A fibromialgia ? caracterizada por dor generalizada, sendo acompanhada por dist?rbios funcionais e afetivos. Este estudo avaliou a implica??o do receptor do pept?deo nociceptina/orfanina FQ (NOPr) em um modelo murino de fibromialgia. Os protocolos experimentais foram aprovados pela Comiss?o de ?tica no Uso de Animais (CEUA/PUCRS 15/00487). A fibromialgia foi induzida em camundongos f?meas CF-1 (20-24 g, 4 semanas de idade) pela administra??o de reserpina (0,25 mg/kg; via subcut?nea), uma vez ao dia, durante 3 dias consecutivos. Grupos controle receberam ve?culo. No quarto dia, os camundongos foram tratados com uma dose ?nica de nociceptina (N/OFQ) ou, do antagonista pept?dico seletivo, UFP-101, administrados por via intraperitoneal (i.p., 0,3-5 nmol/kg), intracerebroventricular (i.c.v., 0,3 -1 nmol/s?tio) ou intratecal (i.t., 0,3-5 nmol/s?tio), 30 min antes das sess?es experimentais. Em outra s?rie de experimentos, os animais foram tratados com o antagonista UFP-101 (1 nmol/kg) ou, com o antagonista n?o pept?dico, SB-612111 (6,6 ?mol/kg), administrados por via intraperitoneal, durante tr?s dias consecutivos, 30 min ap?s a inje??o di?ria de reserpina. No 4? dia, os animais tamb?m receberam um dos antagonistas, 30 min antes das avalia??es comportamentais. Os animais foram submetidos aos testes de Von Frey, placa quente, nado for?ado, labirinto em cruz elevado, rotarod e de preens?o palmar. A express?o da pr?-pr?-nociceptina ppN/OFQ e do NOPr foi determinada por RT-qPCR e imunoistoqu?mica. O microPET [18F]-FDG foi utilizado para avaliar os padr?es de ativa??o cerebral em camundongos tratados com reserpina. A distribui??o do tamanho das fibras musculares do masseter e do gastrocn?mio foi avaliada atrav?s de an?lise histol?gica. A ?rea e densidade das mitoc?ndrias no m?sculo esquel?tico foram analisadas por microscopia eletr?nica de transmiss?o. Nos protocolos de tratamentos agudos, a administra??o i.t. ou i.p. de N/OFQ (1 nmol/s?tio ou 1 nmol/kg, respectivamente) reduziu significativamente a alod?nia mec?nica induzida pela reserpina. Contudo, a administra??o i.p. de N/OFQ, na dose de 5 nmol/kg, teve efeito oposto, induzindo hipernocicep??o. Em rela??o aos efeitos agudos do UFP-101, este antagonista pept?dico, administrado pelas vias i.c.v. (1 nmol/s?tio), i.t. (3 e 5 nmol/s?tio) ou i.p. (1, 3 e 5 nmol/kg), reduziu significativamente a hipersensibilidade mec?nica em camundongos tratados com reserpina. O tratamento agudo com N/OFQ ou UFP 101 n?o alterou significativamente a hipersensibilidade t?rmica, pelas vias i.c.v. ou i.p. A administra??o i.t. de N/OFQ (3 nmol/s?tio) ou de UFP-101 (5 nmol/s?tio) teve um efeito inibit?rio significativo na nocicep??o t?rmica. No teste da nata??o for?ada, a reserpina elevou o tempo de imobilidade, e este foi inibido de forma significativa pela N/OFQ, administrada pelas vias i.c.v (1 nmol/s?tio) ou i.t. (3 nmol/s?tio). N/OFQ e UFP-101 n?o modificaram nenhum par?metro relacionado ? ansiedade. Os tratamentos repetidos com UFP-101 e com SB-612111 reduziram a alod?nia mec?nica (37 ? 8% e 43 ? 15,2%), a hipernocicep??o t?rmica (32,2 ? 5% e 45 ? 17,5%), melhoraram a coordena??o motora no rotarod (aumento de 7 e 2 vezes no tempo de perman?ncia) e a for?a de preens?o palmar (15 ? 16% e 9 ? 5.5%), respectivamente. A administra??o de ambos antagonistas n?o foi capaz de alterar par?metros de ansiedade ou depress?o. A fibromialgia induzida por reserpina foi associada ao aumento na express?o de RNAm para a ppN/OFQ na medula espinhal lombar (dia 3) e no masseter (dias 1 e 2), enquanto a express?o do RNAm do NOPr foi aumentada no m?sculo masseter (dia 1). Alternativamente, a express?o de RNAm do NOPr foi reduzida no t?lamo/hipot?lamo (dia 3). A an?lise por imunoistoqu?mica revelou express?o aumentada do NOPr no g?nglio da raiz dorsal (dia 4). O UFP-101 causou uma diminui??o no metabolismo de [18F]-FDG no giro do cingulado, no col?culo superior, no mesenc?falo esquerdo, no col?culo inferior esquerdo e no col?culo inferior direito de camundongos tratados com reserpina. Al?m disso, o UFP-101 preveniu as altera??es induzidas pela reserpina na distribui??o do tamanho das fibras musculares, de acordo com a avalia??o dos cortes histol?gicos do masseter e do gastrocn?mio. Tanto a indu??o da fibromialgia pela reserpina, quanto o tratamento cr?nico com UFP-101, n?o alteraram a ?rea mitocondrial. Em resumos, os dados do presente estudo indicam que o bloqueio farmacol?gico do NOPr reduziu os sintomas de dor, fadiga e adinamia, recuperando tamb?m os padr?es de ativa??o cerebral e as altera??es musculares esquel?ticas no modelo de fibromialgia experimental induzido pela reserpina. Al?m disso, express?o da ppN/OFQ e do NOPr