lee, P., Lee, T., Lee, A., Leisinger, E., Lentini, L., Lerman, M., Levinsky, Y., Levy, D., Li, S., Lieberman, S., Lim, L., Limenis, E., Lin, C., Ling, N., Lionetti, G., Livny, R., Lloyd, M., Lo, M., Long, A., Lopez‐Peña, M., Lovell, D., Luca, N., Lvovich, S., Lytch, A., Ma, M., Machado, A., MacMahon, J., Madison, J., Mannion, M., Manos, C., Mansfield, L., Marston, B., Mason, T., Matchett, D., McAllister, L., McBrearty, K., McColl, J., McCurdy, D., McDaniels, K., McDonald, J., Meidan, E., Mellins, E., Mian, Z., Miettunen, P., Miller, M., Milojevic, D., Mitacek, R., Modica, R., Mohan, S., Moore, T., Moore, K., Moorthy, L., Moreno, J., Morgan, E., Moyer, A., Murante, B., Murphy, A., Muscal, E., Mwizerwa, O., Najafi, A., Nanda, K., Nasah, N., Nassi, L., Nativ, S., Natter, M., Nearanz, K., Neely, J., Newhall, L., Nguyen, A., Nigrovic, P., Nocton, J., Nolan, B., Nowicki, K., Oakes, R., Oberle, E., Ogbonnaya‐Whittesley, S., Ogbu, E., Oliver, M., Olveda, R., Onel, K., Orandi, A., Padam, J., Paller, A., Pan, N., Pandya, J., Panupattanapong, S., Toledano, A. Pappo, Parsons, A., Patel, J., Patel, P., Patrick, A., Patrizi, S., Paul, S., Perfetto, J., Perron, M., Peskin, M., Ponder, L., Pooni, R., Prahalad, S., Puplava, B., Quinlan‐Waters, M., Rabinovich, C., Rafko, J., Rahimi, H., Rampone, K., Ramsey, S., Randell, R., Ray, L., Reed, A., Reed, A., Reid, H., Reiff, D., Richins, S., Riebschleger, M., Rife, E., Riordan, M., Riskalla, M., Robinson, A., Robinson, L., Rodgers, L., Rodriquez, M., Rogers, D., Ronis, T., Rosado, A., Rosenkranz, M., Rosenwasser, N., Rothermel, H., Rothman, D., Rothschild, E., Roth‐Wojcicki, E., Rouster‐Stevens, K., Rubinstein, T., Rupp, J., Ruth, N., Sabbagh, S., Sadun, R., Santiago, L., Saper, V., Sarkissian, A., Scalzi, L., Schahn, J., Schikler, K., Schlefman, A., Schmeling, H., Schmitt, E., Schneider, R., Schulert, G., Schultz, K., Schutt, C., Seper, C., Sheets, R., Shehab, A., Shenoi, S., Sherman, M., Shirley, J., Shishov, M., Siegel, D., Singer, N., Sivaraman, V., Sloan, E., Smith, C., Smith, J., Smitherman, E., Soep, J., Son, Mary B., Sosna, D., Spencer, C., Spiegel, L., Spitznagle, J., Srinivasalu, H., Stapp, H., Steigerwald, K., Stephens, A., Sterba Rakovchik, Y., Stern, S., Stevens, B., Stevenson, R., Stewart, K., Stewart, W., Stingl, C., Stoll, M., Stringer, E., Sule, S., Sullivan, J., Sundel, R., Sutter, M., Swaffar, C., Swayne, N., Syed, R., Symington, T., Syverson, G., Szymanski, A., Taber, S., Tal, R., Tambralli, A., Taneja, A., Tanner, T., Tarvin, S., Tate, L., Taxter, A., Taylor, J., Tesher, M., Thakurdeen, T., Theisen, A., Thomas, B., Thomas, L., Thomas, N., Ting, T., Todd, C., Toib, D., Toib, D., Torok, K., Tory, H., Toth, M., Tse, S., Tsin, C., Twachtman‐Bassett, J., Twilt, M., Valcarcel, T., Valdovinos, R., Vallee, A., Van Mater, H., Vandenbergen, S., Vannoy, L., Varghese, C., Vasquez, N., Vega‐Fernandez, P., Velez, J., Verbsky, J., Verstegen, R., Scheven, E., Vora, S., Wagner‐Weiner, L., Wahezi, D., Waite, H., Walker, B., Walters, H., Waterfield, M., Waters, A., Weiser, P., Weiss, P., Weiss, J., Wershba, E., Westheuser, V., White, A., Widrick, K., Williams, C., Wong, S., Woolnough, L., Wright, T., Wu, E., Yalcindag, A., Yasin, S., Yeung, R., Yomogida, K., Zeft, A., Zhang, Y., Zhao, Y., and Zhu, A.
- Abstract
The objective of this study was to compare the effectiveness of a second tumor necrosis factor inhibitor (TNFi) versus a non‐TNFi biologic following discontinuation of a TNFi for patients with polyarticular‐course juvenile idiopathic arthritis (pJIA). Using the Childhood Arthritis and Rheumatology Research Alliance Registry, patients with pJIA who started receiving a second biologic following a first TNFi were identified. Patients were required to have no active uveitis on the index date and a visit six months after the index date. Outcome measures included Clinical Juvenile Arthritis Disease Activity Score with a maximum of 10 active joints (cJADAS10), cJADAS10 inactive disease (ID; ≤2.5) and cJADAS10 minimal disease activity (MiDA; ≤5). Multiple imputation was used to account for missing data. Adjusted odds ratios (aORs) were calculated using propensity score quintiles to compare outcomes at six months following second biologic initiation. There were 216 patients included, 84% initially received etanercept, and most patients stopped receiving it because of its ineffectiveness (74%). A total of 183 (85%) started receiving a second TNFi, and 33 (15%) started receiving a non‐TNFi. Adalimumab was the most common second biologic received (71% overall, 84% of second TNFi), and tocilizumab was the most common non‐TNFi second biologic received (9% overall, 58% of non‐TNFi). There was no difference between receiving TNFi versus non‐TNFi in cJADAS10 ID (29% vs 25%; aOR 1.23, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.47–3.20) or at least MiDA (43% vs 39%; aOR 1.11, 95% CI 0.47–2.62) at six months. Most patients with pJIA started receiving TNFi rather than non‐TNFi as their second biologic, and there were no differences in disease activity at six months.
- Published
- 2024
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28. Intramyocardial transplantation of mesenchymal stromal cells for chronic myocardial ischemia and impaired left ventricular function: Results of the MESAMI 1 pilot trial
- Author
Guijarro, D., Lebrin, M., Lairez, O., Bourin, P., Piriou, N., Pozzo, J., Lande, G., Berry, M., Le Tourneau, T., Cussac, D., Sensebe, L., Gross, F., Lamirault, G., Huynh, A., Manrique, A., Ruidavet, J.B., Elbaz, M., Trochu, J.N., Parini, A., Kramer, S., Galinier, M., Lemarchand, P., and Roncalli, J.
- Published
- 2016
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29. Nsls-II Boster
- Author
Gurov, S.M., Akimov, A.V., Akimov, V.E., Anashin, V.V., Anchugov, O.V., Baranov, G.N., Batrakov, A.M., Belikov, O.V., Bekhtenev, E.A., Blum, E., Bulatov, A.V., Burenkov, D.B., Cheblakov, P.B., Chernyakin, A.D., Cheskidov, V.G., Churkin, I.N., Davidsavier, M., Derbenev, A.A., Erokhin, A.I., Fliller, R.P., Fulkerson, M., Gorchakov, K.M., Ganetis, G., Gao, F., Gurov, D.S., Hseuh, H., Hu, Y., Johanson, M., Kadyrov, R.A., Karnaev, S.E., Karpov, G.V., Kiselev, V.A., Kobets, V.V., Konstantinov, V.M., Kolmogorov, V.V., Korepanov, A.A., Kramer, S., Krasnov, A.A., Kremnev, A.A., Kuper, E.A., Kuzminykh, V.S., Levichev, E.B., Li, Y., Long, J.De, Makeev, A.V., Mamkin, V.R., Medvedko, A.S., Meshkov, O.I., Nefedov, N.B., Neyfeld, V.V., Okunev, I.N., Ozaki, S., Padrazo, D., Petrov, V.V., Petrichenkov, M.V., Philipchenko, A.V., Polyansky, A.V., Pureskin, D.N., Rakhimov, A.R., Rose, J., Ruvinskiy, S.I., Rybitskaya, T.V., Sazonov, N.V., Schegolev, L.M., Semenov, A.M., Semenov, E.P., Senkov, D.V., Serdakov, L.E., Serednyakov, S.S., Shaftan, T.V., Sharma, S., Shichkov, D.S., Shiyankov, S.V., Shvedov, D.A., Simonov, E.A., Singh, O., Sinyatkin, S.V., Smaluk, V.V., Sukhanov, A.V., Tian, Y., Tsukanova, L.A., Vakhrushev, R.V., Vobly, P.D., Utkin, A.V., Wang, G., Wahl, W., Willeke, F., Yaminov, K.R., Yong, H., Zhuravlev, A., and Zuhoski, P.
- Published
- 2016
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30. Wundkanal/Notre Nazi. Fiktion und Wirklichkeit eines Massenmörders
- Author
Hobuß, Steffi, Jung, Simone, Kramer, Sven, Hobuß, S ( Steffi ), Jung, S ( Simone ), Kramer, S ( Sven ), Pantenburg, Volker; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4303-7677, Hobuß, Steffi, Jung, Simone, Kramer, Sven, Hobuß, S ( Steffi ), Jung, S ( Simone ), Kramer, S ( Sven ), and Pantenburg, Volker; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4303-7677
- Published
- 2023
31. Comparison of EP2006, a filgrastim biosimilar, to the reference: a phase III, randomized, double-blind clinical study in the prevention of severe neutropenia in patients with breast cancer receiving myelosuppressive chemotherapy
- Author
Blackwell, K., Semiglazov, V., Krasnozhon, D., Davidenko, I., Nelyubina, L., Nakov, R., Stiegler, G., Singh, P., Schwebig, A., Kramer, S., and Harbeck, N.
- Published
- 2015
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32. Assessing the use of antiviral treatment to control influenza
- Author
- Published
- 2015
33. Multimessenger Characterization of Markarian 501 during Historically Low X-Ray and $γ$-Ray Activity
- Author
Abe, Abe, H., Acciari, S., Agudo, V. A., Aniello, I., Ansoldi, T., Antonelli, S., Arbet-Engels, L. A., Arcaro, A., Artero, C., Asano, M., Baack, K., Babić, D., Baquero, A., de Almeida, A., Barres, Barrio, U., Batković, J. A., Baxter, I., Becerra González, J., Bednarek, J., Bernardini, W., Bernardos, E., Berti, M., Besenrieder, A., Bhattacharyya, J., Bigongiari, W., Biland, C., Blanch, A., Bonnoli, O., Bošnjak, G., Burelli, Ž., Busetto, I., Carosi, G., Carretero-Castrillo, R., Castro-Tirado, M., Ceribella, A. J., Chai, G., Chilingarian, Y., Cikota, A., Colombo, S., Contreras, E., Cortina, J. L., Covino, J., D’Amico, S., D’Elia, G., Da Vela, V., Dazzi, P., De Angelis, F., De Lotto, A., Del Popolo, B., Delfino, A., Delgado, M., Delgado Mendez, J., Depaoli, C., Di Pierro, D., Di Venere, F., Souto Espiñeira, L., Dominis Prester, E., Donini, D., Dorner, A., Doro, D., Elsaesser, M., Emery, D., Escudero, G., Fallah Ramazani, J., Fariña, V., Fattorini, L., Foffano, A., Font, L., Fruck, L., Fukami, C., Fukazawa, S., García López, Y., Garczarczyk, R. J., Gasparyan, M., Gaug, S., Giesbrecht Paiva, M., Giglietto, J. G., Giordano, N., Gliwny, F., Godinović, P., Grau, N., Green, R., Green, D., Hadasch, J. G., Hahn, D., Hassan, A., Heckmann, T., Herrera, L., Hrupec, J., Hütten, D., Imazawa, M., Inada, R., Iotov, T., Ishio, R., Jiménez Martínez, K., Jormanainen, I., Kerszberg, J., Kobayashi, D., Kubo, Y., Kushida, H., Lamastra, J., Lelas, A., Leone, D., Lindfors, F., Linhoff, E., Lombardi, L., Longo, S., López-Coto, F., López-Moya, R., López-Oramas, M., Loporchio, A., Lorini, S., Lyard, A., Machado de Oliveira Fraga, E., Majumdar, B., Makariev, P., Maneva, M., Mang, G., Manganaro, N., Mangano, M., Mannheim, S., Mariotti, K., Martínez, M., Mas-Aguilar, M., Mazin, A., Menchiari, D., Mender, S., Mićanović, S., Miceli, S., Miener, D., Miranda, T., Mirzoyan, J. M., Molina, R., Mondal, E., Moralejo, H. A., Morcuende, A., Moreno, D., Nakamori, V., Nanci, T., Nava, C., Neustroev, L., Nievas Rosillo, V., Nigro, M., Nilsson, C., Nishijima, K., Njoh Ekoume, K., Noda, T., Nozaki, K., Ohtani, S., Oka, Y., Okumura, T., Otero-Santos, A., Paiano, J., Palatiello, S., Paneque, M., Paoletti, D., Paredes, R., Pavletić, J. M., Persic, L., Pihet, M., Pirola, M., Podobnik, G., Moroni, F., Prada, Prandini, P. G., Principe, E., Priyadarshi, G., Rhode, C., Ribó, W., Rico, M., Righi, J., Rugliancich, C., Sahakyan, A., Saito, N., Sakurai, T., Satalecka, S., Saturni, K., Schleicher, F. G., Schmidt, B., Schmuckermaier, K., Schubert, F., Schweizer, J. L., Sitarek, T., Sliusar, J., Sobczynska, V., Spolon, D., Stamerra, A., Strišković, A., Strom, J., Strzys, D., Suda, M., Surić, Y., Tajima, T., Takahashi, H., Takeishi, M., Tavecchio, R., Temnikov, F., Terauchi, P., Terzić, K., Teshima, T., Tosti, M., Truzzi, L., Tutone, S., Ubach, A., van Scherpenberg, S., Acosta, J., Vazquez, Ventura, M., Verguilov, S., Viale, V., Vigorito, I., Vitale, C. F., Vovk, V., Walter, I., Will, R., Wunderlich, M., Yamamoto, C., Zarić, T., Cerruti, D., Acosta-Pulido, M., Apolonio, J. A., Bachev, G., Baloković, R., Benítez, M., Björklund, E., Bozhilov, I., Brown, V., Bugg, L. F., Carbonell, A., Carnerero, W., Carosati, M. I., Casadio, D., Chamani, C., Chen, W., Chigladze, W. P., Damljanovic, R. A., Epps, G., Erkenov, K., Feige, A., Finke, M., Fuentes, J., Gazeas, A., Giroletti, K., Grishina, M., Gupta, T. S., Heidemann, A. C., Gurwell, M. A., Hiriart, E., Hou, D., Hovatta, W. J., Ibryamov, T., Joner, S., Jorstad, M. D., Kania, S. G., Kiehlmann, J., Kimeridze, S., Kopatskaya, G. N., Kopp, E. N., Korte, M., Kotas, M., Koyama, B., Kramer, S., Kunkel, J. A., Kurtanidze, L., Kurtanidze, S. O., Lähteenmäki, O. M., López, A., Larionov, J. M., Larionova, V. M., Larionova, E. G., Leto, L. V., Lorey, C., Mújica, C., Madejski, R., Marchili, G. M., Marscher, N., Minev, A. P., Modaressi, M., Morozova, A., Mufakharov, D. A., Myserlis, T., Nikiforova, I., Nikolashvili, A. A., Ovcharov, M. G., Perri, E., Raiteri, M., Readhead, C. M., Reimer, A. C. S., Reinhart, A., Righini, D., Rosenlehner, S., Sadun, K., Savchenko, A. C., Scherbantin, S. S., Schneider, A., Schoch, L., Seifert, K., Semkov, D., Sigua, E., Singh, L. A., Sola, C., Sotnikova, P., Spencer, Y., Steineke, M., Stojanovic, R., Strigachev, M., Tornikoski, A., Traianou, M., Tramacere, E., Troitskaya, A., Troitskiy, Yu. V., Trump, I. S., Tsai, J. B., Valcheva, A., Vasilyev, A., Verrecchia, A. A., Villata, F., Vince, M., Vrontaki, O., Weaver, K., Zaharieva, Z. R., and Zottmann, E.
- Subjects
ddc:520 - Abstract
The astrophysical journal / Supplement series 266(2), 37 (2023). doi:10.3847/1538-4365/acc181, We study the broadband emission of Mrk 501 using multiwavelength observations from 2017 to 2020 performed with a multitude of instruments, involving, among others, MAGIC, Fermi's Large Area Telescope (LAT), NuSTAR, Swift, GASP-WEBT, and the Owens Valley Radio Observatory. Mrk 501 showed an extremely low broadband activity, which may help to unravel its baseline emission. Nonetheless, significant flux variations are detected at all wave bands, with the highest occurring at X-rays and very-high-energy (VHE) $γ$-rays. A significant correlation (>3σ) between X-rays and VHE $γ$-rays is measured, supporting leptonic scenarios to explain the variable parts of the emission, also during low activity. This is further supported when we extend our data from 2008 to 2020, and identify, for the first time, significant correlations between the Swift X-Ray Telescope and Fermi-LAT. We additionally find correlations between high-energy γ-rays and radio, with the radio lagging by more than 100 days, placing the γ-ray emission zone upstream of the radio-bright regions in the jet. Furthermore, Mrk 501 showed a historically low activity in X-rays and VHE $γ$-rays from mid-2017 to mid-2019 with a stable VHE flux (>0.2 TeV) of 5% the emission of the Crab Nebula. The broadband spectral energy distribution (SED) of this 2 $γ$r long low state, the potential baseline emission of Mrk 501, can be characterized with one-zone leptonic models, and with (lepto)-hadronic models fulfilling neutrino flux constraints from IceCube. We explore the time evolution of the SED toward the low state, revealing that the stable baseline emission may be ascribed to a standing shock, and the variable emission to an additional expanding or traveling shock., Published by Institute of Physics Publ., London
- Published
- 2023
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34. Commissioning Tests of the 43+T Grenoble Hybrid Magnet
- Author
Pugnat, P., primary, Barbier, R., additional, Berriaud, C., additional, Debray, F., additional, Grandclément, C., additional, Hervieu, B., additional, Kramer, S., additional, Krupko, Y., additional, Molinié, F., additional, Pelloux, M., additional, Pfister, R., additional, Ronayette, L., additional, and Schneider-Muntau, H. J., additional
- Published
- 2023
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35. Deep phenotyping meets big data
- Author
Lakerveld, J., Wagtendonk, A., Vaartjes, I., Karssenberg, D., Penninx, B., Beulens, J., Timmermans, E., Huisman, M., Kramer, S., van Wier, M., Boomsma, D., Willemsen, G., Schuengel, C., Oosterman, M., Stronks, K., Vermeulen, R., Koster, A., Stehouwer, C., van den Hurk, K., Koomen, E., de Mutsert, R., Have, M., Verschuren, M., Picavet, S., Beenackers, M., van Lenthe, F., Ikram, A., Jaddoe, V., Oldehinkel, T., de Jong, T., Mulder, S., Dotinga, A., Landdegradatie en aardobservatie, Landscape functioning, Geocomputation and Hydrology, Organizational Culture and Change, IRAS OH Epidemiology Chemical Agents, dIRAS RA-2, Afd Pharmacology, Urban Accessibility and Social Inclusion, Geography and Education, Leerstoel Aken, UU LEG Research USG Public Matters, Spatial Economics, Sociology, The Social Context of Aging (SoCA), Biological Psychology, APH - Mental Health, APH - Methodology, Amsterdam Neuroscience - Mood, Anxiety, Psychosis, Stress & Sleep, APH - Health Behaviors & Chronic Diseases, Clinical Child and Family Studies, LEARN! - Child rearing, APH - Aging & Later Life, RS: CAPHRI - R4 - Health Inequities and Societal Participation, Sociale Geneeskunde, MUMC+: Centrum voor Chronische Zieken (3), MUMC+: MA Med Staf Artsass Interne Geneeskunde (9), RS: Carim - V01 Vascular complications of diabetes and metabolic syndrome, MUMC+: MA Reumatologie (9), MUMC+: MA Nefrologie (9), MUMC+: MA Medische Oncologie (9), MUMC+: MA Hematologie (9), MUMC+: MA Maag Darm Lever (9), MUMC+: MA Endocrinologie (9), MUMC+: HVC Pieken Maastricht Studie (9), Interne Geneeskunde, MUMC+: MA Interne Geneeskunde (3), Public Health, Epidemiology, Erasmus MC other, Pediatrics, Epidemiology and Data Science, Psychiatry, Amsterdam Neuroscience - Complex Trait Genetics, ACS - Diabetes & metabolism, ACS - Heart failure & arrhythmias, APH - Societal Participation & Health, Otolaryngology / Head & Neck Surgery, APH - Quality of Care, APH - Digital Health, and Public and occupational health
- Subjects
Earth science ,Big data ,010501 environmental sciences ,01 natural sciences ,Health informatics ,DISEASE ,Environmental data ,Data science ,Cohort Studies ,0302 clinical medicine ,030212 general & internal medicine ,Netherlands ,ASSOCIATIONS ,Non-communicabledisease ,Environmental exposure ,Non-communicable disease ,SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities ,Exposome ,Geography ,Cohort ,lcsh:R858-859.7 ,BURDEN ,medicine.medical_specialty ,General Computer Science ,Health geography ,GREEN ,Environment ,lcsh:Computer applications to medicine. Medical informatics ,Exposure ,03 medical and health sciences ,REGRESSION ,medicine ,Humans ,0105 earth and related environmental sciences ,business.industry ,Research ,Public health ,Prevention ,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health ,Environmental Exposure ,AIR-POLLUTION ,General Business, Management and Accounting ,Earth Sciences ,Upstream determinants ,business ,Cohorts ,ENVIRONMENTS - Abstract
Environmental exposures are increasingly investigated as possible drivers of health behaviours and disease outcomes. So-called exposome studies that aim to identify and better understand the effects of exposures on behaviours and disease risk across the life course require high-quality environmental exposure data. The Netherlands has a great variety of environmental data available, including high spatial and often temporal resolution information on urban infrastructure, physico-chemical exposures, presence and availability of community services, and others. Until recently, these environmental data were scattered and measured at varying spatial scales, impeding linkage to individual-level (cohort) data as they were not operationalised as personal exposures, that is, the exposure to a certain environmental characteristic specific for a person. Within the Geoscience and hEalth Cohort COnsortium (GECCO) and with support of the Global Geo Health Data Center (GGHDC), a platform has been set up in The Netherlands where environmental variables are centralised, operationalised as personal exposures, and used to enrich 23 cohort studies and provided to researchers upon request. We here present and detail a series of personal exposure data sets that are available within GECCO to date, covering personal exposures of all residents of The Netherlands (currently about 17 M) over the full land surface of the country, and discuss challenges and opportunities for its use now and in the near future.
- Published
- 2020
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36. Predicition of delamination during FDM printing by means of a Bayesian Network
- Author
Kramer, S. and Kramer, S.
- Published
- 2022
37. Pre-stroke Physical Activity and Cerebral Collateral Circulation in Ischemic Stroke: A Potential Therapeutic Relationship?
- Author
Hung, SH, Kramer, S, Werden, E, Campbell, BCV, Brodtmann, A, Hung, SH, Kramer, S, Werden, E, Campbell, BCV, and Brodtmann, A
- Abstract
Favorable cerebral collateral circulation contributes to hindering penumbral tissue from progressing to infarction and is associated with positive clinical outcomes after stroke. Given its clinical importance, improving cerebral collateral circulation is considered a therapeutic target to reduce burden after stroke. We provide a hypothesis-generating discussion on the potential association between pre-stroke physical activity and cerebral collateral circulation in ischemic stroke. The recruitment of cerebral collaterals in acute ischemic stroke may depend on anatomical variations, capacity of collateral vessels to vasodilate, and individual risk factors. Physical activity is associated with improved cerebral endothelial and vascular function related to vasodilation and angiogenic adaptations, and risk reduction in individual risk factors. More research is needed to understand association between cerebral collateral circulation and physical activity. A presentation of different methodological considerations for measuring cerebral collateral circulation and pre-stroke physical activity in the context of acute ischemic stroke is included. Opportunities for future research into cerebral collateral circulation, physical activity, and stroke recovery is presented.
- Published
- 2022
38. Poststroke White Matter Hyperintensities and Physical Activity: A CANVAS Study Exploratory Analysis
- Author
Hung, SH, Khlif, MS, Kramer, S, Werden, E, Bird, LJ, Campbell, BCV, Brodtmann, A, Hung, SH, Khlif, MS, Kramer, S, Werden, E, Bird, LJ, Campbell, BCV, and Brodtmann, A
- Abstract
PURPOSE: White matter hyperintensities (WMHs) are associated with poststroke cognitive decline and mortality. Physical activity (PA) may decrease WMH risk by reducing vascular risk factors and promoting cerebral perfusion. However, the association between poststroke PA and WMH progression remains unclear. We examined the association between PA and WMH volume 12 months after stroke, and between PA and change in WMH volume between 3 and 12 months after stroke. METHODS: We included ischemic stroke survivors from the Cognition And Neocortical Volume After Stroke cohort with available brain magnetic resonance imaging and objective PA data. Total, periventricular, and deep WMH volumes (in milliliters) were estimated with manually edited, automated segmentations (Wisconsin White Matter Hyperintensities Segmentation toolbox). Moderate-to-vigorous intensity PA (MVPA) was estimated using the SenseWear® Armband. Participants with MVPA ≥30 min·d -1 were classified as "meeting PA guidelines." We used quantile regression to estimate the associations between PA (MVPA and meeting PA guidelines) with WMH volume at 12 months and change in WMH volume between 3 and 12 months after stroke. RESULTS: A total of 100 participants were included (median National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale 2; interquartile range, 1-4). MVPA was not associated with WMH volume. In univariable analysis, meeting PA guidelines was associated with lower total, periventricular, and deep WMH volumes by 3.0 mL (95% confidence interval (CI), 0.5-9.7 mL), 2.8 mL (95% CI, 0.5-7.1 mL), and 0.9 mL (95% CI, 0.1-3.0 mL), respectively. However, in multivariable analysis, meeting PA guidelines was not associated with WMH volume, and older age was associated with greater WMH volume at 12 months. PA was not associated with change in WMH volume. CONCLUSIONS: Meeting PA guidelines was associated with lower WMH volume at 12 months in univariable analysis, but not in multivariable analysis. Age consistently predicted greater W
- Published
- 2022
39. Tunneling spectroscopy of few-monolayer NbSe2 in high magnetic fields: Triplet superconductivity and Ising protection
- Author
Kuzmanović, M. (author), Dvir, T. (author), Leboeuf, D. (author), Ilić, S. (author), Haim, M. (author), Möckli, D. (author), Kramer, S. (author), Khodas, M. (author), Meyer, J. S. (author), Kuzmanović, M. (author), Dvir, T. (author), Leboeuf, D. (author), Ilić, S. (author), Haim, M. (author), Möckli, D. (author), Kramer, S. (author), Khodas, M. (author), and Meyer, J. S. (author)
- Abstract
In conventional Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer superconductors, Cooper pairs of electrons of opposite spin (i.e., singlet structure) form the ground state. Equal-spin triplet pairs (ESTPs), as in superfluid He3, are of great interest for superconducting spintronics and topological superconductivity, yet remain elusive. Recently, odd-parity ESTPs were predicted to arise in (few-)monolayer superconducting NbSe2, from the noncollinearity between the out-of-plane Ising spin-orbit field (due to the lack of inversion symmetry in monolayer NbSe2) and an applied in-plane magnetic field. These ESTPs couple to the singlet order parameter at finite field. Using van der Waals tunnel junctions, we perform spectroscopy of superconducting NbSe2 flakes, of 2-25 monolayer thickness, measuring the quasiparticle density of states (DOS) as a function of applied in-plane magnetic field up to 33 T. In flakes ≲15 monolayers thick the DOS has a single superconducting gap. In these thin samples, the magnetic field acts primarily on the spin (vs orbital) degree of freedom of the electrons, and superconductivity is further protected by the Ising field. The superconducting energy gap, extracted from our tunneling spectra, decreases as a function of the applied magnetic field. However, in bilayer NbSe2, close to the critical field (up to 30 T, much larger than the Pauli limit), superconductivity appears to be more robust than expected from Ising protection alone. Our data can be explained by the above-mentioned ESTPs., QRD/Kouwenhoven Lab
- Published
- 2022
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40. Health Equity Implications of Missing Data Among Youths With Childhood‐OnsetSystemic Lupus Erythematosus: A Proof‐of‐ConceptStudy in the Childhood Arthritis and Rheumatology Research Alliance Registry
- Author
Woo, Jennifer M. P., Simmonds, Faith, Dennos, Anne, Son, Mary Beth F., Lewandowski, Laura B., Rubinstein, Tamar B., Abel, N., Abulaban, K., Adams, A., Adams, M., Agbayani, R., Aiello, J., Akoghlanian, S., Alejandro, C., Allenspach, E., Alperin, R., Alpizar, M., Amarilyo, G., Ambler, W., Anderson, E., Ardoin, S., Armendariz, S., Baker, E., Balboni, I., Balevic, S., Ballenger, L., Ballinger, S., Balmuri, N., Barbar‐Smiley, F., Barillas‐Arias, L., Basiaga, M., Baszis, K., Becker, M., Bell‐Brunson, H., Beltz, E., Benham, H., Benseler, S., Bernal, W., Beukelman, T., Bigley, T., Binstadt, B., Black, C., Blakley, M., Bohnsack, J., Boland, J., Boneparth, A., Bowman, S., Bracaglia, C., Brooks, E., Brothers, M., Brown, A., Brunner, H., Buckley, M., Buckley, M., Bukulmez, H., Bullock, D., Cameron, B., Canna, S., Cannon, L., Carper, P., Cartwright, V., Cassidy, E., Cerracchio, L., Chalom, E., Chang, J., Chang‐Hoftman, A., Chauhan, V., Chira, P., Chinn, T., Chundru, K., Clairman, H., Co, D., Confair, A., Conlon, H., Connor, R., Cooper, A., Cooper, J., Cooper, S., Correll, C., Corvalan, R., Costanzo, D., Cron, R., Curiel‐Duran, L., Curington, T., Curry, M., Dalrymple, A., Davis, A., Davis, C., Davis, C., Davis, T., De Benedetti, F., De Ranieri, D., Dean, J., Dedeoglu, F., DeGuzman, M., Delnay, N., Dempsey, V., DeSantis, E., Dickson, T., Dingle, J., Donaldson, B., Dorsey, E., Dover, S., Dowling, J., Drew, J., Driest, K., Du, Q., Duarte, K., Durkee, D., Duverger, E., Dvergsten, J., Eberhard, A., Eckert, M., Ede, K., Edelheit, B., Edens, C., Edens, C., Edgerly, Y., Elder, M., Ervin, B., Fadrhonc, S., Failing, C., Fair, D., Falcon, M., Favier, L., Federici, S., Feldman, B., Fennell, J., Ferguson, I., Ferguson, P., Ferreira, B., Ferrucho, R., Fields, K., Finkel, T., Fitzgerald, M., Fleming, C., Flynn, O., Fogel, L., Fox, E., Fox, M., Franco, L., Freeman, M., Fritz, K., Froese, S., Fuhlbrigge, R., Fuller, J., George, N., Gerhold, K., Gerstbacher, D., Gilbert, M., Gillispie‐Taylor, M., Giverc, E., Godiwala, C., Goh, I., Goheer, H., Goldsmith, D., Gotschlich, E., Gotte, A., Gottlieb, B., Gracia, C., Graham, T., Grevich, S., Griffin, T., Griswold, J., Grom, A., Guevara, M., Guittar, P., Guzman, M., Hager, M., Hahn, T., Halyabar, O., Hammelev, E., Hance, M., Hanson, A., Harel, L., Haro, S., Harris, J., Harry, O., Hartigan, E., Hausmann, J., Hay, A., Hayward, K., Heiart, J., Hekl, K., Henderson, L., Henrickson, M., Hersh, A., Hickey, K., Hill, P., Hillyer, S., Hiraki, L., Hiskey, M., Hobday, P., Hoffart, C., Holland, M., Hollander, M., Hong, S., Horwitz, M., Hsu, J., Huber, A., Huggins, J., Hui‐Yuen, J., Hung, C., Huntington, J., Huttenlocher, A., Ibarra, M., Imundo, L., Inman, C., Insalaco, A., Jackson, A., Jackson, S., James, K., Janow, G., Jaquith, J., Jared, S., Johnson, N., Jones, J., Jones, J., Jones, J., Jones, K., Jones, S., Joshi, S., Jung, L., Justice, C., Justiniano, A., Karan, N., Kaufman, K., Kemp, A., Kessler, E., Khalsa, U., Kienzle, B., Kim, S., Kimura, Y., Kingsbury, D., Kitcharoensakkul, M., Klausmeier, T., Klein, K., Klein‐Gitelman, M., Kompelien, B., Kosikowski, A., Kovalick, L., Kracker, J., Kramer, S., Kremer, C., Lai, J., Lam, J., Lang, B., Lapidus, S., Lapin, B., Lasky, A., Latham, D., Lawson, E., Laxer, R., Lee, P., Lee, P., Lee, T., Lentini, L., Lerman, M., Levy, D., Li, S., Lieberman, S., Lim, L., Lin, C., Ling, N., Lingis, M., Lo, M., Lovell, D., Lowman, D., Luca, N., Lvovich, S., Madison, C., Madison, J., Manzoni, S. Magni, Malla, B., Maller, J., Malloy, M., Mannion, M., Manos, C., Marques, L., Martyniuk, A., Mason, T., Mathus, S., McAllister, L., McCarthy, K., McConnell, K., McCormick, E., McCurdy, D., Stokes, P. McCurdy, McGuire, S., McHale, I., McMonagle, A., McMullen‐Jackson, C., Meidan, E., Mellins, E., Mendoza, E., Mercado, R., Merritt, A., Michalowski, L., Miettunen, P., Miller, M., Milojevic, D., Mirizio, E., Misajon, E., Mitchell, M., Modica, R., Mohan, S., Moore, K., Moorthy, L., Morgan, S., Dewitt, E. Morgan, Moss, C., Moussa, T., Mruk, V., Murphy, A., Muscal, E., Nadler, R., Nahal, B., Nanda, K., Nasah, N., Nassi, L., Nativ, S., Natter, M., Neely, J., Nelson, B., Newhall, L., Ng, L., Nicholas, J., Nicolai, R., Nigrovic, P., Nocton, J., Nolan, B., Oberle, E., Obispo, B., O'Brien, B., O'Brien, T., Okeke, O., Oliver, M., Olson, J., O'Neil, K., Onel, K., Orandi, A., Orlando, M., Osei‐Onomah, S., Oz, R., Pagano, E., Paller, A., Pan, N., Panupattanapong, S., Pardeo, M., Paredes, J., Parsons, A., Patel, J., Pentakota, K., Pepmueller, P., Pfeiffer, T., Phillippi, K., Phillippi, K., Marafon, D. Pires, Ponder, L., Pooni, R., Prahalad, S., Pratt, S., Protopapas, S., Puplava, B., Quach, J., Quinlan‐Waters, M., Rabinovich, C., Radhakrishna, S., Rafko, J., Raisian, J., Rakestraw, A., Ramirez, C., Ramsay, E., Ramsey, S., Randell, R., Reed, A., Reed, A., Reed, A., Reid, H., Remmel, K., Repp, A., Reyes, A., Richmond, A., Riebschleger, M., Ringold, S., Riordan, M., Riskalla, M., Ritter, M., Rivas‐Chacon, R., Robinson, A., Rodela, E., Rodriquez, M., Rojas, K., Ronis, T., Rosenkranz, M., Rosolowski, B., Rothermel, H., Rothman, D., Roth‐Wojcicki, E., Rouster‐Stevens, K., Rubinstein, T., Ruth, N., Saad, N., Sabbagh, S., Sacco, E., Sadun, R., Sandborg, C., Sanni, A., Santiago, L., Sarkissian, A., Savani, S., Scalzi, L., Schanberg, L., Scharnhorst, S., Schikler, K., Schlefman, A., Schmeling, H., Schmidt, K., Schmitt, E., Schneider, R., Schollaert‐Fitch, K., Schulert, G., Seay, T., Seper, C., Shalen, J., Sheets, R., Shelly, A., Shenoi, S., Shergill, K., Shirley, J., Shishov, M., Shivers, C., Silverman, E., Singer, N., Sivaraman, V., Sletten, J., Smith, A., Smith, C., Smith, J., Smith, J., Smitherman, E., Soep, J., Son, M., Spence, S., Spiegel, L., Spitznagle, J., Sran, R., Srinivasalu, H., Stapp, H., Steigerwald, K., Rakovchik, Y. Sterba, Stern, S., Stevens, A., Stevens, B., Stevenson, R., Stewart, K., Stingl, C., Stokes, J., Stoll, M., Stringer, E., Sule, S., Sumner, J., Sundel, R., Sutter, M., Syed, R., Syverson, G., Szymanski, A., Taber, S., Tal, R., Tambralli, A., Taneja, A., Tanner, T., Tapani, S., Tarshish, G., Tarvin, S., Tate, L., Taxter, A., Taylor, J., Terry, M., Tesher, M., Thatayatikom, A., Thomas, B., Tiffany, K., Ting, T., Tipp, A., Toib, D., Torok, K., Toruner, C., Tory, H., Toth, M., Tse, S., Tubwell, V., Twilt, M., Uriguen, S., Valcarcel, T., Van Mater, H., Vannoy, L., Varghese, C., Vasquez, N., Vazzana, K., Vehe, R., Veiga, K., Velez, J., Verbsky, J., Vilar, G., Volpe, N., Scheven, E., Vora, S., Wagner, J., Wagner‐Weiner, L., Wahezi, D., Waite, H., Walker, J., Walters, H., Muskardin, T. Wampler, Waqar, L., Waterfield, M., Watson, M., Watts, A., Weiser, P., Weiss, J., Weiss, P., Wershba, E., White, A., Williams, C., Wise, A., Woo, J., Woolnough, L., Wright, T., Wu, E., Yalcindag, A., Yee, M., Yen, E., Yeung, R., Yomogida, K., Yu, Q., Zapata, R., Zartoshti, A., Zeft, A., Zeft, R., Zhang, Y., Zhao, Y., Zhu, A., and Zic, C.
- Abstract
Health disparities in childhood‐onset systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) disproportionately impact marginalized populations. Socioeconomically patterned missing data can magnify existing health inequities by supporting inferences that may misrepresent populations of interest. Our objective was to assess missing data and subsequent health equity implications among participants with childhood‐onset SLE enrolled in a large pediatric rheumatology registry. We evaluated co‐missingness of 12 variables representing demographics, socioeconomic position, and clinical factors (e.g., disease‐related indices) using Childhood Arthritis and Rheumatology Research Alliance Registry childhood‐onset SLE enrollment data (2015–2022; n = 766). We performed logistic regression to calculate odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CIs) for missing disease‐related indices at enrollment (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Disease Activity Index 2000 [SLEDAI‐2K] and/or Systemic Lupus International Collaborating Clinics/American College of Rheumatology Damage Index [SDI]) associated with data missingness. We used linear regression to assess the association between socioeconomic factors and SLEDAI‐2K at enrollment using 3 analytic methods for missing data: complete case analysis, multiple imputation, and nonprobabilistic bias analyses, with missing values imputed to represent extreme low or high disadvantage. On average, participants were missing 6.2% of data, with over 50% of participants missing at least 1 variable. Missing data correlated most closely with variables within data categories (i.e., demographic). Government‐assisted health insurance was associated with missing SLEDAI‐2K and/or SDI scores compared to private health insurance (OR 2.04 [95% CI 1.22, 3.41]). The different analytic approaches resulted in varying analytic sample sizes and fundamentally conflicting estimated associations. Our results support intentional evaluation of missing data to inform effect estimate interpretation and critical assessment of causal statements that might otherwise misrepresent health inequities.
- Published
- 2023
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41. P-174 OPTIMISE: Optimization of treatment selection and follow-up in oligometastatic colorectal cancer – a ctDNA-guided phase II randomized approach with a run-in feasibility part
- Author
Spindler, K., primary, Callesen, L., additional, Andersen, R., additional, Pallisgaard, N., additional, Kramer, S., additional, Schlander, S., additional, Rafaelsen, S., additional, Boysen, A., additional, Jensen, L., additional, Jakobsen, A., additional, and Hansen, T., additional
- Published
- 2022
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42. Hyper-parameter optimization for latent spaces
- Author
Veloso, B., Carprese, L., König, H.M.T., Manco, G., Hoos, H.H., Gama, J., Oliver, N., Pérez-Cruz, F., Kramer, S., Read, J., Lozano, J.A., Teixeira S., Oliver, N., Pérez-Cruz, F., Kramer, S., Read, J., and Lozano, J.A.
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Latent spaces ,Nelder-mead algorithm ,Recommender systems ,Hyper-parameter optimization ,SMAC ,AutoML - Abstract
We present an online optimization method for time-evolving data streams that can automatically adapt the hyper-parameters of an embedding model. More specifically, we employ the Nelder-Mead algorithm, which uses a set of heuristics to produce and exploit several potentially good configurations, from which the best one is selected and deployed. This step is repeated whenever the distribution of the data is changing. We evaluate our approach on streams of real-world as well as synthetic data, wherethe latter is generated in such way that its characteristics change over time (concept drift). Overall, we achieve good performance in terms of accuracy compared to state-of-the-art AutoML techniques.
- Published
- 2021
43. Childhood‐OnsetLupus Nephritis in the Childhood Arthritis and Rheumatology Research Alliance Registry: Short‐TermKidney Status and Variation in Care
- Author
Smitherman, Emily A., Chahine, Rouba A., Beukelman, Timothy, Lewandowski, Laura B., Rahman, A. K. M. Fazlur, Wenderfer, Scott E., Curtis, Jeffrey R., Hersh, Aimee O., Abel, N., Abulaban, K., Adams, A., Adams, M., Agbayani, R., Aiello, J., Akoghlanian, S., Alejandro, C., Allenspach, E., Alperin, R., Alpizar, M., Amarilyo, G., Ambler, W., Anderson, E., Ardoin, S., Armendariz, S., Baker, E., Balboni, I., Balevic, S., Ballenger, L., Ballinger, S., Balmuri, N., Barbar‐Smiley, F., Barillas‐Arias, L., Basiaga, M., Baszis, K., Becker, M., Bell‐Brunson, H., Beltz, E., Benham, H., Benseler, S., Bernal, W., Beukelman, T., Bigley, T., Binstadt, B., Black, C., Blakley, M., Bohnsack, J., Boland, J., Boneparth, A., Bowman, S., Bracaglia, C., Brooks, E., Brothers, M., Brown, A., Brunner, H., Buckley, M., Buckley, M., Bukulmez, H., Bullock, D., Cameron, B., Canna, S., Cannon, L., Carper, P., Cartwright, V., Cassidy, E., Cerracchio, L., Chalom, E., Chang, J., Chang‐Hoftman, A., Chauhan, V., Chira, P., Chinn, T., Chundru, K., Clairman, H., Co, D., Confair, A., Conlon, H., Connor, R., Cooper, A., Cooper, J., Cooper, S., Correll, C., Corvalan, R., Costanzo, D., Cron, R., Curiel‐Duran, L., Curington, T., Curry, M., Dalrymple, A., Davis, A., Davis, C., Davis, C., Davis, T., De Benedetti, F., De Ranieri, D., Dean, J., Dedeoglu, F., DeGuzman, M., Delnay, N., Dempsey, V., DeSantis, E., Dickson, T., Dingle, J., Donaldson, B., Dorsey, E., Dover, S., Dowling, J., Drew, J., Driest, K., Du, Q., Duarte, K., Durkee, D., Duverger, E., Dvergsten, J., Eberhard, A., Eckert, M., Ede, K., Edelheit, B., Edens, C., Edens, C., Edgerly, Y., Elder, M., Ervin, B., Fadrhonc, S., Failing, C., Fair, D., Falcon, M., Favier, L., Federici, S., Feldman, B., Fennell, J., Ferguson, I., Ferguson, P., Ferreira, B., Ferrucho, R., Fields, K., Finkel, T., Fitzgerald, M., Fleming, C., Flynn, O., Fogel, L., Fox, E., Fox, M., Franco, L., Freeman, M., Fritz, K., Froese, S., Fuhlbrigge, R., Fuller, J., George, N., Gerhold, K., Gerstbacher, D., Gilbert, M., Gillispie‐Taylor, M., Giverc, E., Godiwala, C., Goh, I., Goheer, H., Goldsmith, D., Gotschlich, E., Gotte, A., Gottlieb, B., Gracia, C., Graham, T., Grevich, S., Griffin, T., Griswold, J., Grom, A., Guevara, M., Guittar, P., Guzman, M., Hager, M., Hahn, T., Halyabar, O., Hammelev, E., Hance, M., Hanson, A., Harel, L., Haro, S., Harris, J., Harry, O., Hartigan, E., Hausmann, J., Hay, A., Hayward, K., Heiart, J., Hekl, K., Henderson, L., Henrickson, M., Hersh, A., Hickey, K., Hill, P., Hillyer, S., Hiraki, L., Hiskey, M., Hobday, P., Hoffart, C., Holland, M., Hollander, M., Hong, S., Horwitz, M., Hsu, J., Huber, A., Huggins, J., Hui‐Yuen, J., Hung, C., Huntington, J., Huttenlocher, A., Ibarra, M., Imundo, L., Inman, C., Insalaco, A., Jackson, A., Jackson, S., James, K., Janow, G., Jaquith, J., Jared, S., Johnson, N., Jones, J., Jones, J., Jones, J., Jones, K., Jones, S., Joshi, S., Jung, L., Justice, C., Justiniano, A., Karan, N., Kaufman, K., Kemp, A., Kessler, E., Khalsa, U., Kienzle, B., Kim, S., Kimura, Y., Kingsbury, D., Kitcharoensakkul, M., Klausmeier, T., Klein, K., Klein‐Gitelman, M., Kompelien, B., Kosikowski, A., Kovalick, L., Kracker, J., Kramer, S., Kremer, C., Lai, J., Lam, J., Lang, B., Lapidus, S., Lapin, B., Lasky, A., Latham, D., Lawson, E., Laxer, R., Lee, P., Lee, P., Lee, T., Lentini, L., Lerman, M., Levy, D., Li, S., Lieberman, S., Lim, L., Lin, C., Ling, N., Lingis, M., Lo, M., Lovell, D., Lowman, D., Luca, N., Lvovich, S., Madison, C., Madison, J., Manzoni, S. Magni, Malla, B., Maller, J., Malloy, M., Mannion, M., Manos, C., Marques, L., Martyniuk, A., Mason, T., Mathus, S., McAllister, L., McCarthy, K., McConnell, K., McCormick, E., McCurdy, D., Stokes, P. McCurdy, McGuire, S., McHale, I., McMonagle, A., McMullen‐Jackson, C., Meidan, E., Mellins, E., Mendoza, E., Mercado, R., Merritt, A., Michalowski, L., Miettunen, P., Miller, M., Milojevic, D., Mirizio, E., Misajon, E., Mitchell, M., Modica, R., Mohan, S., Moore, K., Moorthy, L., Morgan, S., Dewitt, E. Morgan, Moss, C., Moussa, T., Mruk, V., Murphy, A., Muscal, E., Nadler, R., Nahal, B., Nanda, K., Nasah, N., Nassi, L., Nativ, S., Natter, M., Neely, J., Nelson, B., Newhall, L., Ng, L., Nicholas, J., Nicolai, R., Nigrovic, P., Nocton, J., Nolan, B., Oberle, E., Obispo, B., O'Brien, B., O'Brien, T., Okeke, O., Oliver, M., Olson, J., O'Neil, K., Onel, K., Orandi, A., Orlando, M., Osei‐Onomah, S., Oz, R., Pagano, E., Paller, A., Pan, N., Panupattanapong, S., Pardeo, M., Paredes, J., Parsons, A., Patel, J., Pentakota, K., Pepmueller, P., Pfeiffer, T., Phillippi, K., Marafon, D. Pires, Phillippi, K., Ponder, L., Pooni, R., Prahalad, S., Pratt, S., Protopapas, S., Puplava, B., Quach, J., Quinlan‐Waters, M., Rabinovich, C., Radhakrishna, S., Rafko, J., Raisian, J., Rakestraw, A., Ramirez, C., Ramsay, E., Ramsey, S., Randell, R., Reed, A., Reed, A., Reed, A., Reid, H., Remmel, K., Repp, A., Reyes, A., Richmond, A., Riebschleger, M., Ringold, S., Riordan, M., Riskalla, M., Ritter, M., Rivas‐Chacon, R., Robinson, A., Rodela, E., Rodriquez, M., Rojas, K., Ronis, T., Rosenkranz, M., Rosolowski, B., Rothermel, H., Rothman, D., Roth‐Wojcicki, E., Rouster – Stevens, K., Rubinstein, T., Ruth, N., Saad, N., Sabbagh, S., Sacco, E., Sadun, R., Sandborg, C., Sanni, A., Santiago, L., Sarkissian, A., Savani, S., Scalzi, L., Schanberg, L., Scharnhorst, S., Schikler, K., Schlefman, A., Schmeling, H., Schmidt, K., Schmitt, E., Schneider, R., Schollaert‐Fitch, K., Schulert, G., Seay, T., Seper, C., Shalen, J., Sheets, R., Shelly, A., Shenoi, S., Shergill, K., Shirley, J., Shishov, M., Shivers, C., Silverman, E., Singer, N., Sivaraman, V., Sletten, J., Smith, A., Smith, C., Smith, J., Smith, J., Smitherman, E., Soep, J., Son, M., Spence, S., Spiegel, L., Spitznagle, J., Sran, R., Srinivasalu, H., Stapp, H., Steigerwald, K., Rakovchik, Y. Sterba, Stern, S., Stevens, A., Stevens, B., Stevenson, R., Stewart, K., Stingl, C., Stokes, J., Stoll, M., Stringer, E., Sule, S., Sumner, J., Sundel, R., Sutter, M., Syed, R., Syverson, G., Szymanski, A., Taber, S., Tal, R., Tambralli, A., Taneja, A., Tanner, T., Tapani, S., Tarshish, G., Tarvin, S., Tate, L., Taxter, A., Taylor, J., Terry, M., Tesher, M., Thatayatikom, A., Thomas, B., Tiffany, K., Ting, T., Tipp, A., Toib, D., Torok, K., Toruner, C., Tory, H., Toth, M., Tse, S., Tubwell, V., Twilt, M., Uriguen, S., Valcarcel, T., Van Mater, H., Vannoy, L., Varghese, C., Vasquez, N., Vazzana, K., Vehe, R., Veiga, K., Velez, J., Verbsky, J., Vilar, G., Volpe, N., Scheven, E., Vora, S., Wagner, J., Wagner‐Weiner, L., Wahezi, D., Waite, H., Walker, J., Walters, H., Muskardin, T. Wampler, Waqar, L., Waterfield, M., Watson, M., Watts, A., Weiser, P., Weiss, J., Weiss, P., Wershba, E., White, A., Williams, C., Wise, A., Woo, J., Woolnough, L., Wright, T., Wu, E., Yalcindag, A., Yee, M., Yen, E., Yeung, R., Yomogida, K., Yu, Q., Zapata, R., Zartoshti, A., Zeft, A., Zeft, R., Zhang, Y., Zhao, Y., Zhu, A., and Zic, C.
- Abstract
The goal was to characterize short‐term kidney status and describe variation in early care utilization in a multicenter cohort of patients with childhood‐onset systemic lupus erythematosus (cSLE) and nephritis. We analyzed previously collected prospective data from North American patients with cSLE with kidney biopsy‐proven nephritis enrolled in the Childhood Arthritis and Rheumatology Research Alliance (CARRA) Registry from March 2017 through December 2019. We determined the proportion of patients with abnormal kidney status at the most recent registry visit and applied generalized linear mixed models to identify associated factors. We also calculated frequency of medication use, both during induction and ever recorded. We identified 222 patients with kidney biopsy–proven nephritis, with 64% class III/IV nephritis on initial biopsy. At the most recent registry visit at median (interquartile range) of 17 (8–29) months from initial kidney biopsy, 58 of 106 patients (55%) with available data had abnormal kidney status. This finding was associated with male sex (odds ratio [OR] 3.88, 95% confidence interval [95% CI] 1.21–12.46) and age at cSLE diagnosis (OR 1.23, 95% CI 1.01–1.49). Patients with class IV nephritis were more likely than class III to receive cyclophosphamide and rituximab during induction. There was substantial variation in mycophenolate, cyclophosphamide, and rituximab ever use patterns across rheumatology centers. In this cohort with predominately class III/IV nephritis, male sex and older age at cSLE diagnosis were associated with abnormal short‐term kidney status. We also observed substantial variation in contemporary medication use for pediatric lupus nephritis between pediatric rheumatology centers. Additional studies are needed to better understand the impact of this variation on long‐term kidney outcomes.
- Published
- 2023
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44. Cuneiform Tablets in the Collection of Lord Binning
- Author
Walker, C. B. F. and Kramer, S. N.
- Published
- 1982
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45. Commerce and Trade: Gleanings from Sumerian Literature
- Author
Kramer, S. N.
- Published
- 1977
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46. Therapeutic Effect of an Elemental Diet on Proline Absorption across the Irradiated Rat Small Intestine
- Author
Mohiuddin, M. and Kramer, S.
- Published
- 1978
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47. Simultaneous Observation of Phase-Stepped Images for Photoelasticity Using Diffraction Gratings
- Author
Kramer, S. L. B., Beiermann, B. A., White, S. R., and Sottos, N. R.
- Published
- 2013
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48. Lord Action and Latin America
- Author
Kramer, S. Paul
- Published
- 1963
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49. İstanbul Eski̇-Şark Müzesi̇ndeki̇ Ni̇ppur'da Bulunmuş Sümer Edebî Meti̇nleri̇ / Sumerian Literary Texts from Nippur in the Museum of the Ancient Orient at Istanbul
- Author
Kramer, S. N., Koylan, Sadi, and Ertegün, Nesuhi
- Published
- 1943
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50. Sumerian Literature; A Preliminary Survey of the Oldest Literature in the World
- Author
Kramer, S. N.
- Published
- 1942
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