This paper suggests ranking alternatives under fuzzy MCDM (multiple criteria decision making) via an centroid based ranking approach, where criteria are classified to benefit qualitative, benefit quantitative and cost quantitative ones. The ratings of alternatives versus qualitative criteria and the importance weights of all criteria are assessed in linguistic values represented by fuzzy numbers. The membership function for the final fuzzy evaluation value of each alternative can be developed through α-cuts and interval arithmetic of fuzzy numbers. The distance between the original point and the relative centroid is applied to defuzzify the final fuzzy evaluation values in order to rank alternatives. Finally a numerical example demonstrates the computation procedure of the proposed model., {"references":["","S. Abbasbandy and T. Hajjari, \"A new approach for ranking of\ntrapezoidal fuzzy numbers,\"Computers and Mathematics with\nApplications,vol.57,pp.413-419, 2009.","L. Afkham, F. Abdi, and A. Rashidi, \"Evaluation of service quality by\nusing fuzzy MCDM: A case study in Iranian health-care\ncenters,\"Management Science Letters. vol.2, no.1,pp.291-300, 2012.","B. Asady, \"The revised method of ranking LR fuzzy number based on\ndeviation degree,\"Expert Systems with Applications, vol.37,\npp.5056-5060, 2010.","G. Büyüközkan, O. Feyzioglu, and G. Çifçi, \"Fuzzy multi-criteria\nevaluation of knowledge management tools,\" International Journal of\nComputational Intelligence Systems,vol.4, no.2, pp.184-195, 2011.","C. Carlssonand R. Fullér, \"Fuzzy multiple criteria decision making:\nRecent developments,\"Fuzzy Sets and System, vol.78, no.2,pp.139-153,\n1996.","S.J. Chen and C.L. Hwang,Fuzzy Multiple Attribute Decision\nMaking.Berlin: Springer, 1992.","C.C.Chou, \"A fuzzy MCDM method for solving marine transshipment\ncontainer port selection problems,\" Applied Mathematics and\nComputation, vol.186, no.1, pp.435-444, 2007.","T.C. Chu and Y. Lin, \"An Extension to Fuzzy MCDM,\" Computers and\nMathematics with Applications, vol.57, no.3, pp.445-454, 2009.","G. Çifçi, and G. Büyüközkan, \"A fuzzy MCDM approach to evaluate\ngreen suppliers,\"International Journal of Computational Intelligence\nSystems, vol.4, no.5, pp.894-909, 2011.\n[10] D. Dubois and H. Prade, \"Operations on fuzzy numbers,\"International\nJournal of Systems Science, vol.9, no.6, pp.613-626, 1978.\n[11] R. Ezzati,T.Allahviranloo, S. Khezerloo, and M. Khezerloo, \"An\napproach for ranking of fuzzy number,\"Expert Systems with Applications,\nvol.39, no.1, pp.690-695, 2012.\n[12] Z. Hu,Z. Chen, Z. Pei, X. Ma, and W. Liu, \"An improved ranking\nstrategy for fuzzy multiple attribute group decision making,\"\nInternational Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, vol.6, no.1,\npp.38-46, 2013.\n[13] E. Jafarian and M.A. Rezvani, \"A valuation-based method for ranking\nthe intuitionistic fuzzy numbers,\" Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems,\nvol.24, pp.133-144, 2013.\n[14] A. Kaufmann and M.M. Gupta, Introduction to Fuzzy Arithmetic:\nTheory and Application. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1991.\n[15] H.M. Nehi, \"A new ranking method for intuitionistic fuzzy\nnumbers,\"International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, vol.12, no.1, pp.80-86,\n2010.\n[16] S. Önüt, S.S. Kara,and E. Işik, \"Long term supplier selection using a\ncombined fuzzy MCDM approach: A case study for a\ntelecommunication company,\" Expert Systems with Applications, vol.36\npp.3887-3895, 2009.\n[17] Y.L.P. Thorani, P. PhaniBushanRao, and N. Ravi Shankar, \"Ordering\ngeneralized trapezoidal fuzzy numbers,\"International Journal of\nContemporary Mathematical Science, vol.7, no.12, pp.555–573, 2012.\n[18] X. Wang and E.E. Kerre, \"Reasonable properties for the ordering of\nfuzzy quantities (I)& (II),\"Fuzzy Sets and Systems, vol.118, no.3,\npp.375-385 and pp.387-405, 2001.\n[19] Y.J. Wang and H.S. Lee, \"The revised method of ranking fuzzy numbers\nwith an area between the centroid and original points,\"Computers &\nMathematics with Applications,vol.55, no.9,pp.2033-2042, 2008.\n[20] Y.M. Wang, J.B. Yang, and D.L. Xu, \"On the centroids of fuzzy\nnumbers,\" Fuzzy Sets and Systems,vol.157,pp.919-926, 2006.\n[21] H.Y. Wu, G.H. Tzeng, and Y.H. Chen, \"A fuzzy MCDM approach for\nevaluating banking performance based on balanced scorecard,\"Expert\nSystems with Applicationsvol.36,no.6, pp.10135-10147, 2009.\n[22] L.A. Zadeh, \"The concept of a linguistic variable and its application to\napproximate reasoning, part 1,2 and 3,\" Information Science, vol.8, no.3,\npp.199-249, pp.301-357, 1975.\n[23] L.A. Zadeh, \"Fuzzy sets,\"Information and Control, vol.8, no.3,\npp.338-35, 1965."]}