foi alterada pela indu??o de fibromialgia, tanto em s?tios centrais, quanto perif?ricos, refor?ando a relev?ncia do sistema N/OFQ-NOPr na patofisiologia da fibromialgia. Fibromyalgia is characterized by widespread pain, being accompanied by functional and affective disorders. This study evaluated the implication of nociceptin/orphanin FQ peptide receptor (NOPr) in a mouse model of fibromyalgia. The local Animal Ethics Committee approved the experimental protocols (15/00487). Fibromyalgia was induced in female CF-1 mice (20-24 g, 4 week-old) by reserpine administration (0.25 mg/kg; subcutaneous route), once a day, during 3 consecutive days. Control groups received vehicle. On the fourth day, mice were acutely treated with the selective NOP agonist nociceptin (N/OFQ), or with the selective peptide antagonist UFP-101, given by intraperitoneal (i.p., 0.3 5 nmol/kg), intracerebroventricular (i.c.v., 0.3-1 nmol/site), or intrathecal (i.t., 0.3-5 nmol/site) routes, 30 min before the experimental sessions. In a separate set of experiments, the animals were treated with the peptide UFP-101 (1 nmol/kg) or the non-peptide SB-612111 (6.6 ?mol/kg) antagonists, given by intraperitoneal route, during three consecutive days, 30 min after daily reserpine injection. At the 4th day, mice also received the antagonist, dosed 30 min before evaluations. The animals were subjected to Von Frey, hot-plate, forced swimming, elevated plus-maze, rotarod and grasping tests. Pre-pro-nociceptin (ppN/OFQ) and NOPr expression was determined by RT-qPCR and immunohistochemistry. The [18F]-FDG microPET imaging was used to assess the brain activation patterns in reserpine-treated mice. The fiber size distribution of masseter and gastrocnemius muscles was evaluated by histological analysis. The mitochondria area and density in the skeletal muscle were analysed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). In the acute protocols of treatment, the i.t. or i.p. administration of N/OFQ (1 nmol/site or 1 nmol/kg, respectively) significantly reduced the mechanical allodynia. However, i.p. treatment with N/OFQ at the dose of 5 nmol/kg had an opposite effect, leading to hypernociception. Concerning the UFP-101 effects, this peptide antagonist given i.c.v. (1 nmol/site), i.t. (3 and 5 nmol/site) or i.p. (1, 3 and 5 nmol/kg) significantly reduced the mechanical hypersensitivity in mice treated with reserpine. The acute treatment with N/OFQ or UFP-101 did not significantly alter the thermal hypersensivity, when given by i.c.v. or i.p. routes. The i.t. administration of N/OFQ (3 nmol/site) and UFP-101 (5 nmol/site) had a significant inhibitory effect on the thermal nociception. The immobility time was significantly inhibited by N/OFQ, given by i.c.v (1 nmol/site) or i.t. (3 nmol/site) routes. N/OFQ and UFP-101 did not modify any anxiety-related parameter. The chronic treatment with UFP-101 and SB-612111 reduced the mechanical allodynia (37 ? 8% and 43 ? 15.2%) and the thermal hypernociception (32.2 ? 5% and 45 ? 17.5%), besides improving the motor coordination in the rotational apparatus (7 and 2-fold increase in permanence time) and the grasping strength (15 ? 16% and 9 ? 5.5%), respectively. None of the antagonists altered the parameters of anxiety or depression. Reserpine-induced fibromyalgia was associated with an increase in ppN/OFQ mRNA expression in the lumbar spinal cord (day 3) and masseter (days 1 and 2), whereas NOPr mRNA expression was increased in the masseter muscle (day 1). Alternatively, NOPr m RNA expression was reduced in the thalamus/hypothalamus (day 3). The immunohistochemistry analysis revealed an increased expression of NOPr in the dorsal root ganglion (DRG; on day 4). UFP-101 led to a decrease in the [18F]-FDG metabolism in cingulate gyrus, superior colliculus, left midbrain, left inferior colliculus and right inferior colliculus of reserpine treated mice. Additionally, UFP-101 prevented reserpine-induced changes in fiber size distribution, according to the assessment of masseter and gastrocnemius histological sections. TEM analysis revealed that either the induction of fibromyalgia by reserpine, or the chronic treatment with UFP-101, did not alter the mitochondrial area or density. The expression of nociceptin and NOPr was altered in the mouse model of fibromyalgia induced by reserpine. Remarkably, UFP-101 improved the symptoms of pain, fatigue and adinamia, also recovering the brain activation patterns and the muscle fiber changes in this experimental paradigm. Our data shed new lights on the mechanisms underlying the fibromyalgia pathogenesis, supporting a role for NOPr in this syndrome. Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES